Wow I got all these emails showing massive #'s of comments then its just two guys going back and forth about something I've never even heard of, lol.
Anyhow... PM that stuff next time dudes. I personally don't care, but I think there's probably a lot of readers who have to sift through that stuff to get to the relevant goods.
Heh, sorry about that - Obsessive-Compulsive Geektalk, can't really control that ;>
What characteristics do you guys think should influence a Vampire's ability to charm?
For sure:
vampire age
wearing armor
target willpower
same/opposite six?
Anything else? Persuasion skill?
Hunger & 'Coffin deficiency' perhaps? Without delving too deep this time, someone who's hungry or sleepy probably isn't the most effective seducer around?
kostresa also mentioned Responsibility, which IMO is a great idea - a captain of the guard may not be as inclined to leave his post as a pirate his table, whether compelled by mind control or a bribe - I guess morality also contributes to a kind of 'influence resistance' (well, really, guards don't all have to be saints, but since everything in Oblivion is either black or white - with the exception of Shivering Isles, where you can also spot pink - I guess you can get away with such generalisations).
And of course disposition could be a minor factor too - we're talking mind control, so liking you isn't really all that important, but may still slightly contribute to the overall subconscious psychological immunology - after all, it's easier to be influenced by someone you trust, when your guard is down and familiarity weakens the sense of reason, than by a total stranger who comes up and says "a bite plzzzz!!!1".