Uniformity Mods for MW: Gameplay vs. Text #2

Post » Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:27 pm

A thread for

Uniformity Mods for Morrowind

Gameplay vs. Text

Over the years of playing Morrowind, I've noticed how many things which you read in in-game books or are said through dialogue are inconsistent with what actually appears in gameplay. There have been many mods made which address a lot of these inconsistencies, either taking the form of bugfixes or lore-friendly additions to the game world.

The goal of this thread is to make a list of all of these incongruities and append mods which address those issues. Modders can consider this thread a source for ideas, while players can consider this thread a place to share inconsistencies you have discovered with others and find potential mods to add to their playlist.

For example, Savants will tell you this about Ald Redaynia:

We know, from gameplay, that the only thing at Ald Redaynia is the ruined Wizard Tower. However, there are two mods which aim to address this inconsistency between dialogue and gameplay:http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3375 and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6638 (my personal choice of the two)

Please note, that I'm not stating that the way the gameplay turned out is automatically wrong if it disagrees with text, but it is typically less interesting.

With that introduction out of the way, let me get the thread started with my list of findings. The first list will contain what I am calling Inconsistencies: Those things which are said to exist in dialogue or books but which do not appear or are not recognized in the game. The second list contains what I am calling Ineffectuals: those things which aren't explicitly absent from the game but which are severely underdeveloped.




1.0.0 - [2013-07-24] Original Post

1.0.1 - [2013-07-24] Edited issue description for E-005

1.0.2 - [2013-07-24] Edited solution description for C-008 and C-011

1.1.0 - [2013-07-24] Added E-012

1.2.0 - [2013-07-24] Added C-022, C-023, and C-024

1.3.0 - [2013-07-24] Added serial numbers to items

1.4.0 - [2013-07-24] Added C-025

1.4.1 - [2013-07-24] Edited issue description for E-012

1.5.0 - [2013-07-24] Added C-026

1.6.1 - [2013-07-24] Added E-013 and edited solution description for C-026

1.7.0 - [2013-07-24] Added E-014

1.8.0 - [2013-07-25] Added E-015

1.8.1 - [2013-07-25] Edited issue and solution description for E-015

1.8.2 - [2013-08-02] Removed E-009 and added counterargument

1.9.0 - [2013-08-02] Added C-027

1.10.0 - [2013-08-02] Added E-016

1.11.0 - [2013-08-02] Added C-028

1.11.1 - [2013-08-08] Edited solution description for C-015

1.12.0 - [2013-09-20] Added C-029, E-017, E-018

1.13.0 - [2013-09-21] Added C-030, C-031, C-032, C-033, C-034, C-035, C-036, C-037, C-038

1.14.0 - [2013-09-24] Added C-039

1.15.0 - [2013-09-25] Added C-040

1.16.0 - [2013-09-25] Added C-041

1.17.0 - [2013-09-25] Added E-019

1.18.0 - [2013-09-25] Added C-042, C-043

1.19.0 - [2013-09-26] Added E-020

1.20.0 - [2013-09-26] Added E-021

1.21.0 - [2013-09-26] Added E-022, E-023

1.22.0 - [2013-09-27] Added E-024

2.00.0 - [2013-09-27] Recategorized some items to maintain consistency with the criteria above (look at the bottom of lists for moved items). Added many new items to the list: specifically artifact descriptions from Tamrielic Lore and disease descriptions. Several issue descriptions have been edited and solutions added. You may want to peruse the list again.

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Lyndsey Bird
Posts: 3539
Joined: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:57 am

Post » Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:16 am

List of Inconsistencies

Explicitly variant material


Item C-001

"I am a herder. I watch over the tribe's herds of guar and shalk. I butcher the guar and shalk and preserve their meats to feed the tribe. I tan the guar hides, render the shalk resins, and season the shalk shells. Then the tribe's craftsmen take these things and make the things we need for ourselves, and the things we sell to traders and other tribes."

Issue(s): Ashlander Guar and Shalk herds are not featured in game

Solution(s): http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30563/? adds Ashlander Herders to the game


Item C-002

"Also called 'the Smuggler's Coast', the region's secluded coves and islands provide refuge for criminal trade, and the frequent rain and fog hides small boats from Excise cutters."

Issue(s): There are no Excise Cutters in the game

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-003

"Except for the settled southwest, Vvardenfell is covered by hostile desert wastes, arid grasslands, and volcanic badlands, and thinly populated by the nomadic Ashlander tribes."

"The regular rain and dark soils of the Grazelands produce the rich grazing for Ashlander herds that gives the region its name. The region lies in the northeast of Vvardenfell, sandwiched between the Ashlands and Azura's Coast. Permanent settlements include Vos village and the towers of Tel Vos and Tel Fyr. The Ashlanders of Zainab camp move their herds across the plains in search of fresh grazing. There are no roads or tracks, but travel is easy across the open plains."

