Unholy Darkness

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 pm

I can't help but stare in awe of both your creativity and progress.

Your doing a great job Madmole, keep it up!
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Marine x
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 pm

:ahhh: woo hoo talk of alpha and beta haha. I have to make a new character, I haven't been playing a lot lately due to class.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

2.) I could make a donation page where if you liked the totally free unholy darkness, and wanted to download further episodes, you have to donate something to get the links. I'm not sure this is legal though, and other people could just host my files and screw me.

I could be wrong but i always thought that requireing donations for modding was illegal. Because Oblivion is made by bethesda they are the only ones that have the legal rights to sell anything related to it. You could still have donations but i don't believe you can require them for anything. Mabye you should wait for a moderator to come on before you put the site up?
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 pm

the extras that you donate for would be self created material. such as voice files which are not owned by beth. this is how I understand it to be anyway. plus its a donation, if he decides to give some of his friends extra files there is nothing wrong with private mods. :bigsmile:
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:01 pm

I could be wrong but i always thought that requireing donations for modding was illegal. Because Oblivion is made by bethesda they are the only ones that have the legal rights to sell anything related to it. You could still have donations but i don't believe you can require them for anything. Mabye you should wait for a moderator to come on before you put the site up?

I'm not going to sell ANYTHING until I comb over their EULA with a fine tooth comb.

Edit 2: I reread the EULA and you cannot sell "new materials" which is anything made with the editor (esp, bsa's, lip etc). So in theory, someone could sell their own mp3 files, art, sounds, etc in order to monetize their efforts legally.

Anyhow, enough on that. I want to get back to work on the mod :)
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 pm

Ok back to modding and updates, much more fun stuff to discuss :)

Tonight I worked out all the scripting for purchasing the Rosethorn Hall Vampire Lord's Manor and then added dialogue to Cliftius, the butler. Its pretty cool as I took it a step further than Eyja, as he will ask you specifically what you want. Rather than FOOD or DRINK its something like this:

I'm thirsty

"Would you like bottled blood or fresh"

Bottled : "Here you are, cold and dead."

Fresh: "Male or Female"

Female: "I shall get you a bloody mary" etc

Cliftius is a smart ass, jerk butler but I love him already. He is noble class and a bit uptight, anol, etc, but that is what makes him different. I plan on having him give the guards a hard time as he walks by them with something like "If you spill any vampire hunter's blood tonight, you are cleaning it up!" and then they will make fun of him when he's not around by mocking him, etc. Typical work place stuff yet I think its the little things, and especially NPCs which bring an area to life.

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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 pm

Whoa... incredible!

Actually I don't play Oblivion much lately, most of the time modding(see my sig), but for this mod alone I could start playing OB again.

Good luck finishing it!

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Eliza Potter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

Ok back to modding and updates, much more fun stuff to discuss :)

Tonight I worked out all the scripting for purchasing the Rosethorn Hall Vampire Lord's Manor and then added dialogue to Cliftius, the butler. Its pretty cool as I took it a step further than Eyja, as he will ask you specifically what you want. Rather than FOOD or DRINK its something like this:

I'm thirsty

"Would you like bottled blood or fresh"

Bottled : "Here you are, cold and dead."

Fresh: "Male or Female"

Female: "I shall get you a bloody mary" etc

Cliftius is a smart ass, jerk butler but I love him already. He is noble class and a bit uptight, anol, etc, but that is what makes him different. I plan on having him give the guards a hard time as he walks by them with something like "If you spill any vampire hunter's blood tonight, you are cleaning it up!" and then they will make fun of him when he's not around by mocking him, etc. Typical work place stuff yet I think its the little things, and especially NPCs which bring an area to life.


Imagine Cliftius with blond hair instead of the greyish he's having at the moment and he will be the digital version of a http://filipspagnoli.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/geert-wilders.jpg :rolleyes:

Back on topic, Cliftius looks really nice Madmole. As soon as i can get my hands on an 5870 which is reasonably priced, im going to use your mod.
The idea of the guards complaining about their "boss Cliftius" will be a fun conversation. I agree with you those little cherry's make a mod far more interesting.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:01 pm

I just want to let you know that I think your mod is absolutely amazing.

