Maybe. Still, I'm a fan of the World of Darkness' unforgiving approach, where no matter what you try there are obstacles which just cannot be overcome.
I agree, experience once per victim is a great idea. Playing ParasiteX's I had enough blood to advance to the last level before my age allowed me even for the fourth. Later, feeding just lost sense (except the occasional sip once a few days to avoid starving).
I also like the concept of neonates' want for advancement, but what about other elders? For example, I'm sure Count Hassildor wouldn't be terribly happy with another elder building their empire's capital in the middle of his city, and even less contented if said vampire drew more and more young leeches with their very presence. But in this case I suppose it's a material for a whole quest chain, if not a quest web, rather than for random vampire encounters.
Edit: I just watched one of your previous videos and noticed a funny sound when falling (a bit like dropping a heavy stone block on a wooden floor) - is this some sound replacer or just an audio artefact come from Fraps?
I understand your desire for a brutal vampire world, but I've let the few with a loud voice influence me before to where the masses were unhappy, so I have to go with my gut on this one and respectfully decline. Play the mod first. You might find that it is already TOO brutal. I am a bit of a masochist so you might be pleasantly surprised. There is garlic damage, weakness to fire, holy damage, sun damage, three stages of vampire hunters who can flee and come back with hoards, you take damage if you drink dead blood, blood potions cannot make you advance, you need a coffin, and probably some other stuff I forgot. This mod has more downsides to being a vampire than any other mod in existence. (please correct me if I'm wrong)
I removed the age requirements for advancement in feeding in ParasiteX's code so there is never waiting for age to catch up.
I will set up quests in the second release concerning covens, Count Hassidor, etc.
I probably have 20 videos now. Not sure what you were talking about. Name the video and how many seconds into it the sound occurs and I can try to tell you what it was.
The last thrall video looks great and the addition of good voice acting is very nice. It really adds to the immersion. I was thinking if you do go with a xp for vamp leveling is it possible to scale it so low level people give you less and high level more? This might be an incentive to shop around when you looking to feed instead of just grabbing the first bum off the street. Indeed you might start hunting the high level npcs, or seeking them out to befriend them and draw them into your influence. Also it might give a reason to do more incombat force feeding as alot of mobs ,in vanilla at least, are not always ones you can sneak up on while they sleep.
I don't think adding in the victim's level is a good idea due to mods, and even vanilla leveling will make everyone high level as you age, making it even easier to advance instead of harder. I can use my blood quality system but I don't want more than 1 point per victim no matter what, and I don't know what would happen if I started using floating point integers. Meaning, I don't know what .25 would do. Probably nothing if I changed all my shorts to floats.. but I would just rather not do it. I think once I make it so only one xp point per victim it might become harder to progress. Are there even 250 npc's in the game? I'm sure there are counting dungeon people which will respawn. WHat I'm worried about is save game bloat adding tokens to everyone, and introducing bugs at this point by changing things. I didn't write the feed system so I'm reluctant to toy with it because that code is creepy to me, to say the least.
I'm sure you dont have time for this being so close to your first release, and it may not be the way you see vampires, but just throwing out an idea. It would be intersesting if there were different ways to be a vampire. If you drain sleeping people dry and force feed often for example you might gain power, advancing in vamp xp quickly, but the evilness of your chosen path would have repercussions in that you would be more vulnerable to the sun and fire damage, perhaps having difficulty rising and acting while during the day, or in concealing your vampire nature.
Another path such as one that avoids drinking sleeping people dry, and where you more often seduce into willingly giving you their blood might give you a different set of abilites and let you more easily act during the day and stand the power of the sun longer.
There was a great vampire book by Robin McKinley called "Sunshine" that explore ideas like this.
What you have put out for view so far looks awesome, Thank you for the great effort.
That sounds like what I have planned for rogue vampires. They need more blood but gain power fast. I don't want to mess with my current vampire script but if I allow the player to get the rogue infection then they will have different abilities and progression.
That video was pretty funny to me. You gave her permission to she did right away and thanked you for it

