And? Play some Morrowind(or next games in ES series), then talk about realistic underwater combat (and yes- you could use only daggers,fists and spears underwater, weight of the armor slow you down to crawl -there was also a "breath" timer)
There was also a variety of water related spells (underwater breathing, waterwalking, fast swimm)
Its quite obvious that there are some casuals in these thread that know NOTHING about Elder Scrolls series and lore
Folks that complaining about missing underwater content (some basic stuff, not "Bosses" ) are doing so cos this always was part of Elder Scrolls games
Btw - at this point we are right now, i am AGAINST adding it - i preffer devs to work on adding "missing" provinces, quests and such, not unimportant thing like underwater exploration (well maybe if they release Yokuda expansion