Issue(s): The grazelands are described as both arid and as having regular rainfall. Grazelands has a 10% chance of rain, whereas the Ascadian Isles only have a 5% chance. So, gameplay suggests that developers went with the regular rainfall concept. The Grazelands are also said to have NO roads or tracks, there are obviously some tracks through the Grazelands.

Solution(s): http://fullrest.ru/files/morrowind/testing-gameplay/mkm_less_roadsigns (Russian) removes many of the road signs from the wilderness areas of Vvardenfell - not an exact match, but worth mentioning.


Item C-004

"The rugged coast and islands of northern and eastern Vvardenfell are called Azura's Coast. The region is rocky, infertile, and largely uninhabited, except for the outpost at Molag Mar, the Telvanni settlements at Sadrith Mora, the wizard towers at Tel Aruhn, Tel Mora, and Tel Branora, and Ahemmusa camp and the remote fishing villages of Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel on the north coast. There are no roads; most travel is by boat. Despite the rocky terrain, a variety of plants thrive on the regular rainfall."

Issue(s): Ald Redaynia is said to have the ruin and a fishing village, there is only the ruined Wizard Tower in game.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3375 and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6638 add a settlement to the site of Ald Redaynia


Item C-005

"The piercing light of the Grand Pharos at the mouth of the harbor of the port village of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the Coastguard station. The Coastguard cutters docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea."

Issue(s): The lighthouse in Seyda Neen is said to be called the Grand Pharos - this name is not used for the cell name. Coastguard Cutters are said to be docked here, but none are.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-006

"The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and the meat of the domesticated guar. The most popular beverages are mazte (a local beer brewed from fermented saltrice) and sujamma (a potent, bitter liquor)."

Issue(s): Guar meat is unavailable in-game.

Solution(s): Added by http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30563, http://mw.modhistory.com/download-44-7216, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=2542, http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-rebirth, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=4077


Item C-007

"The staple is the saltrice grain, usually eaten as a cooked porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food from giant domesticated beetles). Hackle-lo (a hardy succulent edible leafy green) is a reliable year-round vegetable, eaten cooked or raw, and bittergreen (a fast-growing slime triggered by rain) is safe and nourishing when boiled, though highly toxic if eaten raw."

Issue(s): Bittergreen slime is not featured in game, scuttle does not drop from any beetles (Shalk?), saltrice porridge is not available in game.

Solution(s): Saltrice Porridge is added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=2542 and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=3027


Item C-008

"The East Empire Company is a monopolistic mercantile enterprise chartered by the Emperor and managed by a board of directors appointed by the Emperor. The Company has sole authority to trade in certain goods, like flin, raw ebony, raw glass, and Dwemer artifacts, and it also enjoys favorable tariffs and regulations for import and export of other common and exotic goods, like kwama eggs, marshmerrow pulp, saltrice, and Telvanni bug musk."

Issue(s): Marshmerrow Pulp is not featured in game

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-009

"Undead creatures encountered on Vvardenfell include ghosts like the ancestor ghost, guardian ancestor, wraith, dwarven ghost, dwarven guardian, and dwarven wraith. A fleshy revenant is called a bonewalker, and includes the bonewalker and the greater bonewalker. Fleshless revenants include skeletons, skeleton archers, skeleton warriors, skeleton champions, and bonelords. Vampires, profane undead creatures, have been hunted almost to extinction."

Issue(s): Guardian Ancestors, Wraiths, Dwarven Guardians, and Dwarven Wraiths are not featured in game.

Solution(s): Wraiths are added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6616, http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/6006


Item C-010

"The frost centurion is an enchanted animated artifact of Dwemer creation. Constructed in the form of an armored warrior, they are aggressive and dangerous. Scrap metal collected from Dwemer artifacts is rare and precious, and prized both by collectors of antiquities and students of metals and enchantments."

Issue(s): Frost Centurions are not featured in game (but we DID get a Shock centurion...).

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-011

"The winged twilight are the female-formed Daedric messengers of the Daedra Lord Azura. Daedra hearts have modest magical properties."

Issue(s): Winged Twilights do not drop Daedra Hearts

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-012

"Two smaller but dangerous predators of Vvardenfell are the nix-hound and the rat. Cave rats are found everywhere, often in close proximities to their slightly larger relative, the cave rat and the rust rat. The nix-hound is a rangy quadruped with long, purple feeding spikes. Its cousin, the rogue nix-hound, is larger and much more dangerous."

Issue(s): Rust Rats are not featured in game (could potentially be what ended up just being generic Rats - the mesh and textures for rats are named Rust Rats).

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-013

"Three creatures are commonly encountered in Vvardenfell's coastal and water environments. The mudcrab, and its larger cousins the king mudcrab and mudcrab titan, are large but unaggressive. Slaughterfish are small but very aggressive, and the larger varieties, the blind slaughterfish and the electric slaughterfish, are quite dangerous. But the most dangerous water creature is the large and powerful dreugh and the dreugh man o'war."

Issue(s): King Mudcrabs, Mudcrab Titans, Blind Slaughterfish, Electric Slaughterfish, and Dreugh Man o'Wars are not featured in the game.

