Zeus - unique plasma rifle that fires lightning bolts.
Hey I was first!
Plasma Caster
Electro Blaster
The gun is very blue and silver metallic.
Electro Blaster fires away a lightning beam towards enemies, this lightning beam is extremely powerful and can chain travel if enemies are cluttered.
It also has a chance to stun enemies.
Problem is that it takes 100 electron charge package or 40 microfusion cells or 80 energy cells to fire one shot then it needs to reload.
Can be great at clearing out "horde" or "pack" enemies, worthless when against humans that are very far from each other.
So the one who created this weapon basically took the plasma caster and replaced it's plasma features with new stuff but it's shell is still that of a plasma caster and the model looks the same.
And now for a brand new brilliant idea.
Quad Steam-Punk 10mm SMG.
This is basically a new weapon.
It has 4 pipes and loads twice as much as the regular 10mm SMG but fires 4 times faster.
Has no chance of criticals.
Rather high spread but not too much to make it crap.
Breaks fairly easily.
It looks rather fat compared to it's normal variant.
Almost twice as wide.
I can just imagine this beast tearing up just about any human (PA excluded).
You have to find two unique Steam-Punk 10mm SMG's then get them to a certain person who will for a large sum of cash mod it into a true end-game weapon.
The two SMG's are rewarded by high lvl quest givers which means you cannot get this until you're at lvl 25+.
(The NPC's just simply won't give you the quest and tell you that you're inexperience and that you should come back later when you're better)