Thanks for the continued support and all the responses to the new idea. I am surprised to see so much support for the new idea, but frankly I'm grasping at straws to make the guilds all that much different unless I do the blade II way. To me it really gives me motivation to get this mod done and to make it fun, and a diverse play difference.
Appearance wise, I'd say they would look more like nosforatu. Something like this but fangs on each tooth:
I can make them look that way with any race, so that is not a problem, but for NPC's I will make them a custom race, but for players I can make it all with shaders and bolt on parts like I did the ancient winged vampires. I'll just add bald heads by equipping ears to the hair slot and then add teeth to the tail slot or something like that, then add a vein/skin shader. I already have about everything to do it already, a few minor adjustments and they will look great. The vampire hiding hood I made will work perfect to mask your disguise when you are a rogue.
I'm thinking that rogues were vampires who wanted to lose all vampire weaknesses. In the process, they used necromancy, magick, science, alchemy, etc to try and rid the body of its undead weaknesses, yet keep the strengths, etc. A In an experiment, test vampire subjects were given the special potion and their hunger was insatiable. They drained all the cattle dry, and then turned on their creators. The vampires doing the testing were killing the blood thirsty test subjects, but then the unexpected happened. All the cattle rose from the dead, infected with the rogue virus and outnumbered the vampire scientists, and infected them with the rogue virus.
Something like that anyway. Either the rogues could be human test subjects turned into vampires/turned into rogue infected test subjects, which hate vampires for doing this to them, and anyone they bite becomes one of them, vampire or human.
Or perhaps, all the human cattle that was bitten by a blood crazed vampire that was testing a serum actually became the first rogue. So in order to be a rogue you must be a human. Vampires cannot be infected by it, as their blood is immune to all infections, etc. So maybe the original rogue creators were either annihilated by the rogue test subjects, or they decided to become human and deliberately infected themselves with the rogue virus hoping that it would grow in power, enough for them to take down the covenant.
What idea do you guys like more? I kind of like the idea that there is a 1000+ year old feud going on from a vampire who got exiled from the covenant, who tried making himself stronger with testing, and embraced the rogue virus. This gives him a reason to hate the covenant, and an easy way to grow in numbers. Since traditional vampires are strong by age, there is no way a new coven of vampires will ever be stronger than them. But if they made themselves stronger via potion/serum/rogue virus, they might have a chance. It is unknown to them how strong/fast etc they can become with age/feeds as a rogue, and they are willing to take that chance.
Anyhow, I'm still taking a break. I'm about 40% on saints row 2, so maybe in a week I'll be done and start messing with modding again. I've watched a few other vampire movies, but most of them weren't very good. Blood the last vampire was ok, but really it is more like kill bill than a vampire movie. They did a weak version of marcus with the badly cg generated bat vampire. I'm waiting for true bloods finale, I was so pissed to find out it wasn't on last week due to labor day or whatever. Tomorrow night