Right now, the Combat Intuition perk looks great to me, as I normally just assume I won't get shot from where a group of my teammates are, but time again I am flanked that way.
Battle Hardened: Increases your health by one pip.
Combat Intuition: Allows you to sense when an unseen enemy is about to fire at you.
Downed Fire: Lets you fire at enemies when you are incapacitated.
Sense of Perspective: Sense of Perspective snaps your view to 3rd person perspective while you complete objectives, allowing you to watch your own back.
Silent Running: Silences your player character's movement. Footsteps and the shifting of gear cannot be heard.
Grenade Shooting: Allows the player to shoot his or her own grenades in midair, prematurely detonating it.
Sprinting Reload: The player can reload their gun while running.
Sprinting Grenade: The player is capable of throwing a grenade while running.
Supply Max Increase: Increases
Aaargh! They're all so good! I can't decide!
I think it'll depend on body type and class. For example, the extra health might be good for Lights and the Silent Running might be good for Operatives. (Not saying
that other classes/body types can't have those, I'm just saying it would be an extra help towards those particular body types and classes as an example.)
Hmmm... For me, for my kind of gameplay style (not subtle, in-your-face, non-stealthy, like to be aware of enemies at all times, panicky/paranoid shooter, lol), I would choose to "watch my back", so Combat Intuition and Sense of Perspective sound really good for me. In third place, either the Battle Hardened or Supply Max sound good---extra health or supplies wouldn't hurt--especially for a Medic (and part-time Soldier). ^_^
The worst ones for
my type of gameplay style would be Silent Running (because I am not stealthy at all, I run around like an idiot a lot, and I will probably be the brightest colored person there, lol....so I will end up making that ability useless maybe?), and maybe Sprinting Grenade....because I tend to have "accidents" with grenades (I hurt myself often for some reason.....). :tongue: