Hugs to swrdphantom, Dirnae, and Arcimaestro Anteres. :hugs:
Version: 1.1
Date: 8/17/2009
Category: Models and Textures
Requirements: Tribunal & Bloodmoon
Author: Alaisiagae
Gives most special and unique belts, rings, and amulets new, unique meshes. Also, some unique robes, gloves, and shoes have new textures, too.
Gives the majority of unique and special rings, amulets, and belts new and unique meshes and/or textures. Two robes now have new textures, along with several gloves, and one pair of shoes. All textures are actually vanilla textures, so they will look even better (hopefully!) with any texture replacers you use. New icons have been made, too, in the same style as Bethesda's. In total, over 100 pieces of clothing have been edited.
+ Two versions of the mod. One affects robes, the other doesn't change the robes. If you use a robe replacer, then I suggest using the non-robe .esp.
!!! THIS MOD WILL NOT MAKE AMULETS, RINGS, AND BELTS APPEAR ON YOUR CHARACTER WHEN EQUIPPED! This mod just gives them new ground meshes, so they'll look pretty on your shelf. The new icons will also make them handy to spot in your inventory. !!!
+ Includes fixes and tweaks for several vanilla rings. Incorrect Nif Material Properties have been fixed for: all 6th house artifacts (amulets, belts, rings), Madstone Amulet, common ring02 and common ring04. Tweaked textures on the 6th House artifact rings and belt to be better (nothing radical).
+ fixed the name of the Iron Will belt that has a speed enchantment. It is now the Belt of the Feet of Notorgo (which is the cS ID name for it).
+ Try using Yacoby's Close Inspection mod ( ) to be able to see all the lovely detail on those itsy bitsy rings.
+ Includes the changes made to the Templar, Imperial, and Indoril Belts from my Soldiers Belts Mod.
+ Gloves have right and left icons.
- cleaned with ESCOG.
+ !!! Bethesda goofed up and put the wrong textures in the Morrowind.bsa for most of the generic rings (common, expensive, extravagant). You can get the correct textures off your CS disc, or from another mod that has this fix (Ring Texture Fix mod, or the Morrowind Patch Project). This mod doesn't include those textures, so you'll have to get the fix yourself. See the "Known Issues" section of this readme for links to these mods
Big List of Changes
- = new mesh and/or texture
+ = vanilla model swap
6th House Amulet
Amulet of Almsivi Intervention
Arobar's Amulet
Amulet of Ashamanu
Amulet of Divine Intervention
Amulet of Domination
Helseth's Collar
Amulet of Hunter's Speed
Amulet of Hunter's Strength
Maran Amulet
Amulet of Levitating
Necromancer's Amulet
Sanguine Amulets
Sanit-Kil's Heart of Fire
Amulet of Shadows
Amulet of Unity
Aundae Amulet
Berne Amulet
Quarra Amulet
Zenithar Whispers
Belt of the Armor of God
Belt of the Hortator
Sanguine Belts
Malipu-Ataman's Belt
Peakstar's Belt (Formerly: Embroidered Belt)
Belt of the Northern Knuck Knuck
Ralen Family Belt
Stendarian Belt (as well as Linus Iulus' Stendarian Belt)
Imperial Belt
Templar Belt
Indoril Belt
Heartfire Belt
Ember Hand & Bitter Hand
Sanguine Gloves
Zenithar's Right Hand & Zenithar's Left Hand
Zenithar's Warning & Zenithar's Wiles
Changed the Elvul's Black Blindfold glove to use the morag tong glove mesh (a black glove).
Changed Travel-Stained Pants to Peakstar's Pants; changed mesh from common_pants_01_u to expensive_pants_01_a.
Aesliip's Ring
Akatosh Ring
Aundae Signet Ring
Ring of Azura
Barilzar's Mazed Band
Ring of Equity
St. Felm's Fire
Ring of the Hortator
Ring of Dark Mezalf
Marara's Ring
Septim Ring
Sheogorath's Signet Ring
Mage Ring
Thief Ring
Warrior Ring
Sanguine Rings (Gold, Green, Red, Silver, Sublime, and Unseen Wisdom; Transcendence; Transfiguring; Fluid Evasion)
Robe of the Hortator
Robe of Woe (now uses a slightly tweaked version of the Black common robe in Bloodmoon)
Changed the following robes to use different robe models:
Flameguard Robe model: common_robe_03_b
Flameeater Robe and Flamemirror Robe model: extravagant_robe_01_r
Magickguard Robe model: common_robe_05
Poisonguard Robe model: common_robe_05_b
Poisoneater Robe and Poisonmirror Robe model: extravagant_robe_01_a
Shockguard Robe model: common_robe_02_r
Shockeater Robe and Shockmirror Robe model: extravagant_robe_01
Robe of Erur-Dan the wise model: extrav_1a
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Morrowind\Data Files\
4a. If you WANT the changes to the robes, use the UniqueFinery.esp, DELETE the UniqueFinery_NoRobe.esp
4b. If you DO NOT want the changes to the robes, use the UniqueFinery_NoRobe.esp, DELETE the UniqueFinery.esp
5. Start Morrowind and play.
!!!NOTE: Don't run both plugins at the same time !!!