Solution(s): Blind and Electric Slaughterfish are added by http://mw.modhistory.com/download-99-7129; Elder Mudcrabs are added by http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-1693 (not quite the same, but pretty close, and the mod is made by a developer...); Electric Slaughterfish are added by http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/42306/


Item C-014

"Corkbulb trees are grown for their tough, fibrous roots which have modest magical properties. On Vvardenfell corkbulb root is used in place of wood, since trees won't grow in this harsh environment. Corkbulb grows best in the Ascadian Isles."

Issue(s): Trees grow on Vvardenfell. And there are no Corkbulb trees.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-015

"The two most common herd animals of the Ashlanders are the guar and the shalk. The guar is a large biped, trained as a beast of burden, and raised for meat and hides. Wild guard are encountered in the wilderness; they're usually quite peaceful. The shalk is a large, unaggressive beetle, raised for meat and resin from its shells."

Issue(s): Shalk meat is not featured in game. May be referring to Scuttle, which is not dropped from the Shalk.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-017

"Yellow tick is a mild common disease affecting a victim's strength and mobility. Symptoms include dark, bruise-like swelling, sensitive to touch. It may be contracted from the least kagouti."

Issue(s): Least Kagouti are not featured in game. (implies Great Kagouti may exist...).

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-018

"Rockjoint is an acute common disease affecting a victim's manual dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and immobility of all joints. It may be contracted from the domesticated guar or dusky alit."

Issue(s): Dusky Alit are not featured in game.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-019

"Fur armor is a light armor style popular among Nord barbarians. Dreugh is a remarkably strong Dunmer medium armor, made from Dreugh hide. But the most famous exotic armor is Dwemer, or Dwarvish armor, a highly ornate heavy armor valued as much for its rarity and antique craftsmanship as for its distinctive impact-absorbing qualities in combat."

Issue(s): Dreugh Hide is not featured in game.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-020

"Fire petals have modest magical properties, and are collected from the fire fern plant that grows on Red Mountain, in Molag Mar, and on Azura's Coast."

Issue(s): Fire Petal locations are not consistent with this description.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-021

"Kreshweed fiber is a resinous fiber with modest magical properties that comes from the coarse grass of the Grazelands and Azura's Coast called kreshweed."

Issue(s): Kreshweed locations are not consistent with this description.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-022

"The sweet pulp of marshmerrow reeds is a delectable foodstuff, and when eaten fresh or prepared, it has modest healing properties. Marshmerrow is an important cash crop of the farms and plantations of the Ascadian Isles, but it also grows wild in the Grazelands and on Azura's Coast."

Issue(s): Marshmerrow locations are not consistent with this description.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-023

"Bloat is the thick, pulpy-white tuber of the bloatspore plant. It grows in dark, damp locations."

Issue(s): Bloatspores are said to grow in dark, damp and produce bloat, but there are none placed in game (though there is a mesh for them on the disc).

Solution(s): http://mw.modhistory.com/download-15-9321, http://webpages.charter.net/manauser/morrowind/#gherb and http://mw.modhistory.com/download-90-7817 add bloatspores to the game and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5997&view=Mods.Detail adds a Bloat Mine. The mesh is fixed by Gez in http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-5559.


Item C-024

"Nibani Maesa says that, if the star is the key -- Azura's Star -- then the door may be seen only at dawn and dusk, when Azura's Star is in the sky. Then the star would be the 'key' that opens the door."

Issue(s): The door is visible at all times, but it can only be opened at Dawn and Dusk. To be consistent, the door would have to be unseen (Gates of Moria style) at any other time.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-025

"Heavy two-handed hammers were developed in the West to counter the defensive protection of the heavily armored Western knight. The iron warhammer has a single head with a balancing spike to penetrate plate armor. The steel warhammer, on the other hand, has two heavy heads, and is designed to batter or knock down an armored opponent."

Issue(s): The iron warhammer does not have a balancing spike.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-026

"Forgive the rude welcome, but until you have declared for us, we must treat you as our enemy. The Sleepers and Dreamers are newly come to Lord Dagoth, and not yet blessed with his power. But the Children of His Flesh, they are deep in the heart of his mysteries. Their bodies swell to contain his glory, and to yield the rich sacraments of our Lord's feasts. And we are the least of his servants, for Ash Poets, Ascended Sleepers, and Ash Vampires stand high above us in the Lord's bountiful grace."

Issue(s): There are no Ash Poets in the game. May be a twisted mocking of Vivec, with 4-arms (Mephala). Or may just be a specialized ash ghoul…

Solution(s): Added by http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30563


Item C-027

"I hear that the Balmora magistrate, Nolus Atrius, is on the take. But he has important friends who can protect him. The Legion Champion, Larrius Varro, over at Fort Moonmoth, has sworn an oath to stop corruption. But it's not clear how he can deal with the situation."

