Uninstalled Children of Morrowind... but quests are still th

Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:36 pm

I barely used Children of Morrowind. I only used it for like a minute, in fact, I couldn't even see the kids because my game kept crashing when I went outside, so I had to uninstall it. Now that it's uninstalled, I ran into this guy in Ald-Ruhn who says he was expelled from the Mages Guild for stealing food to feed his son. When I asked about his son, he says he's over there but he doesn't get along with any other children, even though I didn't see any child. So I suspect that it's from Children of Morrowind. Why is the quest still there? I merged the level list after I uninstalled it, and I updated the master list.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:11 am

That's not from Children of Morrowind, which doesn't add quests. As far as I remember it's from LGNPC Ald-ruhn - so nothing went wrong with the uninstallation :)

It's odd that you're getting such severe errors from Children of Morrowind though. It's always been very stable for me. Did you register the BSA in the .ini file?
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Doniesha World
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:38 am

Ah, I see. Thanks. I was wondering why he was pointing at the direction where his son was when he wasn't there.

And yeah, I did use the bsa line in the ini setting. There is only one bsa line for Children of Morrowind right? Because I was looking through the pictures on the official site, and I saw another line above it, so it kind of confused me.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:28 am

Yes, Taryon's quest is from LGNPC Ald'ruhn supplement. It is not in any way connected to Children of Morrowind, but just something we thought a destitute father might say (and with or without Children of Morrowind we can imagine that some of our NPCs are mothers or fathers). However, since it is possible for us to detect if a player is also running Children of Morrowind we (LGNPC) added specific references to NPCs added by that mod where logically the NPC might be the speaker's child. Without Children of Morrowind, Taryon would have mentioned having a son, but would not have pointed him out to the player.

Currently the Ald'ruhn supplement, Khuul, and the Foreign Quarter are CoM-ready, meaning that some NPCs will be designated as parents of children introduced by that mod. Any significant update of an existing installment will be made CoM-ready (such as works in progress Ald Velothi and Seyda Neen). Every new LGNPC mod (such as work in progress Ebonheart) will be CoM-ready in its initial release.

The problem you encountered is not a result of our being able to detect if the player is running Children of Morrowind, but our inability to detect when it has been removed later. You can fix this yourself. Open the console by pressing the tithe '~' key and type:

set EM_ToddTeen to 0

This will prevent any LGNPC dialogue from making specific reference to children from that mod. It will also prevent other mods you may be running that need to detect Children of Morrowind from falsely recognizing it.
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:13 pm

Yes, Taryon's quest is from LGNPC Ald'ruhn supplement. It is not in any way connected to Children of Morrowind, but just something we thought a destitute father might say (and with or without Children of Morrowind we can imagine that some of our NPCs are mothers or fathers). However, since it is possible for us to detect if a player is also running Children of Morrowind we (LGNPC) added specific references to NPCs added by that mod where logically the NPC might be the speaker's child. Without Children of Morrowind, Taryon would have mentioned having a son, but would not have pointed him out to the player.

Currently the Ald'ruhn supplement, Khuul, and the Foreign Quarter are CoM-ready, meaning that some NPCs will be designated as parents of children introduced by that mod. Any significant update of an existing installment will be made CoM-ready (such as works in progress Ald Velothi and Seyda Neen). Every new LGNPC mod (such as work in progress Ebonheart) will be CoM-ready in its initial release.

The problem you encountered is not a result of our being able to detect if the player is running Children of Morrowind, but our inability to detect when it has been removed later. You can fix this yourself. Open the console by pressing the tithe '~' key and type:

set EM_ToddTeen to 0

This will prevent any LGNPC dialogue from making specific reference to children from that mod. It will also prevent other mods you may be running that need to detect Children of Morrowind from falsely recognizing it.

I see thanks! I thought it was a bit odd that he would point to where his child was. I hope using the console command doesn't create any bugs since I already completed his quest.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:22 am

Again, Taryon's quest and Children of Morrowind are completely independent of each other. The global variable EM_ToddTeen is introduced by Children of Morrowind and has a preset value of 1. Some LGNPC mods (as do others) merely declare this variable so it can be used as a dialogue filter or for some other reason that requires knowing if Children of Morrowind is running. Taryon has dialogue unrelated to his quest that checks the value of EM_ToddTeen. If it is 1 then he has more about his son. Toggling the CoM flag will make Taryon (and other NPC parents) say less or nothing about their children. It will not affect Taryon's quest at all.
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