OOC: Troops will go up when they are needed

Urvaius, City GatesThe guard looked down at the man, who claimed he was from Phrygias. His attire seemed fit for what he claimed he was, but they simply did not let anyone claim they were someone. While it was a free government, most could go to the city freely, unless there was a current situation. When someone would claim they were such a high rank, as a general, he would have to bring his papers. The guard signaled downward, and several other guards, numbering 5, walked out of the gate to confront the man. One was particularly dressed a different way, and stood in the middle. He wore a blue cape over his usual uniform, and anyone could confirm he was the captain.
"I assume you have brought papers showing your identity and rank, Jolvan. We can only confirm any opinion to the Count if you show us your information..."
William, Roland, BhorianeWilliam pulled down the scope from his eye, handing it to Roland. Roland peered through the glass, getting a closer look at the Direnni flag.
"Well damn, it really is the Direnni flag..."
William nodded without hesitation, and peered over as he saw two figures approaching, one an Argonian, one a Breton. These two were the leaders of the Xa-Ku and the rebels, Phillip de Montesquieu and Dem-Na. They had shown up at just the right time after being fetched. William, at first, was going to give a different order, but now seeing the Direnni flag being put up, he had different orders for them.
"Take your rebels and the Argonians, go through the sewers and see whats happening in the city...with...that..."
William motioned for Roland to give the scope to Phillip, who in term followed the suggestion. The old veteran took it with ease, peering into it at the southwest flag.
"Well all hell...it really is the flag, isn't it?"
William nodded at the man, responding in his serious tone.
"Yes it is, and I want you to find out why the flag is being put up."
Phillip turned for a moment, handing the scope to his fellow Argonian. He rubbed his chin, coming back with a thoughtful response.
"This has to be some kind of trick or bluff, but we'll go check it out. Dem-Na, lets get the men through the sewer tunnel and into the different parts of the city. We'll give the arrangements once we're in the sewer system."
He turned back to William, pulling his brow down.
"Well, we best be on our way."
He nodded to the Argonian, and the two ran off to gather the rebels and Argonian mercenaries. William turned to Roland once more, giving him an order.
"Stay here and look out for enemy activity. I'm going to go gather a messenger to send to Rosseau. He needs some of his men ready. The mercenaries should be back soon."
With that, Roland nodded, and William was off.
Broken Diamond"What in the hell; Tralan, come see this."
The large Nord was sitting there coated in his steel plate armor, sword at his side, viewing the port from the forest. Tralan was behind him along with some of the others from the group, but not everyone from the group was with them. Most notably the large cat wasn't there, with his gigantic body. It would be impossible to hide him in the forest. Tralan crouched up beside the Nord, peering through his own scope, which he mostly used at sea.
"Looks like elves...Direnni..."
Dalk squinted, trying to get a better view at the distant mass of golden figures finding their way into the city. Then another one of them pointed out something else. An-Zaw and Antar, who were next behind the two, both saw something far off into the sea. An-Zaw pointed at the distant sea, which was filled with another mass of ships finding their way into the port. An-Zaw tapped Tralan on the shoulder, pointing to the mass out in the sea. Tralan then used his scope to eye that, and he clearly could tell what it was with his extensive knowledge of the sea and political area. After all, they were mercenaries.
"It's part of the Wayrestian fleet, or something like it..."
Tralan peered over at the golden figures in the distance once more. After that, he put his scope to his side, and tapped his Nordic fellow on the shoulder.
"Lets get out of here and send the information back to William...this doesn't look good..."
William, further in camp.William rode his steed into the camp, finding the agents who were currently off duty. He would need a few scouts for this job. He confronted a few of them, each done eating and ready for new orders. He nodded at them all, who each waved their hand in return. There were 5 of them, one of them communicating to William.
"What are our orders sir?"
William's horse came to a full stop, as he nodded his head once more at the group. His commander voice came out, flowing into the sky at the scouts.
"Go to the Rosseau estate, contact Lord Rosseau and Antoine Blaine. Tell them to get their men here. We'll need every man we can get..."
The scout nodded, and the others begin to round up, getting on their own mounts and heading for the Rosseau estate, which lay south of the camp.
Dayton, Camp directly West of BhorianeDayton rode through the camp, making sure to get the message to the scouts that remained with him.
"Men, pack your things except for the tents. We'll leave with the infantry tomorrow when they arrive."
Dayton continued to ride through the camp, giving his order. He would soon be resting in his own tent.