I had a thought, you've already got the follow going, what exactly out of the CM did you want done? Sneak and such? As for the inventory, I have an idea, rather than doing an inventory copy to a container, how about a separate container for each embraced NPC and you can ask to look at their carrying sack. The sack would then reject stuff if you put too much into it. Unlike CM's which you can load up with 1000's of pounds of stuff and they keep moving, with this you could offer them to carry stuff for you, but not like a CM pack mule. Honestly, I don't know exactly what else you're wanting, but maybe message me with the things you're wanting.
Well I guess the issue for me was, I already had built follow code, stay, sneak, and other things, then I turn my cm partner and there is all this extra dialogue, and the commands I had put together were pretty weak compared to the cm partner stuff in contrast. I could do inventory and just keep embellishing my stuff I guess, but I think it would be cooler just to some how make it work with cm partners. I haven't looked at it in 6 months, so I probably could figure something better out now. Ultimately I'd like to be able to assign a cm partner script dynamically in the game to a new turned NPC, and then add my existing vampire specific commands.
I've learned quite a bit about scripting since I did the turning stuff. Like object scripts don't run outside of your cell as far as I can tell. Anyhow, I need to revisit turned vampires because I don't like how they get the ugly effect, etc. I tried changing their eyes via obse but never got it to work. I suspect it was the same frame stuff like I had with my third person script. You have to disable them, wait a frame, then then enable. That causes them to blink or flash though and I don't think that is acceptable, so I have to come up with something else.
Cool, what about vanilla quests where you have to go in the church? A special hoodie that stunts magicka but allows protection?
I have an idea... (probably would be too much for this version), but it would be nice to possess your ghouls during the day, so you can get them to do your chores (ex. selling loot, act as an emissary to speak to nobles who are only available during the day) while you slumber in the day. Wyre Morph does that sort of thing.
There isn't holy damage in every church, but if there is one in a quest, take lots of healing potions potions. I use ASI leveling so I get max hit points. This is pretty much needed in OOO anyway.
hahaha. I near spilled my soda after reading that.
Anyways, how often will the hunters respawn, the standard 3 days?
lol. No, I could never get the respawn crap to work so I just wrote my own code. Currently its every 4 days.
Though if true it would be quite amusing to be a vampire hunter yourself and just eat 5 lbs of garlic then be all rambo on them nasties. :celebration:
Yeah that would be cool, but sadly I've only focused on the vampire player experience. Pretty much none of my work would be evident as a non vampire, nor are the NPC's affected.
Aside of the negative sides like dying from garlic, the player vampire should get a penalty in seduction as well.
The smell of garlic coming out of the player pores would be enough to nullify the attraction for the opposite six. :shakehead:
I think the chance for that to happen would be fairly slim, but it is a funny idea. I can think about adding something like that in.
I know you can't force feed on hunters but it would be cool to be able to capture them and let the garlic leave their body so I can later 'turn' them just to be a jerk

edit: could hunters have collectibles on them which we can loot and keep as prizes? I have not read all the threads entirely but i'm assuming that hunters will come after you forever? If there were a set amount of hunters you could make them more unique. after the biggest and baddest of them were dead maybe people would give up on hunting you or maybe then would simple random regenerating hunters start appearing. It would just be nice to take out the hunters guild entirely as just one more thing to accomplish in game. Just a thought
Yes you can force feed on hunters. I will think about making it possible to capture NPCs. I have thrall cages already, and a way to lure someone with six appeal. If I can figure out how to lock doors for real, then it would be feesible to lure someone in there, kiss feed on them or force feed so they pass out, then lock the door. Perhaps I just need a script to lock the door and then NPC's can't get out. I've seen NPC's open and close cages though that were set to locked in the CS I'm pretty sure, and they didn't have a key, so I don't know if Oblivion locks stop anyone but the player. I will look into this, it would be really cool to be able to enslave someone. I guess I could add a trigger zone in there that just adds a script package to stay put once they are in the cage. That would be easier than trying to make doors actually lock NPC's in, and then they would spas out trying to leave with their package anyway, so the trigger idea is way better and would look more convincing.
I like that way of thinking.
Me too. I don't know if you could turn a vampire hunter though, they have coding to lower their liking towards you, which ultimately is required to pass the dark gift on. It might be possible with a powerful enough charm spell and a lot of bribe money, but the probably can't be bribed.
Haha, that sounds fun. But dangerous too... perhaps there could be a quest where you do this and then have to "win over" your newest minion? And if you do win them over they get a *huge* stat bonus (Compared to say that blacksmith you turned) because they were formerly vampire hunters.
There is no need, they already have a huge stat bonus. Vampire hunters are really tough. Tougher than guards in my estimation.