This would be rather interesting and something that I for one would love to see.
It is not unheard of for modders to request donations on thier own websites or for the continued development of mods, I know of a few modders from the F03 community who do this in regards to mod requests, nor is it unheard of for someone to seek investors or donators for the development of a game.
I think as long as your able to continue on as planned with releasing a working mod even if its just the basics that should develop enough interest from the community to garner some support but wether or not it would be enough is hard to say, I know that I would gladly support this and that I will contribute to your efforts as I am able but sadly I am facing my own financial crisis of sorts and would not be able to donate nearly as much as I could have a year ago. Sadly I think I am not the only one in this position but there are certainly those of the community who no doubt like the idea of your mod who are not facing such trials themselves.
The bad part of going this route is that if there is not enough support to last through the long run you could then face risk to your own reputation should you not be able to continue develpment.
So I think that bottom line is that this is the tough choice that you alone have to make and to wiegh the risks on taking, our input wether negative or positive should not be the deciding factor at work here as we have kinda become the fan base of your mod and our opinions are kind of biased torwards we want this freaking mod.
Thanks for the input. I'm pretty much leaning on making the initial mod full featured and just charge for my voice acting. This I think would be legal, plus leave some incentive to buy the voice files. I can always make the voice files free later down the road if I want. Its just something I kind of want to try out of necessity.
For example, I did a search on the Romancing of Eyja, and it comes up in hundreds of google entries. The mod was so successful, that game sites hosted it without my permission, etc. Just to draw traffic to their site, which is monetized by ads, registration forms which lead to email lists and direct marketing, etc. So its kind of BS that all these gaming sites make money from our hard work when we are the ones who should make
something from it. And I can tell you that Unholy Darkness has MUCH MUCH more content than any DLC. Way more. Their biggest one isn't even close. I mean, I'd say knights of the nine has more quest stuff, but Unholy Darkness has so many game play changing powers, new vampire areas, new models, textures, graphics, effects, sounds, etc... it is just too much stuff to just give away when frankly, I'm in this mess because of Unholy Darkness. I'm not going to go into details, but when you mod until 6 am and then sleep half the day away, you aren't making any money at your RL business.
So that is why I've been reluctant to start modding again. I love it so much that I lose sight of bigger things like work, house cleaning, working out, etc. So I was just hoping that maybe by selling the voice files, it would make up a portion of the money I lose by working shorter days, etc. I'm not hoping to go full time at modding and retire, lol. Basically trying to fill that void of work I'd miss. Its kind of a crappy situation because I love to mod, love giving you guys cool stuff, love all of it. But it seems like every time I mod, my RL falls apart.