Well we can't run around with our buffy face and ugly fangs hanging out can we? Really I just don't have the time or resources to make it any other way. I can't account for who the player will turn so they are pretty much all going to be happy puppies that follow you.
:ooo: dude, that video was awesome! :clap:
Glad you liked it.
Just a few ideas (since I've been exploring the various vampire mods out there and not liking the crashes from some of the betas, but that's expected):
1.) Vampire age comes into factor for blood usage, draining skills will drain blood a LOT faster than a younger vampire, meaning your skills are powerful but at a great cost (limited duration). As the body ages, it's use of blood should be less efficient.
2.) Towns keep count of "vampire related attacks", the higher the vampire's age, the higher the "attack per real attack ratio" is, so if a young vampire attacks 1 time, it's counted as 1, if an ancient does it, it's 10 per 1 attack. Once the count reaches a certain amount (say every 25 attacks), one or more vampire hunters are hired to search the city and plant traps. The amount of attacks will drop down to 0 by a rate of 1 per week. Once that happens, the town lets the hunters go (another week should pass for them to clean up all the traps).
3.) Vampire hunters will have bows and wooden stakes for arrows, possibly poisoned with garlic (yes, they SHOULD hurt like hell). One arrow should kill a young vampire (who isn't wearing really good armor).
4.) There should be roaming Vampire hunters that wander the roads (travel packages from town to town).
5.) Vampire hunters should be either wearing an amulet of garlic or some magical garlic item, to make fighting them harder, and also keeping the human appearance difficult around them (if possible at all).
6.) Occasionally, you may see Vampire hunters with "normal" looking clothing (playing possum), meaning they're wandering around with a magical cloak of clothing on, so when you get close and attack them, they cast the reverse spell and there you are, face to face with a fully armored Vampire hunter! (And if you're a young one, if you don't get the H out of there and pray he's a lousy aim otherwise you're dead.)
*7.) Vampire hunters shouldn't actually be named "Vampire hunter" (kind of gives away who they are), but rather name them commonly to the original game's names, so they sound familiar but are not (downside is you have to create a large amount of them).
Just some thoughts, as right now, I'm finding vampires with the "Hunter" class, are next to uber at level 1 vampire (level 3 player).
P.S. * Just a thought, kind of makes the immersion better if you don't know who you're fighting, perhaps just call them "Guard", but perhaps make sure their bow or something about their armor will tell you who they are instead.

1. already implemented, to some degree. Baseline time cravings are reduced. Powers still drain the same amount but with the baseline time craving reduced it seems like the other powers last much longer before cravings kick in.
2. I don't know of any way to keep track of incidents within towns, so I just have one global area vampire bounty and vampire rumors records which I use. But I have a system that is similar to that, but not localized. Vampire hunters, once hired will track you anywhere you go. Setting up localized patrols in the cities is a bad idea because everyone will have 20,000 city mods they want me to support. So far I haven't touched one outside cell and I intend to keep it that way, except for exterior vampire buildings I put in for the quests.
3. Already have one hunter with a bow and she has special vampire killing arrows. I'd like to make the guards upgrade their stuff if they see you and you get away, that might be possible but I doubt I'll get to it.
4. Bad idea again. Too many conflicts with other mods. The basic rule is never modify an exterior cell and make everything new. I don't want 10,000 emails about how one quest doesn't work because of x mod conflict. I have vampire hunters follow you around and great distances at first. They are so far away you might not even see them. They could be just hanging out it seems. Or are they following you? I think its sufficient. They will destroy your coffins later probably, and drop garlic at your feet and other nasty stuff.
5. I might be able to add my garlic script to a vampire hunters amulet. That could be cool.
6. Sounds good... I do want to improve the hunters some yet.
7. The only way that is going to change is if you write me a single quest script that is started and stopped on spawn of the vampire hunters. We shall call this script with startquest VampireHunterNamingQuest and then in it you will write code which randomly picks a first name, and randomly a last name, then applies that code to the hunters name. You can probably use an array and setnamex to get the job done. Then put a stopquest VampireHunterNamingQuest command in there, then I can merge that one script into my mod, and it won't take any cpu other than once in a blue mood when the vampire hunter respawns. You can get the names if you google oblivion name generator.
If you really want to get involved... research if its possible to change hair color, style and other attributes on the fly which would make them feel a bit more random.
ass kickin is what you do!
but now that messagebox got my attention
It popped up, cause you turned an immortal character into a vampire right?
Do mortals need to get burried then?
Yes. However, I kind of like how the essential characters just die and turn right away, like in interview with a vampire. I know how to fix the face stuff... so I might change them all to this way instead of burying them.
I like most of Guru's ideas. Xrd80, with his obsession of WoD (

) made me think about a detail in VtM. Vampires who kill innocent humans are penalized with a loss of humanity, and a greater risk of going into a frenzy. Now, without going the "frenzy" way, nor penalizing you for killing (as there's a lot of killing...), maybe killing humans via bloodsvcking could affect your character in some way? Just throwing ideas around, for another release later.
Now that force feed is done, I could make a random chance if you are really hungry and if you force feed a lot, or have a lot of murders the code already scans for refs when you are outside, I could make it so the wind catches the scent of a victim and you just fooosh over to the victim and start feeding without the player being able to stop that. It would only happen if you are starving. I'm pretty sure I could do it easily though, and it would be a really cool effect, and throw the player into a potentially bad situation if they didn't manage their blood cravings

EDIT: Wow I think they took out that stupid time limit to reply crap. This reply took over an hour to make and I didn't get the dumb box saying it timed out or whatever. NICE.