[WIPz] Unholy Darkness

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:21 pm

dang this forum keeps getting more and more busy. I haven't been able to check it as much because of rl, college and all that. I'd really like to see some lore implemented as said a few times before me. I really like the ideas of the deathdealers as well and actually having faction based quests from that too

and as for vampire artifacts how about the vampiric ring from tamrielic lore. it would make since they would want this powerful artifact. I think it granted a spell that absorbed health, maybe it could be made to be a little bit more interesting than that. like some resistances and abilities reflecting more of the full nature of a vampire. Somebody mentioned vampire trials, fire etc; this could be the reward for making it through. A custom mesh would be cool for it since it looked cool in morrowind, but I think you said you didn't play it.

keep up the good work :)
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Jessica Stokes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 pm

I am sorry, this is not strictly related to Unholy Darkness but...

... I wanted to ask: what's the name of the custom race mod madmole uses for his female characters? I am talking about those in UD screenshots and videos.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:55 am

its a custom version of the raven elves race made by him. The raven elves are basically the same except for some markings under the eyes.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

The wolf from midas does attack, i can't remember if it is hotkeyed or just when you run into something, or an enemy. Mind you midas is completely done without OBSE, so im sure it wouldn't be too difficult to improve on it.

I could just imagine a quest where as one of factions you approach the others strong hold, you any several vampire lords march towards the keep, in an act of defiance they do it in daylight, the sun is burning the undead warriors. As the other faction watches as you and your allies burn they get confident, only to have their spirits crushed to see the sky suddenly darken as the factions elder mages drag one of the moons in the way of the sun(no sure if you can script a sequence like this, i think the moons move in the sky so i assume it would be possible somehow) as a shadow is cast across the field the vampires you are with let out a battle cry as they turn into their beastial forms, using a power sprint they rush towards the keep jumping up before the gates to fly into the building.
Que intense, awesome fighting and crazy carnage.

Could have the rogues destroying the vampire realm somehow, probably through gathering some powerful artifact. Maybe you find the artifact early on and they start to discover its power throughout the questline, so you can see its evolution.

Maybe you could have it being a human (a catalyt or something like claire in heroes for those that watch it) who's blood greatly empowers the vampires or something.

I think you should restrict the quests in a similar way that the thieves guild do, except instead of sold stolen goods, it should be vampire level and blood level or whatever system you are using.
Yes this may annoy some people not being able to rush through it, but in the end it will be much more satisfying to have played your character in enough detail to enjoy doing the quests with them over time.

Hrmm can't really think of any more ideas at the moment.

After haloween is fine, don't stress yourself, just chill and enjoy your progress!
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 am

Also, seeing as this is Oblivion and not WoD, why not have a few missions directly from Molag Bal?
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:14 pm

its a custom version of the raven elves race made by him. The raven elves are basically the same except for some markings under the eyes.

Hey, thanks sloblivion. You seems to know everything about this mod. Madmole should hire you as a PR manager or something!

Any chance we could get our hands on that modified version of the raven elves? ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:24 am

This will have to be the best mod ever in my opinion. There are some things I don't like, but I figure pretty much everything else is more than enough to compensate. I loved the idea of vampires but I don't like that there is so little to do with them, and this mod will hopefully fix that.
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meghan lock
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

The wolf from midas does attack, i can't remember if it is hotkeyed or just when you run into something, or an enemy. Mind you midas is completely done without OBSE, so im sure it wouldn't be too difficult to improve on it.

IIRC, it's when you run into an enemy.
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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:38 pm

Once again just here to check the progress and give some mental encouragement! Keep going! You've gotten this far and "This far" just so happens to be a heck of a lot farther than alot of mods so keep it up!! :celebration:
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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:47 pm

I'm taking a much needed hiatus from Oblivion and modding, and the computer too. I am playing Saints Row II on my 360 and having a lot of fun with it. I love free roaming sandbox games and really its not all that far of a game from Oblivion when you break it down, so I'm getting some mission ideas from it, etc. I'm actually getting some inspiration from it that I think I can use on Unholy Darkness.

