Alright, so I appear to have an unfixable bug on my hands with the Liberation of Skyrim quest. I didn't know which category to put this in, so I hope you'll bear with me. Basically, I've just finished liberating Falkreath hold and the "Reporting In" dialogue option won't appear when I talk to Ulfric Stormcloak. I have tried almost everything imaginable to fix this, to no avail. I've tried waiting. I've tried hitting him and talking to him again when he gets up. I've tried attacking him, leaving Windhelm, waiting three days and then going back. All to no avail. I have no previous saves to load, so that's out of the question too. I've had this character for over a year and I've put over 120 hours into him. He's level 68! I'm so determined to fix this glitch that I even transferred my save file onto PC in the hopes of using a console command to fix the problem and then put it back onto my Xbox. But not even that's worked. I've tried enabling and re-enabling him. That hasn't worked. I've tried using the SetStage command but not even that will work due to there only being two "Stages" in the Liberation of Skyrim quests. I'm completely at a loss on how to fix this issue. I really don't want to write this character off. I've put so much time into him. Do any of you have any idea how I could fix this? Console commands, mods, unofficial fixes, save game editors, ANYTHING? I'm not an expert on this stuff and I've been scouring the internet for days to no avail. This is my last hope. Do any of you know of anything that could help me? Thank you very much for your time.