Unlocks not saving - Potential workaround - Please advise

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:51 am

Guys i got a new bug in my crysis 2!!! Today my game crashed all of a sudden. Now in stats, my Armor level is stuck in level 7!! Its not updating. Its just there n the bar won't even move a lil bit even after i scored a hell lot of xp on it. Please crytek guys help me on this coz its just too lame not leveling up after ive collected so much xp on it.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:41 am

I heard from a friend, that the stats that are displayed in the menu, are some times not the actually stats really existing.
He had suddenly an armor level drop from 4 to 2, while it has been shown correctly during the game.
The Bug vanished after a couple of days .

I have seen that the world XP rank shown in the menu is not the same shown in the actual ranking list.
It differs just 1 to 5 ranks, but it differs!
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Andy durkan
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:59 pm

well if they cant really patch their own product, what can they do? I think consoles dont suffer from that problem
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:14 pm

Two patches and this is STILL a problem, and a major one if you ask me. You don't have TIME to fully customize your gear between matches on a session, not unless you spend all kinds of time mapping out what you want before hand.

Game has been out a month, and they can't put in 4 to 6 lines of code to flush your unlock/gear status in regular multiplayer screens?
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George PUluse
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:14 pm

hola tengo un problema con my crysis subi de nivel y el servidor no me guarda la informacion de esto y tengo como 5 dias subiendo a nivel 20 y cuando voy a jugar siempre estoy en nivel 1 como pueden arreglarme esto tambien tengo otro problema cuando estoy jugando siempre me saca de las seciones de juego y eso no me deja jugar
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:48 pm

I do this and yet my unlocks seem to disappear aswell

its like my Crysis 2 has amnesia? it even forgets i have power modules unlocked when they're already applied to custom classes??
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:26 pm

This problem was discovered on the demo and yet, is still a issue for me and for many other players.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:55 am

how can i join an empty server a when i click to an empty server, it says connect and waiting for 3 more players wat shud i do with that..if nobody comes ill be stuck right there waiting..
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:25 pm

This is all very well, but how about giving me back the weapon unlocks I've already lost the use of?

I've lost weapon unlocks AFTER unlocking AND equipping them (Feline and Grendel) AND using them.....even though I still have the use of the Grendel as SECONDARY weapon in the custom class with the "loadout pro" perk it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to use it as a primary weapon in any other custom class!!

It's crazy that I can't even equip it anymore even though I've already got it equipped in one of my custom classes......come on guys ARE YOU SERIOUS?

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Heather M
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:04 pm

This is all very well, but how about giving me back the weapon unlocks I've already lost the use of?

Yeah I totally second this one!
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Misty lt
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:41 am

This is all very well, but how about giving me back the weapon unlocks I've already lost the use of?

I've lost weapon unlocks AFTER unlocking AND equipping them (Feline and Grendel) AND using them.....even though I still have the use of the Grendel as SECONDARY weapon in the custom class with the "loadout pro" perk it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to use it as a primary weapon in any other custom class!!

It's crazy that I can't even equip it anymore even though I've already got it equipped in one of my custom classes......come on guys ARE YOU SERIOUS?

seconded! i have unlocked tons of things and they just don't stick and i always lose them. this is bad, really bad.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:25 pm


So others are having the same problems with weapons unlocks not saving too.....I'm not alone but this isn't really good enough.....so to give you all something to cheer you up (or at least chuckle cynically about)....


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....yes, the PHANTOM UNLOCK!

I logged in after seeing that others had the same probs as me to be pleasantly surprised - I had a (as in ONE) weapon unlock waiting for me!! (I was stupid enough to think that this might have been Crytek or whoever listening to us all and trying to compensate me for the two or more I've lost). Yeah, naive and stupid I know but it'd be better than nothing - still a bit insulting of them but better than nothing (kinda like only being given a 50% refund on a DUD product).

So AS SUGGESTED IN THIS THREAD I go to a ranked server to try to get the damn thing to save but HEY PRESTO - IT'S GONE! AAAAAAARRRRGH!!!! The magical disappearing PHANTOM UNLOCK. Now you see it now you don't.

