Wow lots of activity! Good to see some new/old faces and a growing interest.
Drain Health (kills you if you are not careful/"young"), Constant Effect Damage Magicka/Fatigue, Stunted Magicka, any combination of those until you sleep in non-tainted coffin. An idea.
Thanks for the ideas.
I like the garlic idea, when I was testing I was wondering if there was anyway to make you weak to it. that would be an awesome addition to the mod. I'm not sure what to do with the coffins, I'd like to see them be sort of an essential part of life, that way buying the house upgrades are even more important. But I'm also wondering if that will be too much, especially if drains are implemented. I think just giving a temporary boost to stats is the best thing and or slowing down hunger. If it is tainted you get sick, maybe add the shaders you made for prevampire life, and drains are implemented on strength, speed, agility, stunted magic, drained health/fatigue. Those particular attributes and stats would be very detrimental to the vamp since that's what they use.
Screenshots look great :tops:
Doing the garlic was tricky. I made the cloves that hang in basemants actually be what damages you by smell and area. The way I have to do the ingredient garlic is put a script on the regular garlic to where begin onadd player it swaps itself out with a special garlic that has a script that does damage and if you eat it it kills you. The reason for this is ingredients only have 4 slots and they are all taken. So to preserve garlic to non vamps I have to swap it out with a nasty one for vamps. It should work pretty nice. A lot of work for such a little pain in the butt feature, lol. It took quite a bit of work just to get the cloves going because Oblivion scripting is retarded most of the time, or I am retarded half the time, lol. Its usually my mistake but there are instances where doing something will cause a CTD or it flat out won't work. Like I found out that object scripts only run if the object is in the same cell as you are. So you have to use quests scripts if the object is moving in and out of places, etc.
The bat from will fly, are you by chance using the flight script from Saltare? If you are, I've cleaned up the latest version and also done what I can to make improvements:
1.) Player and NPC's need a "Boost" token to avoid issues with missing ability on cell changes.
2.) Unified key code testing, to allow NPC fliers to be able to fly with you when following, etc.
The second item, works, but sadly, due to not being able to reset gravity's hold on the NPC flier, it will shake uncontrollably.

But, it does follow just fine. My only current issue is solving why combat exit causes you to land.
I'm not using any flight script yet. Do you have a link ot the Saltare script you are talking about?
That's unfortunate older characters won't get to see that then.
Is there any possibly way you can add that in for characters that are not new, madmole?
And speaking of flight:
That mod does it pretty well. It uses a separate key to take off and land (though you can just touch your feet to the ground to land too). You can also control how fast you're flying by hitting pageup/pagedown. Your character looks sort of like an imp flying around, but it still looks pretty good IMO. I was wondering how your mod is going to handle that though. I haven't seen anything of it yet (or maybe you've shown it, but I missed it).
That race also has some decent looking wings. They're semi-transparent. I was surprised when I first noticed that....
Yeah I was planning on an alternate beginning for existing vampires.
The one thing I've done in many mods, I've been working on is to use an "Activator Quest". Who's sole purpose is to borrow an activator.
It does the following:
1.) Says it's ready for use.
2.) Someone or something sets itself as "the user".
3.) Moves the activator to a specific location, makes it cast a spell.
4.) The quest contains refs, shorts, longs, etc, for generic storage.
5.) Once the duration of the spells is done, release "the user" from the quest.
For the garlic, since area spells only deal with actors and scanning the entire area using GetFirstRef, etc, can slow the gameplay down, with each vampire containing a "token", the token can be Activated, by specific items, then it could act accordingly. You could use another hidden token with a short 5 second life span (script RemoveMe's after 5 seconds), call it say "Garlic Stench" and when the activate happens on the "token", merely see how much garlic has built up, and raise or lower the affected spell that's doing the damage.
The nice thing about the activator quest, is you can also use it with the vampire to detect life, other vampires, etc.
Has the Blood Huntress been decided on human or damphir?
I didn't need to use getnextref for the garlic. It was a lot easier than that actually. But it only affects the player. I could make it affect NPC's but then I'd have to give them AI to deal with it. I don't think NPC's need all the same vampire perks or limits a PC vampire has. NPC's are there to simulate the world and making them have equal reactions is too much work for very little return in my opinion. I mean it would be cool... but I don't have the time to do everything like that. All I'm doing is a simple begin OnLoad block and then a gamemode block using an object script and a pcvampire check and a distance check, then I add spells that expire after time or distance threshold. The reason I had to add the time removal was because some cells you walk into and the garlic is so close you back out the door and then your stuck with the ill effect permanently attached. So I just made them 30 seconds long so they wear off just in case.
I'm undecided about her being damphir yet.
Since you seem to have vast knowledge of CM Partners, and my vampire thrall scripts are totally lame compared to CM Partners..can you think of a way to dynamically add the CM partner script to a character? What I want to do is make it so when you turn a vampire they become a CM partner that way inventory management, stay follow, etc all that stuff they have done an excellent job on is built in and I can delete my stuff. I have a basic follow/stay and a few other things but its crap compared to CM partners and I'd rather just use their code so you can download the ultimate vampire companions and turn them and they will have all that excellent functionality.
I remember when looking at it that the script had to be that characters script, and I wasn't sure at that time how to make it work if the character didn't have that script attached to them in the CS in the first place.
Actually, that flight script is the exact one I've been repairing. I have a CM partner that's also of that race, try flying with the version you have, you'll have your partner out cold as you do. The updates I've done, they do fly, but the game's gravity hold on them makes them jump and there appears to be no way to reset it AND keep their wings flapping.
Send me your script and how to hook it up and I'll try it out.
I think you should just have a purify coffin spell. Having a detect taint spell is kind of meaningless.
Actually I think I'm leaning towards a more obvious approach. Coffins will get burnt and I'll just toss on that awesome sun damage shader I made so they will be smoking and soot looking. You'll have to go to sillian and pay for a replacement coffin and the smoke shader will then be removed. I think that vampires senses are so evolved that they could easily smell if anything was wrong with the coffin. Just like my dogs can smell another dog on me if I pet one, even hours later. I don't like lots of spells cluttering up my spellbook and the idea of feeling like I need to cast a purify coffin spell every time I go to sleep just to feel safe. That is work and not fun. So I'll make it obvious that your coffin is toast, and a financial burden to replace since Oblivion needs more money pits.