??? His steps where measured, his feet guided him through the darkness along the labyrinth or tunnels and sewers which he was all to familiar with. Moving around holes and obstructions in his path with out a second thought, it was all subconscious.
A gratifying sense of self assurance filled him with warmth, a feeling he had long forgotten. But now he was close, his work was almost done. The last pieces of the puzzle where falling into place. All he needed to do was guide them to the areas in which they where made to fit.
Each step he took in his research, each leap and bound in his consumption of knowledge brought him closer. His ultimate goal was to be realised. All those who tried to stop him would suffer. He would not kill them, Oh no. That was a prize they did not deserve. Like his past experiments, they would be kept between the line dividing life and death. An eternal limbo of suffering and pain, the same suffering and pain which created him.
What they did to me all those years ago was monstrous! a vicious voice resounded through the fit to burst caverns of his mind, each crevice filled with knowledge.
And so they created a monster fit for the purpose of vengeance? another voice, this time quiet and sly. More calculating and malicious than passionate and filled with rage.
They created what needed to be made. The world as we know it will change. I will be the architect. again, another voice. This one precise and devoid of emotion.
"And she will join me again. Just as I promised. She will join me, again." a cold almost whisper of a voice came, the thin dry lips of the pale masked man barely moving as the words escaped, it would take a master of the highest social skills to sense the longing and compassion in his voice. His emotions where luggage to him, something unnecessary and unwanted. They only served to slow him down. He had long since learned to suppress them. He has been suppressing them for so long that each emotion was as unfamiliar as the faces of a thousand strangers. Each emotion reared its head in such rare times where his anger could not be controlled. Or his joy would not be caged.
But the events where sparse and infrequent. Over the past fifty years he counted but three outbursts of emotion. None of which lasted longer than a minute, if that.
He could hear the beast cowering as he walked through the vast halls of the subterranean sess-pit, the goblins especially. At first, when he began the construction of his halls of research, they would attack him. Constantly serving as a reminder that beings of lesser intelligence than he should be removed from Nirn. But they soon grew to fear him. After he flayed their shamans, peeling the green taught flesh from sinewy chord like muscle. These where the preliminary experiment which led to his greatness, his understanding.
He would force them to gather round and watch as he experimented on their leader. Watching each one of them closely. Sensing their some what linear undeveloped emotions as he operated upon the still breathing and screaming beast. He soon conducted experiments of a similar nature on the inhabitants of the Imperial city.
But in one mind. He found the most peculiar thing, perhaps the one thing which drew him to Cyrodil. The answer, or perhaps a small part of it. To a question which had long been a fierce torrent of unruly thunder and fire within his heart. The question which drove him towards perfection. He found it within the mind of a simple adventurer, the knowledge embedded into his mind without him even knowing.
It was this which made him do the things he did, pushing memories and thoughts aside, damaging and tearing them asunder. Forcing them out of consciousness In the pursuit of the knowledge.
Those who didn't have it where left disfigured and deformed, their bodies mere husks of humanity. They lived however, they tried to cry out for help. Adventurers would slay them where they stood, simply mistaking them for a walking corpse. A cruel end to a cruel life, perhaps.
He soon found a link, something which certain people had in common, on the same day, every year. The device activates. Until that day, the device is impossible to find. Perhaps it doesn't exist until a certain day, or perhaps the earth opens up and swallows it. Or perhaps it was an elaborate disguise. All he knew was he didn't need to find them to take the knowledge they hold. He had to find those who had encountered them.
And he had the last few. The beast girl. A Breton thief with a dark secret. He found it within her. The Imperial, a cold but intelligent woman indeed, He was lucky to have her memory of the incident. She was difficulty to track, and even more difficult to catch.
The Imperial man, the easiest to track, and easiest to catch. He was found drunk on the streets of the waterfront district. Nobody objected to his kidnapping, they assumed he was being taken home to recover from his binge.
And then there was the mage whelp of the fool wizard, the charitable man who would foster children out of the goodness of his own heart. The memories she held for the man sickened him to no end. He was glad to liberate her of the hindrances she carried.