CRYTEK - are you taking the p155 or are you genuinely trying to give your customers the service we paid for but stuffing it up with the best of intentions and infuriating all of those of us who were patient with you and can no longer return the game for a refund?????

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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:25 am

Q Is there a list somewhere of what level unlocks what?

I am on level 15 and have only unlocked 2 custom classes? is this right or should they all be unlocked?

Also I unlocked a weapon yesterday and equipped it to one of my custom classes but it is showing up now as locked - though I can still use it if I select the custom classes where it is equipped nut I dont want to unequip it or I will probably lose it again.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:49 am

I also have experienced all of these problems, unlocks not saving, phantom unlocks. I am level 24 and do not have lmg class yet but i can equip it in custom class, i also have not had a successful unlock since level 18.
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Marine x
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:06 am

I figured out a solution to the unlocks permanently disappearing, it wont bring them back, but it will help in preventing the loss of the unlocks. Rather than rewrite it, I am going to quote a comment I made on the Amazon.com review of this game I wrote.

I decided to include an update, as well as a solution to Crytek's newest attempt to fix the issues revolving around losing progress if you are kicked from a session during a game, which is named "Patch 1.4". Now, instead of losing all the experience you gained in that session, you only lose that game's experience. However. If you leave a session, you will lose all the experience you gained from the MOST PREVIOUS game. Not too bad right? Wrong. Say an individual has leveled in the last game and gained, lets say, a weapon unlock and a dog tag. So they leave the session, everything checks out OK, however, as soon as they enter a new session, they will find that after they re-level after losing the level due to the evolution of this issue, that they will NOT re-receive the weapon unlock and dog tag, permanently. Now, I have found a solution to the permanently losing unlocks part of this, the important part, it goes as following. After one has gained these unlocks/achievements/dog tags/levels/module upgrade one must NOT leave the session. In order to keep these extremely valuable objects, one must play, and complete, one more game round in that session instance, then the person may leave the session. And just to be safe, never unlock anything in your multiplayer menu, only do it in a session and be sure to leave the session after one game as the directions state above. I do not know if the error will occur there, but it is better to be safe than sorry. The logic and reason behind why this works is because you lose what you got in your LAST game. So, so long as you leave a session after gaining only experience, nothing else that you want to keep and can't simply regain because of permanent loss, you will only lose the experience, because that is all you attained in the previous most game. And as we all know, we can regain that, just hope that during that experience only game you don't get session disconnected. Reason is, I do not know, I haven't experienced that while using this work around yet, but I don't know what will happen, so it is best to hope against it.

Note: To anyone who has experienced this and read this "blurb", so far I have lost 2 Weapon Unlocks, one Power Module Unlock, and 4 Dog Tag Unlocks. I feel your pain and I will post this solution in the Crysis 2 PC Forum Discussion.
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Jani Eayon
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:05 am

Mistery Dog Tag locked forever?!?
I didn't read all the pages and I don't know if anyone has encountered this problem: I reached level 42, I unlocked a mistery dog tag (no.56), I entered another round/match, but my connection dropped (router overloaded by my bro.) in the middle of the game. I reentered in a new round an d I saw that my XP was gone, I was at level 41 and no dog tag unlocked. I played the round and at the finish, I was 42 again, but no mistery dog tag unlocked. WTF?!? I've seen that with each level, a new mistery dog tag is unlocked, so when I will reach 50, I will have a dog tag locked forever? Will the XP beyond level 50 will unlock the Dog Tag? Please help!
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Laura Richards
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:34 am

Mistery Dog Tag locked forever?!?
I didn't read all the pages and I don't know if anyone has encountered this problem: I reached level 42, I unlocked a mistery dog tag (no.56), I entered another round/match, but my connection dropped (router overloaded by my bro.) in the middle of the game. I reentered in a new round an d I saw that my XP was gone, I was at level 41 and no dog tag unlocked. I played the round and at the finish, I was 42 again, but no mistery dog tag unlocked. WTF?!? I've seen that with each level, a new mistery dog tag is unlocked, so when I will reach 50, I will have a dog tag locked forever? Will the XP beyond level 50 will unlock the Dog Tag? Please help!
You can't get it back until Crytek fixes it, if you want to prevent losing more unlocks just follow the steps I posted right above your post that I am quoting.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:02 am