Also I was considering changing the rogues to more of a new breed of vampire like creatures that are mistaken for vampires and are giving vampires an even worse reputation. Sort of like in Blade II, perhaps vampires were experimenting with potions/magic/science trying to get rid of sun damage, holy damage and other vampire weaknesses and the results were unexpected.

It really isn't much different story wise than what I've come up with, other than these vampires would have a host of different powers, be evil in general, and the infection is quick. They would possibly be a playable race included in the mod, and have some powers like vampires, but have some fundamental differences:

They would feed until dead, they are too animal like to control themselves.

They need to feed a lot more often to keep their strength up.

They would progress in power faster than a vampire.

They would have a full set of fangs (every tooth is sharp) and look a lot more gross when they turn. Turning takes about 30 seconds, not 3 days and a burial ceremony.

I think a few other traits would be regeneration, but no healing or potions. They lust for power and control. They are nocturnal, but can be in daylight, but it weakens them a little bit. They would be a lot stronger than a new vampire, but significantly weaker than an ancient vampire. Their skills would be based about combat/strength/speed/agility/regeneration, and none of the charming/persuasion stuff a vampire has.

So it could work like these guys are running around turning everyone into one of them, like zombie infections. Commoners and most people of Cyrodiil do not know the difference between one of these and a traditional vampire, thus they are all labeled "vampires" and these new infectious beasts are giving normal vamps a seriously bad name and quick. So the covenant wants to destroy them completely, and the rogues want to just take over everything, humans and vampires alike. THey see humans as food to be enslaved, and vampires as their only legitimate threat.

Its not a major change, but one that seems to give me creative license to do some more interesting quests and create some cool powers and visuals for the rogues. Otherwise, the old way the difference was role playing for the most part, among minor appearance and game play style differences in the "guilds". But these new rogues I feel would give this mod a little more pep.

I'm curious what you guys think.
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:13 am

I'm curious what you guys think.

i love the new idea :), sounds awesome and unique!
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:17 pm

This is exactly what I am looking for an a vampire mod. When it's finished, I am uninstalling the one I have, and installing this one. :P
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Russell Davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:25 pm

sounds really interesting, it would certainly add more depth to the factions. Increasing hatred on both sides instead of them being more of a common cause with different ways of getting there. These vampires would be totally different altogether. It will be cool to see what comes of this, although I think I'm still partial to the charming, dark vampire. I'd give a run through as a vicious monster.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:39 pm

Glad you're enjoying yourself taking a break an enjoying yourself. Always a great thing.

I think that would be great. I like the idea that they start out with more power than a normal newbie vampire, but don't have the potential for power that an aged vampire does. (where vampires progress exponentially, while these mutants progress linearly at a higher starting point). IMHO ancients still should be able to whoop any of them. In such a case ancients could easily take one down, but against +20 would be a wild battle (more if the computer hardware could handle it). I wonder if you could have customized number of monster spawns depending upon your computer's processing power. To add to that thought, if you join them, you get to command large numbers in a battle. You overwhelm your opponents by numbers.

Personally I probably wouldn't play them, but I'd certainly enjoy fighting them.
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:38 am

I just got a mental image of tons of nastly little Nosferatu-esq vampires chasing me into my home where all my vamp children will be waiting, just wondering will the Rogues be a brand new race? like if I bite a highelf and dunmer will they look the same after they turn? or will they just have the nasty fangs? either way it would be cool.

I will definately make 2 new characters to play both sides of this.

