also, the CS seems to be deleting parts of scripts at complete random. in my last test it had deleted the setstage that initiated the quest, which i knew was there cause i've tested portions of the quest numerous times and it's worked every time
the script attached to the quest looks like this
scn nameofscriptBegin GameMode if Player.GetItemCount item1ref == 1 setstage questname 12 EndIf if npc1.GetDead == 1 && npc2.GetDead == 1 && npc3.GetDead == 1 && npc4.GetDead == 1 setstage questname 55 endif if GetStageDone questname 35 == 1 && npc5.GetDead == 1 && GetStageDone questname 50 == 0 && GetStageDone questname 65 == 0 && GetStageDone questname 110 == 0 SetStage questname 36 Player.SetFactionRank factionname2 0 endif if GetPCFactionMurder factionname 1 SetStage questname 80 endifEnd
can anyone see any obvious problems with that? like i said earlier parts of the script (one of them being if the player has an item in their inventory, advance quest, the first if statement) won't work? when they used to?