I've recently re-installed oblivion after finally fixing my computer and got my ussual five mods. However now my game crashes seemingly at random once I exit the tutorial. I think it may have to do with exiting the first cell of the game or maybe with rendering or it could be something totally different. I first had this problem as soon as I exited the tutorial. The loadscreen would finish and dissapear but then the screen would go black and the game would crash. Then I deactivated all of my mods so I could get out into the world and then I re-activated them. Now the game crashes within five minutes of me starting it. Anyone have any ideas? Here is my load order
Fancesco's optional new items add-on.esm
Francesco's leveled creatures-items mod.esm
Francesco's optional New creature add on.esm
HorseCombatMaster.esm (for deadly reflex 5.0)
Francesco's 10 day respawn time.esp
Francesco's level up min mod.esp
Streamline 2.1.esp
Francesco's optional leveled guards.esp
Francesco's optional files 3.esp
Francesco's optional files 2.esp
Francesco's optional files 4.esp
Francesco's optional leveled arena.esp
DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp