OOC: I know who Irlav Jarol is! And I didn't check the wiki.

Sadly, I am not with the group atm. Finally, to make my IC.

AvalonA young woman awoke in a dark, cold place, curled up on her side. She slid her hand across the ground, feeling the rough, slimy stone beneath her fingertips. Looking up, she could see eery green lights flooding into the place.
Illusion magic? she thought wonderingly, Lifting her head slightly, she looked around. She seemed to be in a cell of sorts, but the door... it was wide open. She frowned. This all seemed familiar to her somehow, and yet... she couldn't quite place why that was.
Or where she was, for that matter. Or...
who she was. Her eyes widened. She didn't know anything... if she cast her mind back, there were a few fractured images, but nothing that told her anything about herself, that explained anything about her position.
It occured to her that perhaps she should get up. Something within her was driving her to get moving, to sieze this opportunity, and to get outside, where freedom awaited. Almost without thinking, she sniffed the air.
Blood. Everywhere. It was a horrifying thing to smell, and yet so pleasant to her senses. That only scared her even more. But there was more to it than that...
... People? she thought wonderingly. She didn't know why she would be able to identify things by their smell, but she could. She got to her feet with the grace and speed of a wild animal, moving fluidly from side to crouch to standing. She took a few silent steps towards the door of her cell, peering out of it cautiously with a wariness she wasn't sure why she had. Nobody was there. SHe sniffed the air again.
Nearby, anyway...She curled around the corner of the doorway and prowled silently down the corridor. There were many other such cells, but all were empty. She passed a puddle in the ground, and paused, curiosity filling her.
What exactly did she look like? She peered into the puddle, startled by what she saw on the other side, as if she were looking at a stranger.
She had dark, wavy brown hair and very pale, smooth skin. Her features were delicate and her eyes were large silver-blue. She was a thin creature, but in good shape- it seemed that her stint in the cell had not damaged her health too badly. It was a beautiful woman who looked back at her, but one with changeable, expressive features that for some reason she counted useful. But her reflection was completely alien to her. There was no jogging her memory, no sudden flood of insight. She still had no idea who she was.
She heard a noise and started, withdrawing into shadows with a speed and efficiency that surprised her. Where had this hiding instinct come from? She listened in. Voices. "Utter nonsense. They abducted us. Surely they have taken our weapons and kept them somewhere. Or they should at least have my broken rapier, which is better than nothing. Come on, ladies and beast-folk. I shall bring up the rear and provide us with light." The voice she heard sounded, to her ears, irritating, and she scowled upon hearing it.
Charming folk think they can breeze by in life... they live off the praise of others... she thought scathingly, and then wondered why that was. What kind of person was she? Why could she hear and smell people so far away. Why did a cell seem a familiar place to her, and why was she so good at hiding and moving without sound?
She didn't know. But she decided that it would serve her best to meet up with the peope she had heard. They didn't sound much like a captor or guard would- at least, to her ears. They sounded perhaps like fellow prisoners, which meant that, for the time being, they might be allies.
She prowled down the corridor, keeping to the shadows, invisible to those who watched, heading for the source of the sound. There was a large group of people, dressed in rags as was she, weaponless. She discounted them as a threat, and withdrew from the shadows, putting her hands up palms-out in a gesture of peace. She barely had to think of what to say: for some reason, she felt like keeping things light would serve her best. "Is this the escape party?" she enquired lightly. "If so, I'd like to reserve my place."
KayeKaye wandered around the cells, desperate for any sign of Ava. She had been missing for months before he was taken, and he was desperate that he might find her.
She might not be here... part of his mind whispered.
Anything could have happened to her. It could have been the vampires...Just thinking about that made his blood boil in a way he knew wouldn't help, but he could barely contain it. Nobody was allowed to touch Ava. She was the only good thing in his life, and he
would not allow that to change. He moved on. His footsteps were not silent, but his movements held a certain grace to them that went beyond mere human ability. He moved as if his strength were ten-times what it appeared. That was only partly true.
Still, his instincts were good, even in this form: as a werewolf, he would be able to find Ava no problem, but now he was slightly more limited. Distantly, he picked up a scent: his smell was far better than his hearing. There were people, many people... but also the very unique scent that was his lover.
Ava... he thought, hope and relief washing through him in a flood of warmth. He sprinted off towards the sound, wearing nothing but ragged trousers and wielding nothing but his fists. If anything got in his way, so help him he'd break their necks. He had to find Ava... he had to be sure she was okay...