I thought it was just me losing my weapon-upgrades but apparently it's yet another bug which needs to be fixed. Beginning to wonder why the game has been released period. This must be the most unfinished piece of software-crap EVER.
Yes we got a workaround for this yes we have a workaround for that. FINISH the product BEFORE releasing the game!! I realize no game can do without patches after release but this is getting to the point of being ridiculous, even scandalous. Reallly feel screwed and we haven't even kiss&cuddled before you ripped me a new one.

Hope you're enjoying my money!!
i agree. it is like we are unpaid beta testers. don't release a game until it's finished ffs!
And what if I already
used my 5 custom mystery dog tags, they didn't save, but now I can't choose them again? Lol, the game was using for some time one of these dog tags, even thou in menu it appeared locked (you know, since it desn't save them). How to get refund?
I would also like to ask a question -
where's this custom digital (or something) scar weapon skin? Can't find it anywhere..
And... finally.. since thanks to this limited edition giving you acces to level 5 from start -
shouldn't I have something more then 1/1/1 in stats? I somehow can't find a way to edit it..
for me it kept resetting them so i could pick them again...
the Camo skin is under the Scar weapon menu... where u can select attachments, barrels, etc. near the bottom.

to use the holo attachment u have to unlock an Attachment Unlock first which is pretty stupid imo since i thought the point of the LE was to get access to preset class loadouts as it says on the LE pamphlet that comes with the LE of the game.
yea i had the same 1/1/1 in stats, but when i got to rank 7 it now has 2/2/4.

my rank has dropped back to rank 6 now:

but yet it's rank 7 (so glitchy):