» Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:12 pm
Cause that's all people care about in the game, having an advantage.... -.-
Scar and laser is not a f*cking cheat.
Just tested it and HOLY LASERSIGHTS BATMAN that is a frikkin exploit. That would give a huge advantage in 1v1 or 1v3 fights. Its clearly a magic laser sights that massively reduces spread, kick back and ups aim-down-sight movement by about 20%. + Aim enchance and there is 0 kick back 0 spread and aim-down-sight speed is even higher. I believe this laser-sight was created by Merlin.
A Distance traveled with scar whilst aim-down-sight took 3.2secs
Same distance + laser-sight whilst aim-down-sight= 2.6secs
Same distance + Lasersight + aim enhance whilst aim-down-sight 2secs
So I am in agreement now, its def an exploit.
Oh man, oh man. I just had to bring it up.
But yeah, having fun is what it's about. And the reason to why I'm shotgunning.
Everything else is just boring, though reflex-DSG'ing is pretty fun too.