So I was just chillin' and killin' animals when suddenly, I get into Hircine's grove. This would be cool, had I not ended up being chased by the unicorn. I'm level four in the game right now on my black Khajiit, and he was running for his life while that unicorn chased him. I put on some books that allowed waterwalking(got them from a dungeon) and ran some more. I got to a ruin and explored it. Came back to the beach where the unicorn had been continuing the chase underwater.
What happened to this thing? Oh, it ended up dead on a beach, so I pulled off its horn. I don't think any wacky story I could tell from Skyrim is any more insane than being chased by a unicorn until it died of being underwater! I bet my character was thinking, "Khajiit and a unicorn? What?!"
I laughed after this insanity was over. I was thinking to myself, "I will never look at My Little Pony the same again."