» Sat May 28, 2011 10:07 am
I fought the minotours with my sword, had the unicorn attack me, ran all the way to the nearest city, only to relise I had a bounty on my head, ran all the way to the city with the Brotherhood, got into the well, waited a few days, came back outside, paid the bounty, went back outside and found at least thirty gaurds attacking the unicorn only to try and help the gaurds, attack the unicorn, then get ANOTHER bounty on my head for, god knows, some how hitting a gaurd, and relising I spent ALL my money on the previous bounty, and had a bunch of gaurds PLUS the unicorn, who forgave the gaurds, attack me, and on the YOU ARE DEAD screen, see the unicorn and the gaurds walk away. I freakin' hate that stupid thing! He makes me run and believe that he and the gaurds are enemys, only to spite me down and lure me into a trap! I think the unicorn doesnt come from heaven, it comes from HELL. I'm absoultly sure that when this HORSE DEAMON was put in it was the six hunred, sixty sixth, animal to be put in the bloody game!