Gameplay vision: I've tried tons of vampire mods, and none of them quite felt rich. Either they were strong on some scripting, but weak on graphical substance, or bug laden, etc. Don't get me wrong, there are some excellent vampire mods out there, but I believe a winning mod will have a full blown experience: Graphical, gameplay, quests, voice acting, new sounds, new places to explore and NPCS to meet, etc. I want vampires to be social experts. They should be able to manipulate the public, provided they keep a low enough profile and their true identity remains a secret. While I will try to stick to lore where I can, I feel that a quality experience overrides the need to follow lore. Lets face it, if you loved the lore and stock oblivion vampires, you wouldn't be reading this thread

I plan on releasing the mod in stages. First off I will release the vampiric powers, and then later I will add Vampire hunters, items to buy, homes, and finally quests. Then again, I might hold back until its all done. It all depends how busy RL is.
Planned Features:
The more you feed, the stronger you become. *Done
Penalties for not feeding *Done
Unlock powers as you feed and age as a vampire. *Done
Turn NPC's into vampire thralls *Done
NPC's can follow, stand guard, stay put or resume old lives
Holy damage in chapels *Done
Nocturnal Buff and Daytime Debuff *Done
Sun damage but it is reduced or eliminated for brief periods as you age and are fed. *Done
Unholy Fury. For brief periods of time, a vampire can focus his powers for a massive increase in strength, agility, super jumps. Activating this ability drains all your magicka so you cannot cast any spells while this power is active. Using this power will make you thirsty faster*Done
OBSE hotkeys for all toggle vampire powers *Done
Mask Darkness (toggle vampire appearance to mingle with mortals) *Done
Custom vampire morphs *Done
Sleep Suggestion - causes mortals to possibly go to bed so you can feed on them. (greater power) *Done
Feed through dialogue *Done
Feeding repeatedly on the same mortal causes them to either die or seek healing at local chapels.
Vampire hunters - If your infamy gets too high or you are caught, vampire hunters may seek you out.
Better sun damage shader *Done
Merchants that sell special vampire items like upgrades to player homes that add secret areas, darken the windows with curtains, add guards you can hire to alarm you if vampire hunters are trying to break in, etc. *All done except Skingrad home
Quests with two rival vampire clans, the Covenant (sophisticated ancient clan of vampires) or the rogues (unruly and chaotic, more goth looking) *Started
Vampire Hunters
Planned items:
Coffins - Coffins are required to sleep in. Similar to how real sleep mods work, vampires will need to return to their coffins to get replenished. Perhaps it will merely give you some short term daywalking ability, but I kind of see it as a daily requirement. Coffins can be bought and secret basemants can be dug and built in the player homes to store your precious home soil, which is needed for your livelihood. Otherwise, if you don't return to your coffin each night, penalties will increase. So in other words, a vampire will need to buy all the homes, in order to expand his operations, because you will be limited to a radius around your home coffin, or face the penalties. *Started
Vampire hunters will seek to destroy your coffins. So you will need to employ guards and servants in your keeps, and keep your identity a secret, or come home to find your coffin destroyed, your blood vials smashed, and your house burnt to the ground.
Vampire Hood which will conceal your identity. Useful to enter town with a bounty on your head, or if you are starving and cannot mask darkness, this hood will help reduce the chance of getting identified as a vampire.
Planed places
Vampire havens. Rough places where vampires and murderers, criminals are more than welcome. Watch your step. *Started
Player homes will have new areas you can purchase to store your secret coffin, etc. Curtains to keep the light out. *Mostly done
Vampire Guild. Basically there's two kinds of vampires. Rogues who are like bandits, free willed and do whatever they want (the kind that hang out in bloodcrust cavern), and then there is a secret ancient vampire society known as the Covenant which is organized, with rules and leaders. They have money, political power, etc. Here is where the quests can be done to learn more about the society. The player will have to pick a path at some point though. Both quests can be tried out to figure out what you want to do on your own, rather than choosing a path in the beginning before you know anything about the vampire clans.
Screenshots & Movies
New - Traditional Vampire fangs and True blood style fangs
Any ideas or things you would like to see are more than welcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
When Will it be done?
Hopefully by Halloween
Will it be compatible with "insert mod name here"?
If it doesn't modify vampirism, probably. But don't expect me to support unholy darkness if you have ANY other vampire mods installed.