"That can be taken care of soon, but your bones are far more important right now. I can't properly bandage the cut if every pressure breaks a bone further." Alsan told her, his voice loosing the silky smooth quality for just a moment as he became more focused, bringing the center of the triangle under Ava's arm.
"Just keep your arm still, with your other hand if you have to." He gently instructed her, bringing the inner half of the triangle up over her chest, crossing to her other side. The outer half he brought up and around the back of her neck, and with gentle reassurance in his motions lifted her head forward, and her ponytail up, both his gloved hands coming back to tie the cloth together. When he was done he pulled the knots to make sure, then leaned back on his knees, looking at the sling. Gently he moved her arm from side to side, knowing it would hurt her.
However, as he moved it the sling did not slide along the arm, and he nodded. "Good, good. That will cradle your elbow until it heals, and so long as you keep your swinging minimal -don't go running or jumping around now-" He added with a grin. "It'll keep your shoulder in place as well." He got up, going to the tapestry and cutting a strip from it. He watched Artemis, Sadi, and Falcor leave, his eyes lingering a noticeable second longer on Sadi. After the battle, something about her had begun to change. Returning to Ava with the strip of cloth, he knelt and began to tie it around her arm.
"And on your last point; clothes are merely a way of showing one's wealth, miss Ava. They show nothing of the character wearing them." He spoke with an appraising, respectful smile. "I've met many a 'common clothed' I have come to respect more than my fellow nobles."
Avalon"I can't judge, because I don't remember anything about my past. I was just commenting on how you've managed to be left fully dressed, while I've been shoved in prison rags. A lot of us seem to have been, actually." SHe shrugged, and her expression darkened considerably. "There's not much point lecturing me: I remember nothing. I
am nothing. I don't know if I'm a 'commoner' or a noble. I don't know if I'm rich or poor, or what I do or a living, or how I learned to jump so far or fight like a wild animal. I don't even recognise the name you're calling me: it was given to me by that redguard, Kaye, who supposedly is my boyfriend. But I wouldn't know: I don't remember him. I don't remember
anything." She blinked and looked away, not wanting him to see the emotion that was rising up within her.
She got to her feet, less smoothly than perhaps she usually would have done, due to her injuries. "I'm going to go and poke around that room," Ava said. Her head was bowed, her expression shadowed. "I want to learn
something. I hate not knowing anything." She headed back into the previous room, her heart tight with the pain she had allowed herself to recognise. SHe didn't know who she was.
OOC: I'd like to smell this right, so give me a shout if I get it wrong, and tell me what I should smell. Also, I'm curious as to when this will get freeform.

This is good character-interaction time, but I don't always want to be wandering around the prison without gear.
KayeKaye followed Artemis in immediately. His eyes wept the room, and almost unnoticably, he sniffed the air. Kaye was no good at finding clues- or interpreting them. He was only good at finding scents and following them. All that cloak-and-dagger stuff had always been Ava's area of expterise. In fact, a lot of stealthy stuff had been her area of expertise. It was why she was prized so highly by the Thieves' Guild. She wasn't just another thief or pickpocket. She was an ambassador and spy for their kind.
"... maybe it opens a hidden door," said Artemis. Kaye struggled with the idea of such a thing. It seemed unnecessarily corny- or perhaps the sort of thing Ava would tease him about.
Heading for the bookshelf, he sniffed that too. The scent was all over the wooden book Artemis had pointed out. And interestingly, the scent continued behind the shelf. There was certainly something to this hidden door theory. "I think it might well be a hidden door," he said gruffly. "I wouldn't know how to work one, though, so go right ahead and have a look."