Well, that sounds like a decent idea, the "maker" that is, though there *is* the vampire offering from the Dark Brotherhood, but I'm not sure if thats the same thing, since I never took the person up on the offer. There are vampire companions (non-cm) that can also infect you if you sleep near them. Just a thought, but the messagebox dialog asking if you want the infection instantly, I guess for some would be fine, though I'd myself, add it to the options and make it so you have to turn that on, or "request offering" or something, since it'll most likely instantly come up during creation of the character (unless you test for completion of the tutorial quest). I've had my fair share of mal-behaved mods that interfere with creating characters, just hoped this one wouldn't be on that list. I doubt you'd let that happen.

No it doesn't come up in menumode, in game mode. So basically it's just s simple one time messagebox that lets you get on with vampirism right away. I think making this an optional popup would be a complete waste of time. I mean all you have to do is click yes or no and its the last time you'll ever see it. It would take you longer to read a readme and go into an ini file to disable it than to just click yes or no when you create a new character, IMHO. So it comes up when all the other BS does like all the official plugins bethesda made, it comes up with those.
I use the skip intro mod though, so I start a new character and I'm at the sewer exits.
Maybe I value it more than the average player would because I create new characters and don't want to spend 30 hours playing before I can dare facing a vampire and try to get infected, nor even have the power to murder anyone and get into the darrk brotherhood, and then have to be mostly through that before I can become a vampire. But I use OOO so vampires are brutal and level one characters are crap. So for me being able to get infected at the sewers is a blessing. Like I said, just click no once and its over, not so painful. I am sure many people will appreciate it.
That would be cool. I hope you can get around to that.
IMO, it is a bit lame to just get "scratched" by a random vampire in a cave and they turn you. But at the same time, I think it's equally lame to just get a pop-up box that asks if you want to be a vampire.
BTW, nice avatar madmole.
Yeah, that vampire in the DB offers to give you the dark gift. I originally was going to become a vampire like that (awaiting on this mod first) but I couldn't wait that long and ended up finishing the DB questline...or most of it anyways. Still got a few more quests to go.
Bit off topic here, but why is there no simple tags when making a reply anymore? Not in the fast reply box nor the full reply box

EDIT: nevermind. Was noscript (firefox add-on) blocking part of the site. Didn't even think to check that even though the forums have obviously changed a lot.
Equally lame perhaps, but much less annoying IMO. I could just infect people automatically with no warning box, lol. But I left it open so if you don't want to be a vampire right away or want to role play your transformation somehow, thats still possible.
Glad you like my avatar. Eyja was a good run, but she's history so I figured I might as well make my new avatar reflect what I'm working on ATM.
I'm either going to be a vampire right away or not at all when I play. So maybe I wrote that feature for myself, but there are mods out there where you can start out as a vampire already. That would be a little tougher since my mod you need to become a vampire after you install it (at least right now) in order for the quests to work right. I need to make the hooded man approach existing vampire characters and kick off the quests differently yet for existing vamps.
EDIT: I noticed were' on page 3 now but closing in on 100 posts... I wonder if they kept the 200 post limit stuff? Probably, it just won't be 10 pages any more, more like 5 or 6 I'm guessing.