I'm exited.
having been following the project from the beginning, I was expecting something so large to be in testing much longer

Well there is still much new content to add, then polish things up adds more content, so there will be a few more rounds of testing as all of this goes, but so far I've been able to track down any bugs pretty quickly and keep adding new features. Luckily it hasn't been like well a 5 hour evening blown trying to find a bug with zero progress... thus far everything has gone quite well. But I already knew it was highly playable, I've logged a lot of hours playing as I developed it. Whats probably a bigger challenge is making it work with other people's play styles and other people play it their own way which you never know how people do things until you hear their feedback, etc.
I was more asking, if the thrall could be asked to lead you to their home for the day. As in a safe place to stay in the event you get caught too close to sun-rise. And if you take something of a thrall's or another vampires, is there "vampire police?" or will the bounty be normal? As for Moveto, it'll cause some massive slow framerate issues if you do it so much when you try to move something. If the Thrall had say a collar with a leash, you could get away with the moveto, but, it'll cause problems with surrounding furniture and items, the moveto usually causes surrounding items to fly. An escort package probably wouldn't work, unless the thrall is awake, kinda not what you're wanting.
One suggestion, though I've not tried this, is a "mover" object, a flat tile (transparent), that you can place under the thrall, and have that sit directly behind Cliftius as he leaves. I've not seen if the engine will support a mover, but doors and such will push you when they open/close. Another thought would be to use the push spell repeatedly to move the thrall.
Not exactly what I asked (about owning the stuff of the thrall), but I did write code to do just that, which works. But moreso, possibly add the ability to put a coffin or borrow one from the Thrall, in their home for the day. Reason why I'm asking, is if you go into their home and stay the day, they can charge you with trespassing...
Currently, thralls are just NPCs that come with your properties when you buy them. They don't have homes or stuff, they are built in prisoners to your vampire upgrades you can buy. You can make new vampires and they still own their own stuff and still carry out their normal lives. I just made the thrall go back to their own cage so I opted out of trying anything fancy like dragging a thrall back to their cage. I had enough trouble getting the butler to fetch them and spent a few nights on it and decided it would be best to move on. They know they can't escape and grow to like you the more you feed on them.
The vampire speed ability, are you by chance modifying the game speed/real second values? I've written a mod do allow time speed changes based on time of day and a few other things, like riding, sitting, etc. Just curious if I need to watch for something else in the mod to be compatible. Also, how is your "flee" done? Forcing flee or adding a package?
As for the duration of how long it takes for the mod to be available, I'd rather it be done properly than quickly.
All I am doing is making the player faster by increasing whatever attribute makes you faster, (agility?). I suggest people set their timescale to 20 and leave it at that. The mod is pretty compatible as far as I know. I do the flee's by using getnextref to scan the area for creatures and horses, then I assign them packages to run to a destination. The engine's own flee function was next to impossible to get working so I created my own system and it seems to work nice. At first it seemed like something for effect having horses get nervous and run... but now that wolves and low level weak beings sense you are a dangerous predator and flee, its really quite cool and nothing is more immersion breaking to be an all mighty being and have a lowly rat think he's superior to you and attack. So to me this feature was more about creating a cool illusion that you are an unholy beast of prey, a deadly hunter of the night and you are feared. I might even add it to lowly humans if you show wings and such. Like if you show fangs and entice someone to letting you feed they think you are sixy... but if you show fangs and wings and are ready to kill someone by activating unholy fury, etc... then I'd like for people to run in fear of their lives, maybe even lock their doors.
GuruSR, you will be able to purchase homes in each city so using you're thrall's place is kind of redundant plus you can just stay in an inn if you are caught by the sun. I do believe that there was talk of a portable coffin a long time ago, I'm not sure if that will still be used or not. I think the experience of having to buy homes adds to the so called "realism" to this fantasy based game. You actually have to adapt to your new condition instead of just exploiting it.

I like to just break into someone's house on fire and take over their home. Its quite fun to see them tell you to leave, but you can't and then have to deal with the people. I send them to bed and eat on them but if they don't go to sleep I might have to fight them and being weakened from sun damage can make that a challenge too.