Issue(s): Nolus Atrius is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-028

"Did you hear they stuck that Dissident Priests guy Malur Omayn in the Ministry of Truth? I guess the Temple Priests and Ordinators figure they can straighten him out in there. I'll bet they can."

Issue(s): Malur Omayn is not in the game. May be dead and disposed of already though...

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-029

"Bilsa Andaram said she heard a group of smugglers talking about a trans-shipment point in a cave up on the coast in the West Gash. All she could catch was that it was north of Koal Cave and the Odai River, and that it was near a natural bridge of rock that arched over the water."

Issue(s): Bilsa Andaram is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-030

"Narese Athrys said she ran into a rogue Telvanni base out in the middle of the ashlands. Unfortunately, when she used her Almsivi Intervention to escape, she failed to note her position. All she could say was that she was somewhere in the ashlands between Foyada Mamaea on the west and Foyada Ashur-Dan on the east, and north of Lake Nabia. That covers a lot of empty territory."

Issue(s): Narese Athrys is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-031

"Madayna Sarendas tells me Kirginia had the shipmaster drop her and her mates off in the middle of nowhere, on the beach north of Rotheran on Sheogorad. So she doesn't realize this looks odd? How many times has Kirginia done hard time for smuggling? She may not be smart, but she certainly is persistent."

Issue(s): Madayna Sarendas is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-032

"You know what I heard about Baram? The other day he woke up in the Temple, but couldn't remember how he got there or why he went there. He made a big joke of it, saying he must have tied one on last night, and forgot all about it."

Issue(s): Baram is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-033

"A guard found Naryn walking around in his nightshirt near the fort. He said he didn't remember how he got there. Sounds to me like he's getting old before his time."

Issue(s): Naryn is not in the game.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-034

"You won't believe what old Avus said yesterday. 'I could live in a nutshell and be consumed with infinite space were it not that I have bad dreams.' What the hell is he talking about?"

Issue(s): There is an Avus in the game, but he is located at the Dren Plantation, no where near enough Balmora for rumor-tellers to be so familiar with him.

Solution(s): Added by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=6171&view=Mods.Detail


Item C-035

"Bittergreen is a red flowering plant with modest magical properties. It grows in the Red Mountain region."

Issue(s): Bittergreen is not a red plant and/or does not have red flowers. It can also be found in the West Gash and Ashlands regions. It is possible that we see the out of season Bittergreen plant in game (no flowers yet).

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-036

"Really? Is that what you had in mind? Don't let me discourage you. But you do know that you are almost certain to get corprus disease if you enter the Corprusarium? And I hope you understand how frightfully dangerous our inmates can be? And we do have guards, you know. Quite good ones. You're free to try, of course. But I don't advise it."

Issue(s): The only fully implemented method of contracting corprus is through Dagoth Gares during the main quest. If the player contracts the spell version of the disease it breaks the main quest and is non-functional anyway. And you cannot catch corprus from most logical sources of the disease like Corprus beasts.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-037

"According to the Collective Articles of the Council of the Great House Telvanni, out-house and outlander guests in Sadrith Mora may not travel in town or speak to or conduct business with citizens, tradesmen, or publicans unless they have Hospitality Papers. Hospitality Papers may be obtained from the Prefect of Hospitality, Angaredhel, at the Gateway Inn for 25 gold."

Issue(s): None of this is implemented in game.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=7034 requires the player to have papers to receive any services in Sadrith Mora. http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/8359/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D8359&pUp=1 does much the same but makes some other changes to make the new requirement work more fluidly.


?Item C-038

"The unarmored discipline is the skill of avoiding or reducing injury during combat by evading, deflecting, or absorbing blows. This discipline is traditionally associated with the mystical martial arts disciplines of the Khajiit, but has been adapted in the West for use by mages whose spellcasting is adversely affected by encumbering armor and weapons."

Issue(s): Wearing armor appears to have a negative impact on spell-casting, but this is not addressed in game.

Solution(s): http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1416933-betarelz-mastering-magicka/ adds this feature.


Item C-039

"I reported to Tienius Delitian that Trels Varis had given me his word that he would not discuss King Helseth in 'The Common Tongue'. Tienius Delitian was very pleased with my service. He gave me 3000 gold to cover my expenses and a 'King's Oath' blade -- exactly like those used by the Royal Guard. Only those sworn to the king's service and tested by great trials may use them. They bear deadly curses that kill thieves and traitors."

Issue(s): The Royal Guard don't actually use these weapons.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-040

Tamrielic Lore, regarding the Warlock's Ring: "It is best known for its ability to reflect spells cast at its wearer and to improve his or her speed and to restore health. No adventurer can wear the Warlock's Ring for long, for it is said that the Ring is Syrabane's alone to command."

Issue(s): The Warlock's Ring does not restore health when cast.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-041

Tamrielic Lore, regarding the Dragonbone Mail: "The properties of the Cuirass allow the wearer to be resist fire, and to damage an enemy with a blast of fire."

