Well so far so good. I installed new drivers & blew out a ton of dust from my system. I played an hour and a half with no issues. Not only is this good for my PC health, but also amazing for the mod that I played that long and zero crashes. Considering I have a lot of mods, thats really good, so I'm confident the private beta release to my donation buddies will be solid for them to enjoy

I had not yet been to Oblivion with my level 20 something elder vampire character, so I decided to finally visit Kvatch. I drank from the modded blood baths and it sustained my character's appearance and kept cravings at bay. However, as soon as I exited Oblivion it was dawn, and raining, so my character took some sun damage. I wasn't sure if it even worked any more, it had been a long time since elder vampires don't need to feed much nor take sun damage as long as you feed regularly. So it was pretty cool watching my character smoke and her skin burn.