The soft golden light of a torch graced his cold flesh as he approached a dead end. A hand reached up to the torch bracket, skeletal like, the veins jutting out. It looked as if he had a number of worms burrowing beneath his flesh. The skin was tight and almost translucent. His time away from the sun was probably to blame. But no matter. He twisted the bracket to the left, the wall in front of him immediately moved forwards before scraping off to the right, revealing the cathedral like library of books and manuscripts.
His heart stopped beating. His blood turned cold, jaw clenched and eyes set. The room, the secret room known only to him. It was open. Who had seen it? It did not matter. Their memory of it would dissipate as they blood drained from their body.
He carefully surveyed the room, the door leading to the cells was empty, water was beginning to seep through from the tank room. On the opposite side the family heirloom, the one thing he had kept from his family was gone. The tapestry, ripped from its pole.
He quickened his walk into a swift gait, passing over the bridge, The scent didn't effect him any more. He had seen and breathed far worse things than bodily waste.
Another wash of cold ice swept through his body, the goblins who he had not slaughtered where now dead. Stripped of their crude weapons. This did no bode well. They had escaped.
His feet guided him again, his subconscious taking control as his mind assessed the situation. It didn't take long for him to think of a solution to the problem at hand. It never took long, never will.
The clamour of battle could be heard. Had he not already dealt with the underlings of the Night mother and the Gray fox? Had he not already slaughtered their speaker? The Khajiit with the mettle to attack him bare handed, only to be reduced to a smoking carcass of brittle charred flesh.
Apparently, that was only one group. This was the main force, the force which was supposed to serve as a deterrent while the smaller group rescued the prisoners. Well, if he had not murdered them like animals that is.
As he rounded the corner his sense where attacked by a barrage of noise, screaming and shouting. Then the smell of sweat and blood invaded his sinuses.
His eyes swept the battlefield. A few expendable vampires and to many expendable rogues and assassins. The filth of society, and then. The prisoners. He spotted the last to at the bottom of a ladder. One he recognized as the brother of the mage girl, the other he did not know. He watched as the wounded Brother shouted unknown words to a Redguard, They all started climbing the ladder as the Redguard reached them.
He screamed as a tidal wave of cold fury flooded through his body, releasing a bolt of lightning which violently rippsed the air apart as it shot towards the group of thieves, leaving a faint static energy in its wake.
He did not relish in the death of others as he launched another spell towards the thieves, he did not laugh as bodies fell to the floor, or flew into the walls.
He did not cry in rage as the vampires deserted him out of fear.
His body quivered at the unfamiliar feeling of anger. He rushed towards the ladder, just in time to see a foot disappear and the hatch close. Another scream of fury left his lungs, almost forcing blood out with the force of the escaping air. After a second or two he gathered he thoughts again, his hand crept up lazily towards the hatch, a single blast of fire demolished it, along with a large section of the floor.
His hands grasped the searing metal, his skin melted against it, the heat would be unbearable to any normal man. But that was his gift to the world and himself, His abnormality. He ignored the pain, instead he climbed, mutilating his own flesh in the pursuit of those pestilential thieves and escaped prisoners. His dream would not be stolen from him when he was so close to realising his destiny. The destiny that HE had shaped and formed, the destiny that HE had moulded, destroying the paths laid out to him by the gods. Casting them aside without regretted or remorse. As he reached the top of the ladder, the door leading out of the generic city basemant slammed shut, a few muffled shouts could be heard before a great deal of heavy foot steps.
He threw another handful of searing fire towards the door, Its remains disappeared in a fog of ash and smoke, the side wall leading to the neighbouring shop was demolished, as was the ceiling to the next floor and the front wall of the shop.
He walked onwards, his poise and stature correct, his footsteps measured and precise. His emotions dissipating. The rubble fell around him, he could see the street outside, legion officers gathered around, blocking any citizens from getting closer.
His thin lips twisted into a cruel smile as the watchmen trained their bows on him. He raised his hands as if in surrender. As a high pitched whirling noise drowned out the sounds of panicking citizens and falling masonry.
Artemis "Come on! Quickly!" He cried over the battle of the thieves and vampires, The Redguard ran towards him frantically. "Up!" He added In a shout, pushing Falcor towards the ladder and following closely behind along with the Redguard.
