unfair gameplay?

Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:27 pm

something I can't understand with this game and I've seen others online who feel the same. tecnacly this isn't possible , but it seems alot of the time I can shoot half a clip into someone's back and they turn round and I put the rest of the clip into them but somehow they manage to kill me, some questions I have are, do you take more damage the less energy you have? and also do you take extra damage in stealth mode?
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Lilit Ager
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:29 pm

Armor mode works likes this:

It absorbs 35% of the dmg done to you. If I hit you for 100 points, you lose 65 health and 35 energy. If you only have 10 energy and I hit you for 100 points, you lose 90 health and your last 10 energy. So yes, coming out of stealth mode with 10 energy and going in to armor mode is pretty much useless.

This isn't my own work..... This site is extremely helpful :


As far as stealth mode amplifying dmg.... I'm almost positive from personal experience that it does.
Denkirson hasn't figured it out yet either :/

And as far as emptying half a clip...... you're either lagging or you can't aim. I can usually kill 3 armored targets with one clip from a scarab. Aim for the head. Headshots matter more in this game than most others.
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Kelly James
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:06 am

I find this aswell it seems virtually impossible to kill them though they easily kill me.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:04 am

Keep in mind that this game's aim assist function is not as helpfull as CoD's.
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:26 pm

does anyone know why when you have a sniper you dont get the crosshairs when not aiming down sight.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:36 pm

mabye I shouldn't of turned aim assisit off, never need it on other games, but I've noticed most games I'm in no one has full bar connection, mainly 2 bar , and If uve got a ping of 140 , a pretty good ping , your aim is delayed ten percent of a second and they are also stood wer they would b in 10 percent of a second . and since they move quick it's. sinificent in this game, thanx for armour info . btw devs plz increase kill cam time x2 , they far too short to look cool

i think the lag thing is the reson 70. percent of the time I die from spray and pray
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