So i unlocked Gauss Rifle

Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:09 am

Ok first i have to say its not THAT bad like i read in that forum before. But the problem i see; i dont feel any difference to dsg-1 except clip size, but damage and fire rate feels just the same.

Well i dont need 10 types of sniper rifles that differ by bits. In Fact there are just two types of sniper rifles:
1. High fire rate, low damage -> 2-3 chesthits to take out the enemy

2. VERY low fire rate, high damage -> head + chest = one shot, everything else not more than two hits

SO again crytek; please make gauss a one shot rifle

vote if you agree
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:31 am

The Gauss Rifle does 115 damage.
A player has 120 health.
Aim for the chest, not the toenail.
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Eileen Collinson
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:51 am

/agree !!!
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Janette Segura
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:57 am

I guess I kinda agree with you. I was disapointed when I saw the Gauss is not a one hit killer when I unlocked it too but if they'll make it a one hit killer than a lot of people will start abusing it. So, maybe they should just leave it the way it is - a player has 120 health, Gauss does 115 damage - 2 hit kill to the body, 1 hit kill to the head, 1 hit kill to the body if the enemy has 115 health or less.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:39 am

i like the gauss the way it is, if it was a 1 hit kill it would be horrendously overused and overpowered.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:46 pm

lol no "no it shouldn't be" option? :D I guess than I won't vote but say it here: NO it shouldn't be. A one shot one kill weapon is really not a good idea in my opinion (in case of headshots it's different ofc).
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:25 am

Would anyone agree and say that getting headshots in this game is easy? Or even when your not aiming for the head you still get headshots? This differs from other FPSs.

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Trent Theriot
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:06 am

Would anyone agree and say that getting headshots in this game is easy? Or even when your not aiming for the head you still get headshots? This differs from other FPSs.

It's true that you get headshot kills sometimes when you aren't aiming for the head but on the other hand when you try to do it intentionally the game hardly ever gives you kills as headshots. At least this is my experience.
(I'm not talking about sniper rifles now ofc.)

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Anna S
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:58 am

Bunch of NOOBS....

I Apologize...but are u so no SKilled?

Even the badest SNIPER could kill any cause the Snipe shot so Fast .....u cant hide...or (lol) fight back!

So why u NOOBS (Sorry) want a OneShotKill Weapon?

Just a Moment........: pfpppfpfpfpffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Wont anybody get angry but its so SAD that all think of what some nice Players they are......and....finally are only COWARDS!


thank you...have Fun anyway

PS: @ Author....btw pfft ur VOTING is unfair! Like ur PLayStyle....OR ?
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:09 am

Well first off I'm you've had more success with that garbage sniper then I have. I have to put 2 or 3 shots in the guy. So hell ya I agree that it should be a one hit shot. At least one sniper rifle should be one hit. But I do think it should be one hit from the waist up, not one hit kill anywhere. Because shooting someone in the foot/leg with one hit now that's just stupid and unrealistic.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:08 am

The Gauss does seem awfully difficult to use, but not because of its lack of power. I think the damage on it is fine, though the DSG-1's damage is still high enough that both weapons seems practically identical damage-wise. It takes two shots to take out an enemy player with body shots for either weapon, and both only require one headshot as well, and both of these seem to be regardless of whether armor mode is active or not. Ultimately, I suppose the Gauss rifle's only real arguable advantage would be its larger clip, though it's such a slow-firing weapon that I find the DSG to be far better in comparison.

I my opinion, the main issue is just that the DSG takes the same number of shots to take out an enemy, and does it quicker - with a suppressor available, at that - thus making it a generally better weapon. If it took a total of three body shots to take out an Armor-using enemy with the DSG as opposed to only two, I feel it'd be more fair. Really, the advantages of Armor Mode against the DSG-1 seem practically non-existent as it is, and while it makes sense for the Gauss to take out an Armored target in two shots (it depletes their energy with one shot, obviously), having the DSG be so powerful against armored targets seems a bit unfair in comparison. The weapons seem balanced enough against cloaked and unarmored enemies, but I'd like to see the Gauss at least have the advantage when a player is, say, trying to hold a crash site. Right now it just doesn't seem to be worth it.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:44 am

remember the gauss rifle in crysis 1, it was a one shot killer and wasnt overpowered. Why? because you needed REAL aim! if you hit you got a kill, if you missed you had to wait like 3 seconds before you could shoot again. meanwhile the enemy realised that you try to kill him and runs into cover. its kind of a all or nothing weapon.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:26 am

Damage increase over range is the best solution for a 1-hit-kill rifle, if you're not apposed to it being more lethal.

I've wondered why they don't just do that in CoD... Stops "quickscoping" without effecting
peoples ability to aim like some other poorly implemented ideas.

This would be a perfect way to make it a single-hit weapon without people abusing it in close quarters.
It would be a 1-hit at long range (preferably only to the chest) and a 2-hit in close-mid range.

Also; buy me a cat.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:21 pm

both snipers *IGNORE ARMOUR*.

but for the sake of the argument, i use the gauss cause no one has it and it feels fun.

Its only advantage over the DSG is the energy drain, other than that its all downhill, i still prefer to use it though.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:40 am

The Gauss does seem awfully difficult to use, but not because of its lack of power. I think the damage on it is fine, though the DSG-1's damage is still high enough that both weapons seems practically identical damage-wise. It takes two shots to take out an enemy player with body shots for either weapon, and both only require one headshot as well, and both of these seem to be regardless of whether armor mode is active or not. Ultimately, I suppose the Gauss rifle's only real arguable advantage would be its larger clip, though it's such a slow-firing weapon that I find the DSG to be far better in comparison.

I my opinion, the main issue is just that the DSG takes the same number of shots to take out an enemy, and does it quicker - with a suppressor available, at that - thus making it a generally better weapon. If it took a total of three body shots to take out an Armor-using enemy with the DSG as opposed to only two, I feel it'd be more fair. Really, the advantages of Armor Mode against the DSG-1 seem practically non-existent as it is, and while it makes sense for the Gauss to take out an Armored target in two shots (it depletes their energy with one shot, obviously), having the DSG be so powerful against armored targets seems a bit unfair in comparison. The weapons seem balanced enough against cloaked and unarmored enemies, but I'd like to see the Gauss at least have the advantage when a player is, say, trying to hold a crash site. Right now it just doesn't seem to be worth it.

Not to mention it's rank requirement.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:51 pm

Wait, so I was looking forward to a Guasse like in the singleplayer, and all I really get is a DSG-1 in a fancy kit? Bloody hell man, singleplayer I can one shot kill blipping near everything in the game with a Guasse! Well, guess once I get the LTAG and Jackal in a level, I can stop worrying about any good unlocks if it's all just re-skins. What a let down. Thanks for the head's up guys, you just saved me a ton of stress. Sort of.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:42 am

Damage increase over range is the best solution for a 1-hit-kill rifle, if you're not apposed to it being more lethal.

I've wondered why they don't just do that in CoD... Stops "quickscoping" without effecting
peoples ability to aim like some other poorly implemented ideas.

This would be a perfect way to make it a single-hit weapon without people abusing it in close quarters.
It would be a 1-hit at long range (preferably only to the chest) and a 2-hit in close-mid range.

Also; buy me a cat.

hmm interesting idea but you are absolutely right!
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hannah sillery
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Post » Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:42 am

Poll is fail. Make a proper poll or GTFO.
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Hayley Bristow
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