I will gladly donate when the time comes :)
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

Whoa... incredible!

Actually I don't play Oblivion much lately, most of the time modding(see my sig), but for this mod alone I could start playing OB again.

Good luck finishing it!


Imagine Cliftius with blond hair instead of the greyish he's having at the moment and he will be the digital version of a http://filipspagnoli.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/geert-wilders.jpg :rolleyes:

Back on topic, Cliftius looks really nice Madmole. As soon as i can get my hands on an 5870 which is reasonably priced, im going to use your mod.
The idea of the guards complaining about their "boss Cliftius" will be a fun conversation. I agree with you those little cherry's make a mod far more interesting.

I just want to let you know that I think your mod is absolutely amazing.

I will gladly donate when the time comes :)

Thanks everyone!

I am experimenting with some more graphical effects, and got motion blur when you run working. Seems pretty cool. Screenshots don't quite do it justice either but when you activate your vampiric speed power the edges of the screen blur. Looks pretty cool.


What I really want is for vampire NPC's who are using their vampiric speed power to be blurry when they move so hopefully I can apply this effect to actors. It will then have that true blood effect when vamps move around in a hurry, should be awesome.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:35 pm

What I really want is for vampire NPC's who are using their vampiric speed power to be blurry when they move so hopefully I can apply this effect to actors. It will then have that true blood effect when vamps move around in a hurry, should be awesome.

that would be awesome indeed. i'm glad u've resumed work on this mad, keep at it :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 am

the blur effect looks awesome, I can't wait to see the final result. Will we need oblivion graphic extender for something like that?
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:30 pm

the blur effect looks awesome, I can't wait to see the final result. Will we need oblivion graphic extender for something like that?

Glad you like it. Yes you need OBGE.

EDIT: Well tonight went pretty good. I gave the vampire players a nice hand to hand boost, so they are lethal with bare hands/claws. I use deadly reflex and it had a pretty cool combined effect with my mod. If you have a high skill it slows things down when you attack, but I had my vampire speed active, so I was almost normal speed and everyone else was slow motion. Then my fist attacks were knocking their heads clean off so it was really cool, lol.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 pm

sounds great, I've been wanting to download deadly reflex but I think I will wait untill the version six. I heard five is a little buggy

O and what clothing is the butler wearing. it looks great, I'm guessing something from slof? I've been trying to find some good upper class looking clothing other than the stuff from SI
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:03 am

sounds great, I've been wanting to download deadly reflex but I think I will wait untill the version six. I heard five is a little buggy

A bit mabye, not much and surely not enough to not download it!

And that sounds awesome with the slowmoting thingy! Then you can go real vampire ninja :toughninja:
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:38 pm

sounds great, I've been wanting to download deadly reflex but I think I will wait untill the version six. I heard five is a little buggy

O and what clothing is the butler wearing. it looks great, I'm guessing something from slof? I've been trying to find some good upper class looking clothing other than the stuff from SI

Its from a mod by kendo2, which uses a ton of meshes/textures from other mods, so you'll have to do a little bit of research to figure out exactly where it came from.

A bit mabye, not much and surely not enough to not download it!

And that sounds awesome with the slowmoting thingy! Then you can go real vampire ninja :toughninja:
Its just a little annoying when it just kicks in automatically. Maybe I need to get used to it or play it some more before I decide if I really like it. I might make my own slow motion so that you can control it better, but we'll see.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 pm

First time checking in since Thanksgiving, and I have to say I am impressed by the progress you've made. Keep up the good work, looking forward to this.
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sexy zara
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:39 pm

First time checking in since Thanksgiving, and I have to say I am impressed by the progress you've made. Keep up the good work, looking forward to this.

Thanks. Check back frequently. Things are heating up in the modding kitchen.
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Cheryl Rice
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 pm

Well tonight went pretty awesome. I worked on the vampire speed power and made it so when you are running you fade out to a semi opaque appearance and I added a puff of dust/blue cloud. The video I took doesn't really do it justice because my CPU was toast while recording video, but I assure you the fade in and out are very smooth and the dust effects look much better in game also.