- If you are running my Soldiers Belt Fix mod, you can deactivate and uninstall it.
Uncheck the .esp. Then delete it!
Delete the following:
icons\Alais\amulet_[insert name here].dds
icons\Alais\belt_[insert name here].dds
icons\Alais\glove_[insert name here].dds
icons\Alais\ring_[insert name here].dds
icons\Alais\robe_[insert name here].dds
meshes\Alais\c_amulet_[insert name here].nif
meshes\Alais\c_belt_[insert name here].nif
meshes\Alais\c_glove_[insert name here].nif
meshes\Alais\c_ring_[insert name here].nif
meshes\Alais\c_robe_[insert name here].nif
meshes\Alais\c_shoes_[insert name here].nif
!!!NOTE: "[insert name here]" means just that. There's about a dozen meshes starting with "c_amulet" in the Alais folder, and I didn't feel like typing them all out. Besides, did you really want to read two pages of mesh names?!
1. Uninstall the old mod.
2. Install the new mod.
3. Start Morrowind and play. There should be no effect on saved games and should not corrupt any saves.
This mod will conflict with another mod that edits the Indoril, Imperial, and Templar belts. Versions of the MPP higher than version 1.6.4 will include the fix for these mods. Honestly, it doesn't matter if this mod overwrites that, as they make the same changes. If you are running my Soldiers Belt Fix mod, you can deactivate and uninstall it, as this mod includes that mod.
This mod will conflict with all other mods that edit the items listed in the Big List of Changes earlier in this readme. Use the NoRobe version of the mod if you are using a robe replacer (such as Canadian Ice's Robe Replacer).
Known Issues or Bugs
If you don't have a ring texture fix mod, then certain vanilla ring textures will appear black (Bethesda messed up the textures when they put them in the Morrowind.bsa). You can grab the correct textures off your CS disc and plop them in your Morrowind\Data Files\Textures folder, or get the Morrowind Patch Project.
You can get the MPP here:
The original Ring Texture Fix mod is here:
Other than that, there shouldn't be any problems. If you find any problems, PLEASE let me know. I tested most of the mod, but I might have missed something.
1.1, 2009/8/17 - fixed mesh problem with c_ring_azura.nif (Thanks swrdphantom!).
1.0, 2009/7/11 - Initial release.
You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'Alaisiagae'
You can find me on TESNexus as 'Alaisiagae'
Thanks to Dirnae for the wonderful belt meshes.
Thanks to Daduke for ring and amulet meshes from "Amulets and Rings Upgrade A" ( )
Thanks to swrdphantom for making the meshes used for Helseth's Collar and the Ring of Azura.

Thanks to Arcimaestro Anteres for the Hunter's Amulet of Speed, 6th House Amulet, and Aesliip's Ring.
Thanks to Dongle for the Necromancer Amulet, modified from the mesh in the "Mehrune's Accessories" mod ( ).
Thanks to Dongle for the mesh from the mod "Monk Beads" ( ).
Thanks to Karpik777 for resizing the hearfire belt and knuck knuck belt.
Thanks to R.D. for the helpful bug report for the Azura Ring mesh.
Thanks to the folks on the Bethesda forums for their support, assistance, and feedback. You guys and gals are great!
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Morrowind.
Thanks to for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to Planet Elder Scrolls for hosting so many magnificent mods.
Thanks to ElricM for hosting mods.
Thanks to Yacoby for ESCOG.
Thanks to the people who make Nifskope.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Tools Used
NIFSkope -
Photoshop -
Readme Generator -
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. Also, credit the mesh-makers (where applicable). Here's the details of the authors whose meshes I used, and the name of the mesh (my name for it) that they created. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Author: Dirnae
Meshes: c_belt_imperial.nif, c_belt_templar.nif, c_belt_indoril.nif
Author: swrdphantom
Meshes: c_ring_azura.nif, c_amulet_helseth.nif
Author: Daduke & co. (See CREDITS section for the link to the mod)
Meshes: c_amulet_domination.nif, c_amulet_maran.nif, c_amulet_levitation.nif, c_amulet_divine.nif, c_amulet_sanit-kil.nif, c_amulet_shadows.nif, c_amulet_unity.nif, c_amulet_zenithar.nif, c_ring_akatosh.nif, c_ring_barilzar.nif, c_ring_equity.nif, c_ring_mezalf.nif, c_ring_marara.nif, c_ring_septim.nif, c_ring_sanguine_[instert name here!].nif
Author: Dongle (See CREDITS section for the link to the mods)
Meshes: c_amulet_almsivi, c_amulet_necro.nif
Author: Arcimaestro Anteres
Meshes: c_amulet_6th, c_amulet_hircine_spd.nif, c_ring_aesliip.nif
I think I've got everyone. Thanks for making these and letting me (and modders in general) use these beautiful meshes.