Yeap. That happened to me. I discovered too, what you discovered, and it is correct. You lose xp from the actual game and the game before it, when you leave the game, even when you are between rounds, sometimes. I unlocked 2 dog tags in the awards, leave the sesion, hoping to save them, because on the screen says "Updating profile..."; but no, the unlocks where gone. I gained the 2 awards again and keep playing 2 more rounds just to make sure. And it worked. Man, this game is so fu.ked-up.
The cheaters/hackers have it all, even the most wanted dog tag, medal "64 - It's all over...", and we, the noncheaters, who are loosing nights just to get a damn dog tag, we dicover that we loose xp and the dog tag, after playing for hours.
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 5:39 pm

Did someone, noncheater, get the medal "Foot fetish" or the "Afternoon tea"? How?
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:32 pm

this is still a problem? I haven't played the online mostly because of this issue after the first week Crysis 2 came out. Come back to check if there are any patches that fix it and i'm fairly disappointed.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:31 am

I figured out a solution to the unlocks permanently disappearing, it wont bring them back, but it will help in preventing the loss of the unlocks. Rather than rewrite it, I am going to quote a comment I made on the Amazon.com review of this game I wrote.
Man, it's a great solution, but it's too complicate to understand :) which match, which session, what was the exact reason of the loss... I am too confused. May be the reason is that my english isn't perfect. :)

Anyway, I lost one stealth unlock yesterday. I got 12 level of stealth, unlocked last stealth module, I think, played few match after that, I believe, I got a message about saving my profile. But today I see that module is still grey and, of course, I already haven't my last unlock point :(

P.S: Crytek should fix this ASAP, or release special software which check consistency of our profiles offline and give us back all lost unlocks.
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James Rhead
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:05 pm

Play a match, unlock dog tags/weapons etc, enter a new match, then the connection is lost or you exit the match. The unlocks and the XP are lost. Got it?
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:41 am

I figured out a solution to the unlocks permanently disappearing, it wont bring them back, but it will help in preventing the loss of the unlocks. Rather than rewrite it, I am going to quote a comment I made on the Amazon.com review of this game I wrote.
Man, it's a great solution, but it's too complicate to understand :) which match, which session, what was the exact reason of the loss... I am too confused. May be the reason is that my english isn't perfect. :)

Anyway, I lost one stealth unlock yesterday. I got 12 level of stealth, unlocked last stealth module, I think, played few match after that, I believe, I got a message about saving my profile. But today I see that module is still grey and, of course, I already haven't my last unlock point :(

P.S: Crytek should fix this ASAP, or release special software which check consistency of our profiles offline and give us back all lost unlocks.

Here, I shall simplify for you in steps.

These are for if you got an unlock from the match YOU JUST FINISHED.

1. Do not leave the session.

2. Attend the next match, and if you would like to use your unlock, use it before you attend said next match, that way it will save at the end of these steps just like everything else.

3. Play through the entire match.
(Optional) Play through another match of the same session to make sure everything is properly updated.

4. If you only gain exp as a reward from the match, you may now leave the session, however, if you gain another unlock, start back at step one. Otherwise you may continue to step five.

5. Never unlock anything outside of a session, unfortunately if you do and you enter a new session/exit, you will lose the unlock. Only unlock within a session lobby and follow the steps here.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me, and that goes for anyone else who reads this.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:09 am

didnt work for me, im up to rank 14 an hav a few weapons unlocks but im still stuck with only the scar, every time i unlock a weapon or class or any thing ingame, it losses said items upon resarting the game, gettin really annoyed at it now to
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:38 am

didnt work for me, im up to rank 14 an hav a few weapons unlocks but im still stuck with only the scar, every time i unlock a weapon or class or any thing ingame, it losses said items upon resarting the game, gettin really annoyed at it now to

Were you within a session when you unlocked them? And did you play 2+ games in that same session so that it would save them to your profile?
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