I also support the thought that newbie test-tube-vamps would be more powerful than a newbie traditional vamp but never making it to the ancients power level, still I think 4-6 should be enough to make an anciet worry if he's alone, I think this mod will be even more epic than VE for Morrowind and I still have morrowind installed just because of VE. Your mod will be the only reason I start Oblivion back up so thanks MM :)
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:44 pm

Blasphemy! VE on Morrowind rules all and binds them all! (joking) Excellent mod nevertheless. A good source of inspiration if madmole wants to extend his break.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:38 pm

Hrmm i do like the idea for the rogues, but only if you can whip up a believable back story as to why they arise, why they want to destroy everything, etc etc.
I think having all teeth in very spine like fangs is a cool idea, and also white eyes with only the black pupil in the middle, to make them look more souless. Maybe they need to feed much more often to retain their power, they are much more empowered then vampires when after drinking but this quickly diminishes to much less. So potentially they are more powerful but you would need a decent network built up to be able to feed sufficiently to keep your power up.

In the sun their skin goes paler, veins bulge all over skin, their skin tightens making them seem thinner. In the sunlight they get more desperate so speed increases as you try break for cover but strength is decreased along with endurance. So its not advisable for them to be in sun, they look monstrous in sun and they are a lot weaker, but they can still operate.

Im not sure about aging, because they shouldn't get to as strong as ancient vampires, but then again i don't think people would enjoy getting maybe stronger to a point then weaker as your body is kind of aging so quick as this vamp.

Perhaps during the quest they find as they age and weaken that they can revitalise by drinking a vampires blood. Maybe the new vampires start strong, and need to drink a lot of blood but they deteriorate until say every month or so they need to find and drink dry a vampire. But you would need to participate in the rogues quest to find out this, so maybe something that made it very inticing to do the quest so your new type vampire doesn't just fully deteriorate to weaker then a human and just be irritating.

Would add a new swing to the gameplay mechanic.

Keep it coming!
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 pm

To be honest, I liked the previous concept of Covenant vs Rogues better. I liked the battle between the philosophies behind the two vampire groups. The way you described the new idea, sounds more like "us vs them because they are different". It looks like the rogues are a different species, with different powers but the common need to drink blood. If the idea is implemented, I am going to stick with the true vampires.

Regardless, this will not ruin the mod for me.

On a side note, I own Saints Row 2 and I loved it as well. Enjoy your free time!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:56 pm

To be honest, I liked the previous concept of Covenant vs Rogues better. I liked the battle between the philosophies behind the two vampire groups. The way you described the new idea, sounds more like "us vs them because they are different". It looks like the rogues are a different species, with different powers but the common need to drink blood. If the idea is implemented, I am going to stick with the true vampires.

Regardless, this will not ruin the mod for me.

On a side note, I own Saints Row 2 and I loved it as well. Enjoy your free time!

I share the same view as you, but i'll still play the mod for sure =)

Have fun Madmole
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:39 am

I've been thinking, and I don't really think people being able to die from excessive drinking should be an option. Eventually you will run out of people to feed on, except for Essentials. In my opinion even with mods there aren't enough people to do that.
Just my two cents
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:24 am

Another thought to throw out there.... just leave them to be their own race.... turn them loose as monsters. Perhaps some experiment of the Rogues, but not the rogues themselves. Even if it means you don't become one yourself.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:04 am

No you won't run out of people to feed on... Just don't feed on one guy 25 times in one day, after they sleep they regenerate their lost blood so the only way to kill them is to drink LOTS of blood in a short period of time. Just diversify your menu lol if you munched down on the snooty high elf that runs the clothing store an hour ago and need blood again for some odd reason then go find a different person and let her sleep in peace for future harvesting :P

AWW but I want to be an ugly little Nosferatu :sadvaultboy:
But like kostresa said maybe they could just be an experiment by the Rogues to help them raise armies quickley to attack the Covenant, and maybe they could even change other Vampires into things like them and that would be why the Covenant see them as such a threat, and if you join the Rogues you have a choice to either stay a Traditional Vamp to help lead these armies or you are promised more power at a faster rate (maybe they neglect to tell you of the limit of this new found power until later) and become an ugly little Nosferatu-esq soldier? I don't think it would mess with the storyline to much because either way you choose you could climb the corporate ladder in the Rouges as their most succeful experiment or just another Vampire with a lust for power, but then again I don't know your questline at all :P
But I LOVE the idea of the quick turning and the nasty fangs, it makes me all giddy inside hehehe
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noa zarfati
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 pm

I'm taking a much needed hiatus from Oblivion and modding, and the computer too. I am playing Saints Row II on my 360 and having a lot of fun with it. I love free roaming sandbox games and really its not all that far of a game from Oblivion when you break it down, so I'm getting some mission ideas from it, etc. I'm actually getting some inspiration from it that I think I can use on Unholy Darkness.

