Anything over 5 days and we'll kill you

Exactly, no pressure

I've been watching this mod for a while now and I really like it. I also admire your mode of work - you set yourself a reasonable amount of work and date for the release and seem determined to reach your goals in time. Better yet, you do actually make fast and visible progress, which is quite a feat for most solitary modders (and, sadly, a lot of teams as well). I hope you don't lose your focus. You have my spiritual support, for what it's worth.
This mod is one of the few which can make me re-install Oblivion - I don't actually like the game itself, but every time there is some good-quality project going on, it brings me hope that I can still enjoy it. So I just thought that perhaps I could throw a little question and suggestion once in a while, since I'm already invading your thread and there's really little that even the Powers That Be can do about it anyway

First thing, a question: Earlier you mentioned that there will be some optional morph settings (or perhaps it's just my memory lying to me) including the Buffy-esque 'game face' - because one looks bloody awesome*. Is this the morph you were talking about or is that NPC's face just unique?
And I'd also like to suggest something, unless it's already been implemented: What about the claws? They are included in the 'vamp out' toggleable power, if I'm right? Are they just cosmetic or do they have some use besides 'looking cool'? I thought that perhaps you could make them a low-level shapeshifting power (My guess is, since you already have the giant bat transformation for ancients, you could as well allow the mid-agers to turn into mist or 'get batty', and the bottom feeders to at least scratch other animals with their shiny, sharp claws). You could make the claws increase your hand-to-hand damage (I believe, there are some magic-imbued-fists spells in Midas Magic), while slowly draining your blood (also adjustable with +/- keys, just like other abilities).
It's just my suggestion on expanding your vampires' shapeshifting - I always liked that 'showy Gypsy' Dracula-esque stuff.
* - I never really imagined that these Oblivion potato-head-models can be, uh... less potatoic.