Issue(s): The Dragonbone Cuirass does not have this ability. Possible fixes include scripting the armor to add a spell to the player's inventory or replacing the resist fire with a fire shield to inflict fire damage on attackers.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-042

Tamrielic Lore, regarding the Lord’s Mail: "Sometimes called the Armor of Morihaus or the gift of Kynareth, this is an ancient cuirass of unsurpassable quality. It grants the wearer power to absorb health, resist the effects of spells, and cure oneself of poison when used. It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one.”

Issue(s): The cuirass does not give the ability to absorb health.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-043

“Ataxia is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and dexterity. Symptoms include generalized pain and muscle stiffness. It may be contracted from slaughterfish.”

Issue(s): Ataxia is contracted from the Diseased Alit and Plague Bear but not slaughterfish. The Plague bear could possibly have its own unique disease.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-044

“Brown rot is a mild common disease affecting the victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include necrosis and sleeplessness. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord.

Issue(s): Brown rot cannot be contracted from skeletons or bonelords.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-045

“Chills is an extremely dangerous common disease affecting the victim's mind and coordination. Symptoms include clumsiness and mental confusion. It may be contracted from the bonewalker, skeleton, greater bonewalker, or bonelord.

Issue(s): Chills cannot be contracted from any of these sources.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-046

“Dampworm is a serious common disease affecting a victim's mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching. It may be contracted from the nix-hound.

Issue(s): Dampworm cannot be contracted from anything.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-047

“Droops is a serious common disease that affects a victim's strength. Symptoms include weak and flaccid muscle tissues. It may be contracted from all forms and stages of kwama.

Issue(s): There is no diseased version of the Kwama Forager or Kwama Warrior.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-048

“Greenspore is a serious common disease affecting a victim's behavior. Symptoms include irritability and violent outbursts, and may include mild dementia. It may be contracted from slaughterfish.

Issue(s): Cannot be contracted from Slaughterfish.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-049

“Rattles is a mild common diseased affecting a victim's willpower and dexterity. Symptoms include muscle spasms and listlessness. It may be contracted from the nix-hound.

Issue(s): Rattles cannot be contracted from anything.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-050

“Rockjoint is an acute common disease affecting a victim's manual dexterity. Symptoms include painful swelling and immobility of all joints. It may be contracted from the domesticated guar or dusky alit.

Issue(s): Rockjoint cannot be contracted from anything.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-051

“Rust chancre is a mild common disease affecting a victim's mobility and behavior. Symptoms include swelling and rash, and painful muscle spasms. It may be contracted from the waste rat.

Issue(s): Rust Chancre cannot be contracted from anything. The Waste Rat is not featured in the game.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item C-052

“Wither is a mild common disease that affects a victim's strength and endurance. Symptoms include loss of energy and shortness of breath. It may be contracted from dreugh.”

Issue(s): Wither cannot be contracted from the Dreugh. But it CAN be contracted from Dreamers.

Solution(s): Unknown

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Mason Nevitt
Posts: 3346
Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 8:49 pm

Post » Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:51 am

List of Ineffectuals

Implicitly variant material


Item E-001

"The betty netch is a large hovering beast, supported by internal sacks of magical vapors. The betty netch, the female of the species, is smaller than the male bull netch, but fiercely territorial. Cured netch skin, durable, flexible, and variously colored, is used throughout the Empire in garments, armor, weapons, household goods, and furnishings."

Issue(s): Netch are monochromatic - there may be other varieties with different pigmentation.

Solution(s): http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30563 adds a green and black Netch


?Item E-002

"Fur armor is a light armor style popular among Nord barbarians. Dreugh is a remarkably strong Dunmer medium armor, made from Dreugh hide. But the most famous exotic armor is Dwemer, or Dwarvish armor, a highly ornate heavy armor valued as much for its rarity and antique craftsmanship as for its distinctive impact-absorbing qualities in combat."

Issue(s): The dwarven armor we see in game is NOT ornate. Perhaps this would be referring to an armor in the style of Oblivion's dwarven armor.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-003

"The Velothi are people of Ashlander stock who have abandoned nomadic life and settled among the native Dunmer; the Velothi are despised by their Ashlander cousins as weak and soft, while the Dunmer look down upon the Velothi as an insignificant underclass."

Issue(s): This Dunmer underclass doesn't appear to be prominently featured in the game; though it is alluded to in Gnisis.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-004

"Most Ashlanders wish all foreigners and their false gods could be driven from Morrowind. At very least, Ashlanders wish the foreign devils would leave them in peace. Ashlanders think it shameful to attack unarmed persons, but they will kill without hesitation an armed person who offends them or their clan laws. No Ashlander is fool enough to make war against the Empire. However, if such a war might be won, many Ashlanders might cheerfully give their lives to win such a war."

Issue(s): Most Ashlanders seem to accept the beliefs of Dagoth Ur. It implies that some could potentially join him as he gains power during the main quest.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-005

"And among outcast Ashlanders, beware the mabrigash, renegade witch-warrior women who practice dark magics."

