Mhm... I keep getting a 404 with the last video.
But about the seduction ability I think I have an idea (I think that I suppose that I guess... hmm...): You could make it in two versions - one with individual targeting (affecting only the NPC indicated by crosshair) under one hotkey (and as a target/touch spell) and one with area effect (picking a number of people closest to you in a given area) under another (and a self-targeted spell), increasing in potency with age.
A level one vampire could only use the individual targeting version, but as they get older, they would get the area version which would increase in area as well as the number of people affected (Age^2 perhaps?) at later levels. A bit like Majesty discipline from VtR (or Presence in VtM).
With this you could make it hotkeyed, but I don't remember whether OBSE has a crosshair-targeting condition. The last time I wrote a script more complicated than adding an item through quest was most likely a couple of millennia ago, and by then OBSE was still a single-digit version. Though I believe I've seen it used in a mod somewhere.
I don't want to do another area affect power. GetNextRef is pretty slow and I'm already using it for horse scare, feeding on sleeping people and I'm just not happy with the time it takes on the cpu. THere is a GetCrosshairRef I could use to identify potential victims. I already have it increase in potency with age. Its too bad the crosshair doesn't span the entire level, it would be cool to reach someone from the shadows mentally, or to use my force feed effect from a long distance, I could essentially teleport the player there for a feed and it would look really cool as you move super fast, but I'm not sure its possible to extend the range of the crosshair target identifier.
It's a pretty cool feature to use in combat though, it reminds me of a snake hypnotising a mouse. Maybe to balance it you could disable it while wearing armour, or make it take a few seconds and be interrupted when hit, then you'd give players a choice of whether to play a dungeon "straight" or go properly nocturnal predator. Sticking to the shadows, separating one member of the herd and hypnotising him before slaughtering him like a lamb, but if you just go barging in you'll be in trouble.
Wearing anything other than jewelry reduces the chance for success. I will most likely nullify its effect if combat has begun.
This Cybernanni plugin Bethesda are running for their Board is [censored] up the url because of "w-hores" so i've put in a tinyurl.
Here is the new
Ah I didn't think it would stop that word.. lol. Thanks for posting it for me.
Thanks for the tinyurl, I was guessing the name wrongly >_>
The name's not a problem, and the character looks pretty cool too. Well, sixy actually, but sixy in a cool kinda way

As for the voice acting, it definitely sounds like real good voice acting. Unfortunatly the device used to record her voice doesn't seem to be a very good one...
I haven't done any post processing yet, I wanted to get some spoken lines in there first then I use the same settings for the whole batch so they are all the same.
If your looking for alternatives, think this might work?
Blood Doll: Someone who gives blood in hopes of looking cool and/or who may have erotic desires fulfilled by being fed on. is a nice site for terminology.
That might work. But this one does it for money. Not that it makes that much difference in the end or anything. I don't want my mod to end up a six mod, but I don't want it dumbed down and to be a pg13 thing Like my Eyja mod was. I want this mod to feel like a hardcoe vampire mod. Your in the realm of creatures of the night and there will be a vast array of experiences. Gritty dark places with prostitution, blood exchange, etc and then uppity classy places with rules and old shrewd vampires in control. Nice site BTW!