» Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm
I'm taking a much needed hiatus from Oblivion and modding, and the computer too. I am playing Saints Row II on my 360 and having a lot of fun with it. I love free roaming sandbox games and really its not all that far of a game from Oblivion when you break it down, so I'm getting some mission ideas from it, etc. I'm actually getting some inspiration from it that I think I can use on Unholy Darkness.
Also I was considering changing the rogues to more of a new breed of vampire like creatures that are mistaken for vampires and are giving vampires an even worse reputation. Sort of like in Blade II, perhaps vampires were experimenting with potions/magic/science trying to get rid of sun damage, holy damage and other vampire weaknesses and the results were unexpected.
It really isn't much different story wise than what I've come up with, other than these vampires would have a host of different powers, be evil in general, and the infection is quick. They would possibly be a playable race included in the mod, and have some powers like vampires, but have some fundamental differences:
They would feed until dead, they are too animal like to control themselves.
They need to feed a lot more often to keep their strength up.
They would progress in power faster than a vampire.
They would have a full set of fangs (every tooth is sharp) and look a lot more gross when they turn. Turning takes about 30 seconds, not 3 days and a burial ceremony.
I think a few other traits would be regeneration, but no healing or potions. They lust for power and control. They are nocturnal, but can be in daylight, but it weakens them a little bit. They would be a lot stronger than a new vampire, but significantly weaker than an ancient vampire. Their skills would be based about combat/strength/speed/agility/regeneration, and none of the charming/persuasion stuff a vampire has.
So it could work like these guys are running around turning everyone into one of them, like zombie infections. Commoners and most people of Cyrodiil do not know the difference between one of these and a traditional vampire, thus they are all labeled "vampires" and these new infectious beasts are giving normal vamps a seriously bad name and quick. So the covenant wants to destroy them completely, and the rogues want to just take over everything, humans and vampires alike. THey see humans as food to be enslaved, and vampires as their only legitimate threat.
Its not a major change, but one that seems to give me creative license to do some more interesting quests and create some cool powers and visuals for the rogues. Otherwise, the old way the difference was role playing for the most part, among minor appearance and game play style differences in the "guilds". But these new rogues I feel would give this mod a little more pep.
I'm curious what you guys think.