"A mabrigash is an Ashlander witch-warrior, a renegade wise woman who has forsaken the established rules of behavior for an Ashlander woman to become a master of dark magic and the weapons of war. By secret rituals the mabrigash steals a man's vital essence and makes herself a powerful sorcerer and warrior. The manifestation of her dark power is called a 'ghost snake' that paralyzes and drains a victim's vitality."

Issue(s): The Ghost Snake ability of the Mabrigash is rather underdeveloped. Sounds more like a magical manifestation/summon rather than a simple spell.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-006

"The unarmed, unarmored martial arts traditions of the Marshmerrow, Salt Rice, and Golden Reed societies of the Dissident Priest, patterned on the 'Rain-of-Sand' fighting styles of Elsweyr, are slow to be adopted in the Empire, associated as they are with the ascetic renunciation of worldly wealth and material goods, and the rigid disciplines and mystical philosophies so alien to the Imperial West."

Issue(s): These Dunmer Martial Arts aren't prominently featured in the game. Also implies that there may be a Golden Reed plant in Morrowind.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-007

"The kwama forager scouts the surface of the land and natural underground passages, searching for suitable locations for new colonies, and hunting for prey. Foragers are aggressive but not very dangerous."

Issue(s): Kwama Foragers are not in cave leveled lists.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-008

"Raw glass is similar to raw ebony, but less well-known. Ebony is jet black, while glass is a milky translucent green. Less durable, but much lighter and more flexible than ebony, glass is used primarily to make the distinctive, elegant glass armors and weapons of High Elven design."

Issue(s): The glass armor and weapons in Morrowind seem to be of High Elven design. Which implies that there could actually be a Dunmer Glass Armor.

Solution(s): Unknown

Counter(s): From Bethesda's website, it looks like Glass is made by the Dark Elves but is inspired by High Elven design; http://web.archive.org/web/20050207091315/http:/www.elderscrolls.com/codex/codex_armor.htm.


?Item E-009

"Ash salts are hard grey crystals formed from the ash deposited by ash storms in the ash wastes and lava fields. Ash salts are most often collected from the remains of creatures like the ash slave, the ash ghoul, and ash zombie."

Issue(s): Implies that ash salts may be a harvestable ingredient/material in the Ashlands - from Ash Piles/Drifts.

Solution(s): Unknown


?Item E-010

"Scribs are little baby kwama. We shuck the shells, crush the flesh into a jelly. Doesn't taste bad. And filling. Takes a while getting used to the texture, though."

Issue(s): Scribs have their shells shucked to get to the meat; so there could be empty scrib shells laying around egg miner camps - or Scrib Shell Fragments could be a drop.

Solution(s): Scrib Shell Fragments are added by http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/30563/?


?Item E-011

"I'm a scout. I know places, people, plants, paths, wind, and weather. I serve as guide for travelers and traders, or work as advance guard and pathfinder for expeditions. I know the geography of Vvardenfell, and the various geographic regions. My best defense is stealth, sneaking past trouble, but I can fight bow or blade, in various armor styles, when the job requires it."

Issue(s): Scouts claim to guide travelers, but will only point out directions on a map, they do not serve as guides.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5892&view=Mods.Detail gives Scouts travel (guiding) services.


Item E-012

"The frost centurion is an enchanted animated artifact of Dwemer creation. Constructed in the form of an armored warrior, they are aggressive and dangerous. Scrap metal collected from Dwemer artifacts is rare and precious, and prized both by collectors of antiquities and students of metals and enchantments."

Issue(s): Scrap metal has a very low value, even to intellectuals. A dime-a-dozen as it were.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-013

"I'm sorry. I understand. Then we have nothing further to discuss at this time. I will not apologize for the Temple's actions against you, or against the Dissident Priests. But I do believe it is time for such hostilities to stop. I regret that, at present, the Ordinators are not completely under my control, so I cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed. But if you change your mind, and are willing to meet with Vivec, please return to me at any time."

"The Ashlanders have a prophecy that one day a reincarnation of the legendary hero Nerevar will unite the Dunmer against the invaders and restore the ancient Dark Elven nation. But the Tribunal Temple says this is a false and profane superstition, and the Ordinators deal mercilessly with those who profess such beliefs."

Issue(s): It is implied that the ordinators will be hostile towards the player after they proclaim to be the Nerevarine.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5892&view=Mods.Detail makes Ordinators attack the player on sight after they proclaim to be the Nerevarine.


Item E-014

"You look ravaged. Maybe you should see a healer." ";PCHealthPercent<=75"

"Not so close! I don't want to catch what you've got. And you've got a blight disease. You're a danger to everyone. You must find an Imperial cult altar or a Temple shrine, or see a healer or apothecary, and get yourself cured. Otherwise, no one is going to talk to you."

Issue(s): It is implied that Healers offer healing and curative services, which they do not.

Solution(s): The http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1430 mod makes healers offer healing services. Healing.esp (part of http://webpages.charter.net/manauser/morrowind/#minimods collection) makes them offer health/attribute restoring and disease curing services.


