» Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:06 am
Well, I'm a compulsive saver. Almost 100 hours in, and I've saved almost 900 times. You just have to make sure, you know? It's like every save is a precaution for death or lock ups.
If I'm ever elevated and I kill someone, I have to throw them over the ledge. It's just one of those things.
When I'm not in a rush, I always take my armour off when I go into towns, and put on clothes.
I never use my companions. I feel like I'm saving them for a special moment, and Lydia has been sitting in my house for over a hundred days.
I have the urge to collect Nirnroot for no reason, also due to the Oblivion quests. I keep thinking it's special, and I have it laying throughout my house.
I have to have everything organised in my house. I have a place dedicated to jewelry, crafting materials, clothing, armour. I even have a special area in my Breezehome for weapons. I have a full Elven and Orcish set lined up on the table, with whatever else fitting around it.
I feel like I HAVE to get every book I haven't read and take it back to my house to make a big collection.
There's more, but this is some of them. I have issues too. Don't worry guys, we aren't alone.