» Sat May 28, 2011 8:57 am
I read through the BB documentation, installed it, and played with the CS a bit. BB does rearrange the biped objects so that there are more biped slots open to add parts to clothing, allowing them to be much more complicated. However, it doesn't change the basic Morrowind mechanic of wearable object slots (you'd probably have to change the actual code of the game to do that, not just have a plugin, maybe something like the http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19510).
There are only the following wearable item slots: amulet, belt, L glove, pants, R glove, ring, robe, shirt, shoes, skirt, boots, cuirass, greaves, helmet, L bracer, L gauntlet, L pauldron, R bracer, R gauntlet, R pauldron, shield, and weapon. You can wear two rings at once, you can only wear one out of gloves and gauntlets and bracers, wear one of shoes and boots, so max items worn is 18. So even though the BB thong underwear uses the "Left Knee" biped object it is still the wearable item "pants" and can't be worn with any other "pants," even if that set of "pants" is a necklace taking up the "Neck" slot. Also, of the wearable slot objects the amulets, belts, and rings never display. No matter how many biped objects you assign to them you still won't see anything on the character.
Using the "Clavicle" biped object would help with the problem of the neck disappearing, but the mesh would have to be set up that way already for it to work because I don't know how to alter them. The meshes from the necklace packs only work as "Neck" objects. I intend to get around the neck disappearing problem by assigning one default texture to the neck, maybe something like a black velvet collar, and then having a folder where you can choose the texture for your race and simply replace the default. You could replace the default if you're not going to be putting these on NPCs of different races or if you have something like http://www.psychodogstudios.com/betterclothes/index.php?mod=0 installed that has a neck piece assigned to each shirt. I'm not going through all the scripting Gorg used to get the correct race texture assigned to each piece.
What I'm looking for is a way around how http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=495 and http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=5581 are set up, which is with the necklaces designated as helmets. You end up with the clothiers not selling necklaces but the weapon smiths will buy them. Also, you have to repair your necklace after a battle, it changes your armor rating, you have to decide what type of armor it is between light, medium, and heavy... That's why I was hoping for a way to use a clothing slot to display visible jewelry, preferably using something like the skirt slot which shouldn't interfere with most other things people wear.