» Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:08 am
The Gauss does seem awfully difficult to use, but not because of its lack of power. I think the damage on it is fine, though the DSG-1's damage is still high enough that both weapons seems practically identical damage-wise. It takes two shots to take out an enemy player with body shots for either weapon, and both only require one headshot as well, and both of these seem to be regardless of whether armor mode is active or not. Ultimately, I suppose the Gauss rifle's only real arguable advantage would be its larger clip, though it's such a slow-firing weapon that I find the DSG to be far better in comparison.
I my opinion, the main issue is just that the DSG takes the same number of shots to take out an enemy, and does it quicker - with a suppressor available, at that - thus making it a generally better weapon. If it took a total of three body shots to take out an Armor-using enemy with the DSG as opposed to only two, I feel it'd be more fair. Really, the advantages of Armor Mode against the DSG-1 seem practically non-existent as it is, and while it makes sense for the Gauss to take out an Armored target in two shots (it depletes their energy with one shot, obviously), having the DSG be so powerful against armored targets seems a bit unfair in comparison. The weapons seem balanced enough against cloaked and unarmored enemies, but I'd like to see the Gauss at least have the advantage when a player is, say, trying to hold a crash site. Right now it just doesn't seem to be worth it.