I've been trying to earn the challenges in game relating to killing certain creatures, dealing x damage with certain weapon types, Criting certain areas with certain weapon types, etc. I have noticed that while trying to do this that the Sturdy Caravan Shotgun is not a "shotgun" (Though a Caravan Shotgun is), Annabelle is not an Explosive Launcher (though a regular Missile Launcher is) and I have come across one or two other "named" weapons with this problem that escape my memory at the moment. (just remembered one: Dinner Bell not a "Shotgun") Anyone know the reason behind this and if it is likely to be fixed. I lwould prefer using the "named" versions of weapons and dislike being forced to use the regular ones in order to complete these challenges. If no fix forthcomong, does anyone know which other "named" weapons don't count as their base type so I can keep it in mind in the future?
If anyone can help me out with this that would be great