First of all, thanks everyone for the continued support and compliments, enthusiasm, and dedication to cheer me on, provide me with good lore references and ideas, and critique.
Hey MM, just thought I'd chime in, "however" you end up finalizing the "donation", "pay for extras" etc, etc, etc... whatever you long as it is something "reasonable" for the masses. I too will GLADLY give up some hard earned cash to help stave off your financial ruin and worldly woes

Seems to be quite a LOT of that going around these days...LMAO MM. Seriously though, NO PROBLEM... if someone can pay 5 bucks ( or whatever it was ) for some lame [censored] horse armor ( which IMO was a total joke )...when this immense work of yours has SO VERY MUCH MORE going for it...that it shouldn't even be an issue. Just figure out how to do it legally, with no possible ill effects too you from the Beth people and let us fans know what / how we can do what is needed. I'll check back in a few weeks...and see what you've been up to by then !
Best wishes MM, and keep burning the Midnight oil...

Hey Fal. Thanks for everything. As far as I'm concerned, and I've been around the block with many many contracts, EULA's and I've shared many a meetings with big lawyer gurus.... that the only thing you cannot sell via mods are files generated with the CS, and of course their IP, such as models/textures/sounds that shipped with the game. That is a no brainer. So I'm about 99.9% sure I can sell my voice files I made using sound forge and my own microphone for $4.99 without a hitch. I could go on and sell model files and textures, sound effects, etc... but I'm not going to. The way I see it, the voiceovers provide a LOT of value (even if a few don't like them) and create an honor system for my fans to pay and help support my efforts, yet get some value in return legally (my voice files). THe mod will be fully featured without paying, but no voice overs. I don't consider myself a professional voice actor, but I have voice over credits on and my voices have appeared in 3 games. So thats good enough I'd say.
So essentially my plans are to just sell my voice files and hope that my fans like my work enough to pay for the voices. I can't see crippling the mod via art work and other means. Frankly I think the voice work is cool but i'm partial to it. I will provide SOME voice work for free just so they know what they are missing out on, but I won't force anyone to pay or buy.
I think that this mod has probably more work put into than nearly any DLC. Nothing like shivering isles, thats an expansion not a dlc... but I'd say its tough to compare it to any DLC. Its like six house mods, an incredible amount of new powers and shaders, a fair bit of voiced questing, lots of contributing things from sinblood and other modders resources, new sound effects, and probably a ton of things I forgot about all wrapped into one mod. The file size is enormous when I create a BSA I know that. I'll probably be the only one hosting it, but fear not my server has unlimited bandwidth and I get 600k a second from them.
I'm stoked to see what people do think of it though. I'm just glad to be back modding on it. I was under too much stress the later part of this year, and I did have some time I could have been modding but I didn't. After a while I felt kind of empty with that spare time, and then once I got started again, now its like that void is filled again. I just hope things can hold together long enough for me to get it done and make everyone as happy as possible, so the waiting was worth it. I feel that it is by far my best work, so those of you who have enjoyed my other mods, your in for a real treat.