Also I was considering changing the rogues to more of a new breed of vampire like creatures that are mistaken for vampires and are giving vampires an even worse reputation. Sort of like in Blade II, perhaps vampires were experimenting with potions/magic/science trying to get rid of sun damage, holy damage and other vampire weaknesses and the results were unexpected.

It really isn't much different story wise than what I've come up with, other than these vampires would have a host of different powers, be evil in general, and the infection is quick. They would possibly be a playable race included in the mod, and have some powers like vampires, but have some fundamental differences:

They would feed until dead, they are too animal like to control themselves.

They need to feed a lot more often to keep their strength up.

They would progress in power faster than a vampire.

They would have a full set of fangs (every tooth is sharp) and look a lot more gross when they turn. Turning takes about 30 seconds, not 3 days and a burial ceremony.

I think a few other traits would be regeneration, but no healing or potions. They lust for power and control. They are nocturnal, but can be in daylight, but it weakens them a little bit. They would be a lot stronger than a new vampire, but significantly weaker than an ancient vampire. Their skills would be based about combat/strength/speed/agility/regeneration, and none of the charming/persuasion stuff a vampire has.

So it could work like these guys are running around turning everyone into one of them, like zombie infections. Commoners and most people of Cyrodiil do not know the difference between one of these and a traditional vampire, thus they are all labeled "vampires" and these new infectious beasts are giving normal vamps a seriously bad name and quick. So the covenant wants to destroy them completely, and the rogues want to just take over everything, humans and vampires alike. THey see humans as food to be enslaved, and vampires as their only legitimate threat.

Its not a major change, but one that seems to give me creative license to do some more interesting quests and create some cool powers and visuals for the rogues. Otherwise, the old way the difference was role playing for the most part, among minor appearance and game play style differences in the "guilds". But these new rogues I feel would give this mod a little more pep.

I'm curious what you guys think.

oh yes please do :)
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:24 am

No you won't run out of people to feed on... Just don't feed on one guy 25 times in one day, after they sleep they regenerate their lost blood so the only way to kill them is to drink LOTS of blood in a short period of time. Just diversify your menu lol if you munched down on the snooty high elf that runs the clothing store an hour ago and need blood again for some odd reason then go find a different person and let her sleep in peace for future harvesting :P

AWW but I want to be an ugly little Nosferatu :sadvaultboy:
But like kostresa said maybe they could just be an experiment by the Rogues to help them raise armies quickley to attack the Covenant, and maybe they could even change other Vampires into things like them and that would be why the Covenant see them as such a threat, and if you join the Rogues you have a choice to either stay a Traditional Vamp to help lead these armies or you are promised more power at a faster rate (maybe they neglect to tell you of the limit of this new found power until later) and become an ugly little Nosferatu-esq soldier? I don't think it would mess with the storyline to much because either way you choose you could climb the corporate ladder in the Rouges as their most succeful experiment or just another Vampire with a lust for power, but then again I don't know your questline at all :P
But I LOVE the idea of the quick turning and the nasty fangs, it makes me all giddy inside hehehe

I suppose if you get to be one, you would change races. I imagine that would be a lot easier to mod it in as it's own race.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:30 pm

I suppose if you get to be one, you would change races. I imagine that would be a lot easier to mod it in as it's own race.

Yea thats what I was thinking, only thing that would be a little odd is how highelves would shrink and woodelves would grow :blink:
still wouldn't ruin it for me
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