THe video was unedited, just my character being a vampire and playing some chaos on the poor town of Skingrad. First my character was hungry so she toggled her life detect (which is scalable based on how powerful of a vampire you are. New vampires can only spot prey a short distance, but an ancient vampire like mine can spot life probably half a mile away. So she saw a bum sleeping and fed on him. After feeding your victim will go limp and be unwakable and unconscious for a while. All the blood loss and trauma, perhaps the hypnotic and erotic effects cause this as well. There typically is a crunching sound of teeth sinking into flesh but due to recording, that effect got dropped alltogether.

Then I demonstrate the speed spell. As I run my shape fades into the darkness and a flash of dust is seen. I was still in vampire form and a guard spotted me, so I ended them with my new buffed up hand to hand abilities. Then I run to the other edge of town to find another guard and get into another fight, this time I activated my unholy fury power and showed my true nature, the black veiny skin, the wings, and I killed another guard and flew off.

I thought the video came out really cool, considering its just raw footage, no editing, just pure Unholy Darkness. http://downloads.4drulers.com/Oblivion_Mods/unholydarkness/Unholy%20Darkness%20Gameplay.wmv

EDIT: I took out the motion blur and OBGE. I was getting some total machine lockups where my monitor would actually shut down, so I took it out and some other mods I put in. I don't know what the culprit was, but needless to say I need to be 100% crash free when developing so I KNOW my mod is rock solid.

I watched the vid again. Maybe I am partial... hell yes I am.. but wow, I think this mod is getting really really cool. I can't wait to get the vampire attacks in where you can just grab someone and svck them dry until they are dead. That will COMPLETE my vision for this mod and make game play totally sweet. No more little energy beam life drain bs, my character will rip heads off and drink the neck stumps dry!!! Ok probably not that graphic, but just to grab someone and drink their blood in combat would be really awesome.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:11 am

:foodndrink: sweet video, loved it. cheers!

Edit: after watching your vamp play with her food, I started wondering how a fight between your vampires and werewolves from 'The Curse of Hircine' or 'The Deep' would look like... It'll be fun to find out :nod:
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 am

Love the video madmole, great work :foodndrink:
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:19 pm

the new video looks amazing, I loved the mist affect the fade out.

I was looking for obge, it seems it hasn't ever really been solid due to lack of updates and interest. People complained of CTD. Apparently there is a new beta, or so I read somewhere last night. so maybe that is something to look into if you are that worried about it, if not its probably better just to leave it out :)
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 pm

Thanks for the compliments guys.

the new video looks amazing, I loved the mist affect the fade out.

I was looking for obge, it seems it hasn't ever really been solid due to lack of updates and interest. People complained of CTD. Apparently there is a new beta, or so I read somewhere last night. so maybe that is something to look into if you are that worried about it, if not its probably better just to leave it out :)

Yeah, now there is OGE, I found it after trying the other one. The new one has some incredible effects. I don't think I'm going to use it though due to time constraints. I want to stick to the plan and get something for you guys to play and then I can look at adding new stuff later.
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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Awesome video! I love when you busted their skulls up with ur fist :lmao: DR?s awesome :D

That spell... "something of blood" (cant remember, the first one you used!) had that detect spell with RED colour. Is that in the mod or a replacement mod you got?

cant wait for this mod :bowdown: looks more and more awesome
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 pm

Awesome video! I love when you busted their skulls up with ur fist :lmao: DR?s awesome :D

That spell... "something of blood" (cant remember, the first one you used!) had that detect spell with RED colour. Is that in the mod or a replacement mod you got?

cant wait for this mod :bowdown: looks more and more awesome

I'm glad you liked the video. DR compliments UD quite nicely, plus I use attribute uncappers so vampires can have some abilities that are off the charts. Not that things are incredibly unbalancing, but some things like the ability to jump a long ways require abilities beyond 100.

The life detect is part of another mod, but I plan on doing my own before the release.
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