my real question is, what are some recommendations for fixing this entry? Cleaned junk-CELL: bitter coast regio[ERROR (D:\MWInstallers\WI\WIforBE\Wizards
Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm): FATAL ERROR (D:\MWInstallers\WI\WI
forBE\Wizards Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm): no mast subtype: DELE
(id=wilderness (-15, -8)) DUMP=$VAR1 = bless( {
'_is_interior_' => 0,
'SH' => {
'NAME' => [
bless( {
'_id_' => undef,
'_subbuf_' => ' ',
'name' => ''
}, 'CELL::NAME' )
'DATA' => [
bless( {
'y' => -8,
'_id_' => undef,
'_subbuf_' => '? ± ° ',
'flags' => 2,
'x' => -15
}, 'CELL::DATA' )
'_hdrflags_' => 0,
'SL' => [
'_rectype_' => 'CELL',
'_recbuf_' => 'NAME? DATA♀ ? ± ° '
}, 'CELL' );
" at script/tes3cmd line 6281
n (-14, 2)
Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-15, 7)
D:\MWInstallers\WI\WIforBE\Wizards Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm wa
s not modified
Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm): FATAL ERROR (D:\MWInstallers\WI\WI
forBE\Wizards Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm): no mast subtype: DELE
(id=wilderness (-15, -8)) DUMP=$VAR1 = bless( {
'_is_interior_' => 0,
'SH' => {
'NAME' => [
bless( {
'_id_' => undef,
'_subbuf_' => ' ',
'name' => ''
}, 'CELL::NAME' )
'DATA' => [
bless( {
'y' => -8,
'_id_' => undef,
'_subbuf_' => '? ± ° ',
'flags' => 2,
'x' => -15
}, 'CELL::DATA' )
'_hdrflags_' => 0,
'SL' => [
'_rectype_' => 'CELL',
'_recbuf_' => 'NAME? DATA♀ ? ± ° '
}, 'CELL' );
" at script/tes3cmd line 6281
n (-14, 2)
Cleaned junk-CELL: west gash region (-15, 7)
D:\MWInstallers\WI\WIforBE\Wizards Islands - Scourge of the Frost Bringer.esm wa
s not modified