1. already implemented, to some degree. Baseline time cravings are reduced. Powers still drain the same amount but with the baseline time craving reduced it seems like the other powers last much longer before cravings kick in.
Well, in line with a lot of people saying "uberness svcks", it's a hard thing to avoid and an even harder thing to please everyone (incase you're trying, I wouldn't, there'll always be that ONE person, it's not me)

2. I don't know of any way to keep track of incidents within towns, so I just have one global area vampire bounty and vampire rumors records which I use. But I have a system that is similar to that, but not localized. Vampire hunters, once hired will track you anywhere you go. Setting up localized patrols in the cities is a bad idea because everyone will have 20,000 city mods they want me to support. So far I haven't touched one outside cell and I intend to keep it that way, except for exterior vampire buildings I put in for the quests.
Hmm, well, the current parent cell of the parent cell (world, etc) should tell you where you are. Most cities have location names, and only match the names against known cities (so if there's other cities added, tough beans).
3. Already have one hunter with a bow and she has special vampire killing arrows. I'd like to make the guards upgrade their stuff if they see you and you get away, that might be possible but I doubt I'll get to it.
Well, vampire hunters are there for one thing, to kill them, so you'd think with how fast vampires and how strong they are over them, they'd have mastered the quick kill.
4. Bad idea again. Too many conflicts with other mods. The basic rule is never modify an exterior cell and make everything new. I don't want 10,000 emails about how one quest doesn't work because of x mod conflict. I have vampire hunters follow you around and great distances at first. They are so far away you might not even see them. They could be just hanging out it seems. Or are they following you? I think its sufficient. They will destroy your coffins later probably, and drop garlic at your feet and other nasty stuff.
Actually, the movement for a town would be basically the package for the town's guard movements. One mod I have is "Beautiful Watch", they're extra female guards, they wander all of the cities on the standard guard movement for that city (IE: the guard package for that city's guard movements).
5. I might be able to add my garlic script to a vampire hunters amulet. That could be cool.
Well, I didn't hear much back from you on the TrigZones, did you get them working? Those would really work well with the garlic. And could also work with other things.
7. The only way that is going to change is if you write me a single quest script that is started and stopped on spawn of the vampire hunters. We shall call this script with startquest VampireHunterNamingQuest and then in it you will write code which randomly picks a first name, and randomly a last name, then applies that code to the hunters name. You can probably use an array and setnamex to get the job done. Then put a stopquest VampireHunterNamingQuest command in there, then I can merge that one script into my mod, and it won't take any cpu other than once in a blue mood when the vampire hunter respawns. You can get the names if you google oblivion name generator.
Actually, what you do is make a base hunter, and create duplicates based on that hunter. You could even just call them by the city guard they're with, if they're called to a city. SetNameEx is only useful on one item. If you do that, you affect the base object, no ID can carry more than one name. If you want a bunch of them, they have to be separate copies all with separate refs.
EDIT: Wow I think they took out that stupid time limit to reply crap. This reply took over an hour to make and I didn't get the dumb box saying it timed out or whatever. NICE.
No, it's still around, just seems to be intermittent.
