you could paste and delete everything though you might need to reinstall better clothes. you will need to paste everything from Darknuts BC folder in to you rTextures/BC folder and delete and the same with the files that go in to the Textures folder. I would then reinstall better clothes and more better clothes since you are going to be deleting textures that it wants.
That's what I did. The only files that darknut has that the other two doesn't have are the tx_c files, and I'm asking if I should delete those as well.
An FPS hit from Darknut's Better Clothes? You sure? Because my rig doesn't throw a fit from it at all, and my graphics card is made by Intel.

I already have a bunch of graphical mods installed (visual pack, connery's texture pack, darknuts armor and weapon texture, ect) and I think that his clothes mod is the last straw for my computer. It is quite a huge leap from like 300kb per file to 1mb per file.