They scrambled upwards through the trap door, slamming and locking it behind them as they frantically made their escape.
"What about the others? They have no way to escape!" Artemis shouted over his shoulder to the Redguard as Falcor bolted through the door.
"They're already dea-!" He cried, his voice failing as the sound of an explosion resounded through the building. "Run!"
They didn't need telling twice, Artemis pushed Falcor through the door and followed closely into the street, the imperial watch where already gathering, looks of anxiousness upon their faces, each nervously fingering their bow. Artemis spotted Sadi and immediately ran towards her as another explosion mingled in with the sound of a collapsing building drowned out the sound of growing footsteps.
He turned to look at the building they had just emerged from, the entire front wall had been blasted off, along with the side wall to the building next to it. A tall pale figure walked through the rubble, stepping over the dead bodies of the shops proprietors. His hand held aloft.
Artemis turned to Sadi, about to tell her to run before the high-pitched sound of a mechanical object forced his attention away, He looked up towards the top of the North tower, atop of it was a large orb like construct, spinning furiously on its axis.
A brilliant flash of bright light almost blinded him, as he regained his vision, a new group of people where among them. Battle mages, each wearing silver legion armour with a white hood over their head.
"You are under arrest! Come willingly or face pain of death!" One cried over the clamour or noise, he looked nervous and uncertain, eying the mans smile cautiously.
"I choose death." He replied simply. His voice hollow, cold and dark.
The mage nodded, as a volley of arrows passed over his head. The man reacted almost instantly, the force of his shield spell driving the surrounding rubble from him, creating a large circle of blackened stone. As the last of the arrows met uselessly with the shield he retaliated, launching balls or bright blue light at the Archers, each fell to the floor, their bodies rigid and unmoving. Their last breath of air frozen in their lungs.
As the battle mages began to attack, Sadi threw spell after spell at the man, her face a perfect picture of rage, Artemis tried dragging her away but she broke his grip and carried on.
With each fallen battle mage another appeared to take his place, shooting volleys of magic at the man. The force of their attacks left the building weaker and weaker. It was now threatening to collapse at any minute.
"Enough! You will cease this spell casting and come with us!" A fierce voice rang, the same mage as before. Apparently the last surviving member of the first group. Artemis gazed over at the leather faced man. He looked like an obscure version of the Gray fox in a way, only his was dark and taught, nailed to his face.
"Very well, I surrender to you but you will bring the girl as well. That is what I demand. Carry out my wishes or you will perish before this day ends."
The un-named battle mage nodded to the man beside him, who immediately grasped Sadi and dragged her away from Artemis.
He launched himself at the battle mage, raising his short sword high, preparing to strike the mans head.
But the chance never came, instead he was wrestled backwards against the wall by the remaining battle mages. He exhausted himself as he tried to break free. The arrow bending and splintering as he did, the pain passing through him almost unnoticed.
"No! I didn't do anything wrong, I was trying to help! Please!" Sadi protested, struggling against the mans grasp.
"You have committed the highest of crimes, you will be punished along with this man." The mage spat back. Walking forwards and placing a hand on the leather faced mans shoulder.
Another high pitched screeching followed by a flash of light and they where gone. Leaving the bodies of the fallen upon the floor.
Artemis felt numb with shock, he didn't move an inch for several seconds before his mind shot into over drive. He walked forwards, replaying the events in his mind.
Where have they taken her? What will they do to her? he thought desperately, falling to his knees where she disappeared with the mage. He barely noticed that he was kneeling on a velvet blue journal as he buried his face in it hands.
OOC: Sorry for the character controle every body

but i wanted to get this post out of the way, i dont know if i'll be able to come on much over the weekend, im packing for uni so i'll be extremely busy. So i didnt want to leave you all in the eternal limbo between captured and free
Now, just a reminder. You're still confined to the city. The furthest i will let you go is Weye just outside the city. There just isnt enough people to have a full province, without character interaction people will eventualy run out of ideas and this will die, and i dont want that :shakehead: . But the map we're using for the city is huge any ways. :foodndrink:
And apologies for the length.. It was origionaly 8 pages long on MSword, so i had to condense it and managed to lower it to 4 pages lol