Unnecessary Violence - problems

Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:43 am

When I try to use the special UV attacks, they screw up. This is with Qarl's texture pack, and the following mods enabled:
Oblivion.esm ,
UnnecessaryViolence.esm ,
UnofficialShiveringIslesPatch.esp ,
PowerAttackVoicemod.esp ,
UV Vanilla Quest Fixes.esp,
UnneccessaryViolence.esp ,
Bashed Patch.esp

All of those are neccecary for the mod, except the Unofficial Patch and the Voice mod, which is reccommended.

This is what happens :

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/814/screenshot1tz.png/ (I'm not a premum ImageShack user, so I don't have access to a direct link).

Would it be Qarls texture pack thats screwing it up ? If so, I would have to re-install Oblvion.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks !
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:44 pm

Any help ?
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:19 am

I don't know what your problem is , but give it a moment and somebody who can help will reply.
Forums are slow these days,summer time, Skyrim and what not.

p.s:I can say look the load order through boss and that you copied the textures right.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:15 am

Already checked the load order. I'll re-download now to make sure that I got everything.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:18 am

I'm not near a pc atm, but that sounds like a Fake-First-Person mode issue - have you tried disabling FFP in the .ini file?
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:34 pm

I'll try that now.

EDIT: Yeah, thanks that was the problem.

Anyone know why that would be screwing up ?
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:14 pm

Hey, do you figure I could put forward an issue?

I'll just assume you said yes now.

The whole shield/OH weapon on back thing, it's not working for me. The Dual Wielding and everything is alright, but the whole sheathing thing is kinda annoying me. No missing texture error, but I will occasionally get an Elven Placeholder in my inventory. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling, redownloading, Uninst/Reinstalling the game, and all that, but to no avail. Everything else works great. Also, the weapon doesn't disappear on unequip either. I've checked the ini settings, and tried turning SOB off, but no go. I'm using the OMOD version (I messed up the game before, annoying to reinst) but I reckon I could do Manual if I had to. I tried it with / without DR6, with / without Adonnays Elven Swords (has a duel wielding function). Tried runnning with a vanilla game + OMOD, Nifse (nifscript), Pluggy, OGE, and OBSE. It's not a huge deal, but for some reason I just want to get everything working good. I got every other mod working and playing nice, this one just refuses to do it! I really like the mod too, after using it going back to vanilla is tough (at least I still have DR6). Anywho, sorry for the long winded question, but thanks for getting through it!

tl;dr Shield/ OH weapon on back doesn't work, help please.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:31 pm

Sorry, I don't have that problem, so I can't help you :/
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:01 am


You'll have to bear with me, as this is just from (distant) memory - I'm not using UV atm, and I'm typing this up on my phone at work, miles from my gaming rig... I heard about the missing arms/legs issue with FFP just after UV's release, so I always disabled it, as I didn't care much about that particular facet of UV anyway. If memory serves, a transition to FFP mode makes the game regenerate certain meshes, but I don't remember under what circumstances it will fail to do so (and leave you with your inviso-arms) - With luck, HeX or another knowledgeable party will stumble onto your post...

@Former Glory:

My money is on a conflict with Adonnay's Weaponry - but I've never used that one (although it looks like very nice work), so I can't say for sure - If I read the mod description right, it scripts weapons to switch to offhand (like UV), and I'll bet the two mods will conflict hugely unless the scripting/function is identical... And of course it won't be...
You might also try switching different weapons to offhand, that is, see if you can switch a vanilla steel longsword to offhand with the UV key, and seeing if that shows correctly, then switching something from a mod, and seeing how that turns out. This is another issue that came up in UV's early testing, and I *think* it was specific to particular vanilla weapons, but again, someone with a better memory may come along to set me straight.

Good luck -
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:01 pm

@Former Glory:

My money is on a conflict with Adonnay's Weaponry ... but again, someone with a better memory may come along to set me straight.

Good luck -

Hey thanks, I'll try a clean install and work backwards, see if it works standalone. Also, I just used Wrye Bash for the first time, might there be some fix using that program? I'm still really new to this whole thing (7 Days).

You guys are awesome, it's nice to see a site with people cooperating and being civil!
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:30 am

Well, it doesn't look like our forum regulars (the actual experts) are going to bail me out here, so I'll try to give you guys as accurate a rundown of UV as I can. First off, keep in mind that it hasn't been updated in a LONG time, and probably won't be - ever. HeX is currently working on UVII, and the original UV hasn't been updated since the week the beta was released. And it has several issues, mostly minor, but potentially problematic in a heavily modded game. So...many (probably most) rabid UV fans, myself included, are now playing Oblivion without UV, impatiently awaiting the beta release of UVII. All of this together makes the original mod effectively abandonware, which is sad, because it's an absolutely amazing piece of work. That said, here is some (hopefully useful) info to keep you from tearing your hair out before UVII's release:

NifScript and NifSE are related, but different. If you're using NifSE with UV, you'll have problems. My understanding is that NifSE is not backwards-compatible with UV. I know DragoonWraith still hangs out on this board, so he will (hopefully) correct me if I have this wrong.

FFP is a mess. Oblivion doesn't want to do what FFP wants it to do, so the game *will* give you grief. The game engine just doesn't handle FFP well enough to make it viable, imho. Unless you're a real masochist, turn off FFP in the .ini.

Ditto with soulgem functionality. I never, ever managed to use any of the UV soulgem functions and avoid "breaking" Azura's Star. Every single time I enabled said tweaks, Azura's Star became, for all intents and purposes, a regular soul gem with a cool name. The first time I used it, and it disappeared, I swore. Several times. A shame, really, as the tweaks are pretty awesome. But if you ever want to have a rechargeable soulgem, never, never enable UV's soulgem tweaks.

Dual wielding and weapon forging: Both functions worked beautifully for me, once I realized that you must give the scripts some time to run. Try counting to 5 after grip-shifting, switching a weapon to offhand mode or replicating a weapon. If you throw in other keystrokes before UV does its' thing, it may flip out a little bit. You'll end up with placeholder weapons and/or other wierdness. Also, use only mod-added weapons for offhanders. NifScript had an issue with meshes packed in BSAs, but no issue at all with unpacked meshes sitting in the data folder. Wait, maybe it was a texture thing...I forget. Either way, unless you've unpacked your BSAs, you're much safer using modded weapons as your secondaries. Also, avoid using scripted/quest weapons (OOO's Light of Dawn, the Dark Brotherhood Blade of Woe, etc) as offhanders. Bad Things can happen to any existing scripts.

No good advice on throwing things, as I only tried it out a few times. Not really my playstyle, but I will admit that it was pretty cool to belt bad guys with random clutter.

Oh, and the shield-on-back thing: IIRC, offhand weapons sheathe correctly on the back, but I don't know if shields do the same. I do know that it was a planned feature, but I never tested it myself. ...Whoa - It's late - Time for this kid to crash - Hope this helps someone - Good luck!
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