Item E-015

"Someone said that Ienas Sarandas lost his patrimony betting on the guar, and sold every piece of the family silverware to pay his debts."

Issue(s): You can't see others betting or bet on guar yourself in the game. Or this might just be an idiom for doing something foolish.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-016

"For our coming Harvest's End pageant, we need a red shirt with a black vest. Please visit clothiers and ask if they would donate such a shirt and vest to the cult. The combination of shirt and vest is what they call a 'common shirt.' When you have the red shirt with a black vest, return and deliver them to me."

Issue(s): The pageant never takes place!

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-017

"Gravedust is spirit-affinitive dust taken from remains buried in consecrated ground."

Issue(s): Gravedust cannot be taken from remains buried in consecrated ground such as ash pits, mummies, and urns.

Solution(s): http://mw.modhistory.com/download-90-11071 adds gravedust as a drop from ash pits. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1333 adds gravedust to urns.


Item E-018

"Beneath the Palace of Vivec is the Puzzle Canol, a place of worship and testing for questing heroes hoping to receive Vivec's favor. Many choice treasures are guarded by Daedric servants in the Puzzle Canol's dark passages."

Issue(s): The puzzle canol is not implemented in this way. For one, there is only one Daedric servant.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1086 and http://morrowind.nexusmods.com/mods/15595/? add puzzles to the Puzzle Canol. Bro, do you even puzzle?


Item E-019

Ruins of Kemel-Ze, regarding Steam Centurions: "The ice cracked above me. The giant golden king stood before me, the shell of ice falling away, his head swiveling towards me in triumph. Was there no stopping this Dwarven monstrosity?! But then the light faded from his eyes, and his arms dropped to his sides. The magical frost had worked, cooling its steam-driven energy."

Issue(s): It is implied by this book that steam-powered centurions may be severely weak to magical frost.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-020

"[Suran is] a busy port on the north shore of Lake Masobi, in the northwest corner of the Ascadian Isles. You can get there by going east from Pelagiad and around the north side of the Dren Plantation, following the roads east until you reach Suran. You can also take a Silt Strider there from Molag Mar or Vivec."

Issue(s): Suran does not have a busy port. Not a single boat is there.

Solution(s): http://mw.modhistory.com/download-87-10026 adds a small dock, but still no busy port!


Item E-021

Breathing Water, regarding Vivec: "His name was Tharien Winloth, but in Vivec, they called him the Tollman. His job, such as it was, was collecting a percentage of the loot from the smugglers when they came into harbor to bring to his boss in the Camonna Tong."

Issue(s): Implies that Vivec may have a larger harbor than it really does. One large enough for smugglers to dock unnoticed.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=1534 adds additional areas to Vivec for boats to dock, though no fully fledged harbor.


Item E-022

Summon Ancestral Ghost spell effect tooltip: "Summons an Ancestral Ghost to battle for the caster. It appears six feet in front of the caster and attacks any aggressive entity until the effect ends or the creature is killed. At death, or when the effect ends, the creature disappears. If summoned in town, guards will attack the caster and summoned creature on sight."

Issue(s): All the summoning tooltip descriptions include this statement along with an Xbox loading screen. Yet there are no actual repercussions in game for summoning in public areas.

Solution(s): http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=3856&view=Mods.Detail addresses this omission.


Item E-023

"I am a herder. I watch over the tribe's herds of guar and shalk. I butcher the guar and shalk and preserve their meats to feed the tribe. I tan the guar hides, render the shalk resins, and season the shalk shells. Then the tribe's craftsmen take these things and make the things we need for ourselves, and the things we sell to traders and other tribes."

Issue(s): This description of Ashlander economy is severely underdeveloped in the game. And there are no shalk shells present in the game.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-024

"Ashlander nomadic camps have portable huts of hides stretched on chitin frames. These huts can be quickly dismantled and packed atop a guar when moving to new grazing and hunting grounds. The khan's hut is simply a larger, more elaborate version of a family hut."

Issue(s): Ashlander yurts appear to use wooden frames, based on the texture, not chitin. And they are never seen dismantled or moved in the game.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-025

"The Dunmer village style is the most familiar style in all districts. Huts are built of local materials, with organic curves and undecorated exteriors inspired by the landscape and the shells of giant native insects. Villages are dominated by Temple compounds and courtyards in traditional villages, but in newer plantations, the manor houses are the central features."

Issue(s): This may specifically be referring to the Redoran Village style seen in Gnisis (note that most Redoran homes are called Huts). As most other villages seem to consist of the shacks which do not have an organic, natural style.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-026

"The Duke and the Grand Council members are here. Rufinus Alleius is the Imperial magistrate. Cavortius Albuttian is the head of the Imperial Guard, Duke Dren's palace guard. Frald the White, Knight Bachelor of the Imperial Legion, is the head of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison. Lalatia Varian is the head priest of the castle's Imperial cult shrine. The wealthy Canctunian Ponius is the chief factor and banker of the East Empire Company."

