» Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:20 am
Huge shark-like creatures for the deep sea areas. Small fish, eels, or manta-rays (sting-rays) for the shallow areas. They can reuse the Cliff Racer models for the sting-ray, call it a Sting Racer or Sea Racer.
Or other slow-moving large creatures, nothing too familiar to Earth, more alien like previous Elderscrolls titles. But something scary should be moving down there to keep you on your toes. It should also have some poison or nerve toxin or something that it can spit out in black clouds to convince you to stay away. If you swim through it, you take damage or the affects. Otherwise you can avoid it 3 dimensionally.
Some kinds of waters, to show they are more dangerous, might have a cloud of Pirhana patrolling them. You step in, they chew your body apart very quickly... and yes ... the water should fill with blood to show this. Like a cloud of it expanding from your body. Maybe you need to poison the water to kill these fish, or shoot electricity into the waters to cook them.
I really hope they add life and immersion back into the waters this time around. Why even HAVE water if you're going to make it so boring and lifeless and unnecessary to the game in any way? Water is its own world, and if they do spend the time to make water more interesting, it will increase the overall size of the game by default. Because if you can adventure in the water, battle in the water, seek treasure in the water, and locate secret places in the water, all at great risk while doing so, then you've just made that environment another location to "play" in. Then that would make Skyrim's overall gaming size increase over Oblivion's even if they were exactly equal in square cubic feet.
And if they added an underwater city, or something awesome like that, then you'd have another city to visit, only by navigating the sea to do so. Wow, that would be intense! Especially if there was no light, and everything was glowing in the dark ....