Added this:
Keyword Property ArmorHelmet Auto
Inserted a few items here:
Int Property PlacedItem = 0 Auto Hidden
Int Property DisplayType = 1 Auto
; 1 = Weapon rack, 2 = Dagger case, 3 = Jewel display, 4 = Shield plaque, 5 = Potion/poison, 6 = Dragon claw, 7 = Helmet, 8 = COA weapon, 9 = Treasure, 10 = Mask
ObjectReference ItemRef
Form ItemBase
Here is the end:
Bool Function AllowedItems(Form akBaseItem)
If (DisplayType == 1)
Return (akBaseItem as Weapon)
ElseIf (DisplayType == 2)
Return (akBaseItem.HasKeyword(WeapTypeDagger))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 3)
Return ((akBaseItem.HasKeyword(ClothingRing)) || (GemList.HasForm(akBaseItem)))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 4)
Return (akBaseItem.HasKeyword(ArmorShield))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 5)
Return ((akBaseItem.HasKeyword(VendorItemPotion)) || (akBaseItem.HasKeyword(VendorItemPoison)) || (WhitePhial.HasForm(akBaseItem)) || (PoisonList.HasForm(akBaseItem)))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 6)
Return (OgClawFormList.HasForm(akBaseItem))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 7)
Return (akBaseItem.HasKeyword(ArmorHelmet))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 8)
Return ((akBaseItem.HasKeyword(WeapTypeSword)) || (akBaseItem.HasKeyword(WeapTypeGreatSword)))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 9)
Return (OgTreasureFormList.HasForm(akBaseItem))
ElseIf (DisplayType == 10)
Return (OgMaskFormList.HasForm(akBaseItem))
I can't figure out why a vanilla iron helmet fails the keyword(ArmorHelmet) check. Also, a vanilla dwarven dagger fails the keyword(weaptypedagger) check. I have no more ideas. I appreciate your help.
EDIT: I've tried changing the 'Int Property DisplayType = 1 Auto' line to the value '7' for the helmet display. That didn't make a difference, and leaving it just 'DisplayType Auto' didn't work, either. Every time I try to add a helmet to the display, I get my 'warning' message. TBH, I'm getting very tired of that message. .v.
Does anyone have any idea why this script doesn't work?