Issue(s): Is described and treated as an Imperial Magistrate but he http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Rufinus_Alleius.

Solution(s): He is made into a Magistrate by http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5892&view=Mods.Detail


Item E-027

Chance's Folly, regarding the Heran Ancestral Tomb: "Abruptly the passage ended with a large metal door, secured by a golden lock... As she turned, the door closed between her and the Breton. On her side, it did not resemble a door anymore, but a wall."

Issue(s): The Heran Ancestral Tomb has a few signs which link it to this book, but that door does not match its description at all. And there are no signs of advanced traps like tripwire.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-028

Tamrielic Lore, regarding the Ring of the Wind: "No facts are known about this Ring, but the title and the few rumors lend one to think it grants the wearer added speed.

Issue(s): It is implied that the ring should fortify Speed. But it fortifies Agility. But this description is vague and agility could be mistaken for speed by some observers.

Solution(s): http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1474127-mpp-problems-mistakes-and-suggestions/?p=23026512 addresses this by changing Fortify Agility to Fortify Speed.


Item E-029

Tamrielic Lore, regarding the Daedric Crescent: "Probably the most rare and even outlawed item of all the great prizes is the Daedric Crescent Blade. The Blade was used by Mehrunes Dagon's Daedric forces in the capture of the Imperial Battlespire. These extremely unique Blades were gathered up and destroyed after the Battlespire was recaptured by the Empire. All but one it seems. Though the Empire believes them all to be destroyed, it is rumored that one still remains in existence, somewhere in Tamriel, though none have ever seen it. The Blade lends it's [sic] wielder the ability to do great damage on an enemy and allows him to paralyze and put heavy wear on his enemy's armor. Quite the prize for any mighty warrior, if it does indeed exist.”

Issue(s): Implies that the Crescent blade(s) are outlawed by the empire. So, Guards and Imperial Citizens may raise the alarm if they see you using one.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-030

“Serpiginous dementia is a serious common disease affecting the victim's mind and behavior. Symptoms include hallucinations and an itchy and unsightly scaly skin condition resembling snake scales.”

Issue(s): This disease is only carried by the Bull and Betty Netch. The description could be changed to reflect that.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-031

“Yellow tick is a mild common disease affecting a victim's strength and mobility. Symptoms include dark, bruise-like swelling, sensitive to touch. It may be contracted from the least kagouti.”

Issue(s): Yellow Tick can also be contracted from the Plague Wolf. The Plague Wolf could perhaps use its own unique disease.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-032

“Raw ebony is one of the most precious substances in the Empire, and most of the continent's deposits are here on Vvardenfell. Raw ebony itself is an extremely hard, durable, black glass-like substance, said to be the crystalized blood of the gods. Raw ebony is protected by Imperial law, and may not be mined or exported without an Imperial charter. Ebony smuggling is a profitable but dangerous source of illegal wealth on Vvardenfell."

Issue(s): Implies that the sale of raw ebony may have restrictions. And yet the player can just grab and sell it as they please.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-033

"The raw glass deposits here on Vvardenfell are the richest in the world. There's a fortune in raw glass here. It all used to belong to the Temple, but now it belongs to the Emperor -- or anyone of his cronies he gives a mine charter."

Issue(s): Implies that the sale of raw glass may have restrictions. And yet the player can just grab and sell it as they please.

Solution(s): Unknown


Item E-034

"Weapons, armor, housewares, coins, and other items of Dwemer design are often found in Dwemer ruins. They are prized by historians and antiquarians, and very valuable. The Emperor, however, has declared all newly discovered Dwemer artifacts to be possessions of the Crown, and forbids their trade or sale. Now smuggling Dwemer artifacts is treason, but smugglers will still risk execution for such a profitable crime."

"Yes, buying and selling Dwarven artifacts without an Imperial charter is illegal. But I've never heard of anyone pinched for it."

Issue(s): It’s stated that buying and selling dwemer artifacts is illegal and yet the Little Advice given by many NPCs implies that the Empire is lax on their prosecution of the crime.

Solution(s): Unknown

? Please share your own experience with inconsistencies here in this thread! ?

? Please follow the format I have used when posting: quotation, issue, solution (if applicable) ?

? Feel free to use this thread for discussion of the lists in this post or lists posted by other members. ?

? If you know of or make any mods which address these items (or items which are not listed), please share here! ?

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:35 am

a funny one:
"A powerful but demanding weapon, the long bow is historically associated with Altmer aristocrats and Bosmer hunters. The less-powerful bonemold long bow of Morrowind is traditionally a noble's hunting weapon, but has been adopted for wider use by many outlander sportsmen and mercenaries."
bonemold long bow is more powerful than the wood or steel long bows.
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Naughty not Nice
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Post » Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:46 am

I have a feeling that those longbows are of Imperial make, or maybe Dunmer, not Altmer or Bosmer.

By the way, the last thread was a good one! It went further than I expected. Keep the input coming! Don't forget to list any mods you know of that address these issues; or issues that aren't listed here yet.

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Rachel Tyson
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