Anyways is there anything thing new that you can update us on?
An update eh?
Well, i've been having a couple of days away from the combat mechanics (kill/bounty tracking is really giving me a headache) so I've been focussing on making speechcraft less useless. There's now a set of performance skills you can learn from speechcraft trainers:
1- Dancing
2 - Juggling
3 - Playing the lute: this one is particularly good - i've got a fully animated and playable lute. Basically, when you enter lute playing mode, your keyboard becomes an instrument. You've go two fully chromatic scales to work with and it's possible to create some pretty nice music. Chords etc are supported by simultaneously pressing several keys. The layout is a bit like a piano, with the keys z-m giving you the lower scale C2-B2 and the keys q-i giving you the upper scale (C3-C4). Semitones are handled by the keys s-j and 1-7, where you get the sharp by pressing the key above and to the right of the natural note. It sounds complicated but its fairly intuitive. Of course you can also just tap '1' for some prerecorded lute music (though to be interesting you can actually play along with the prerecording)...
4 - Tumbling : this is actually learned from acrobatics trainers and serves the dual purpose of being a system of dodges - just double tap a direction key and you're dodging. More acrobatic ones need a higher skill and less armour.
People around you will react to these performances. I'm making it work like persuasion, so some people like a particular type of performance, that way you don't just make everybody happy. I had planned to tie this directly to NPCs persuasion likes/dislikes, but there doesn't seem to be a way to access these in scripts, so it has to be essentially random for a given session. At the end of a performance roughly half the audiences' disposition will have increased (up to a maximum of your speechcraft (or acrobatics) skill level, while the other half's will have decreased (to a minimum settable in the INI) it's possible if they have a high enough aggression that they may even attack you to try and shut you up...
The only real issue i've got just now with it is that the juggling animation doesn't have any balls - they're stored as an animationobject, which NPCs can use with a useobjectat package. I'm not sure how to get the player to use them though, so if anybody happens to have any ideas about this i'd love to hear them...
Other random stuff i've done includes a special shovel for burying your dead, and the completion of my training system. Basically all the skills in UV will require you to go see a trainer (just the vanilla ones) then in the training menu you tap the UV key and another menu pops up showing you what moves they can teach you. Of course not all trainers will have the skill to teach you the more complicated moves...
I've also finished the climbing system, which (thanks to UK47's animation) works fantastically, and got the hostile reactions working correctly. I probably haven't mentioned it before, but i've got a slowmo system (kind of inspired by FO3) that puts you in 'guaranteed critical mode' for a few seconds, though you have limited uses of it over time. I'm still not sure whether or not it's overpowered. I don't think so, but it'll take some playtesting to get the settings right for it. Your attacks can still be blocked/countered and dodged, so it's far from a guaranteed kill.
I also need to do something about the dodge/block/counter chance. At the moment it's just based on your opponent's skill, but I need to modify it to take into account their health and fatigue - same goes for the critical hit chance (which is completely random at the moment). I want them to become more 'tired' as the fight goes on, and for the crit chance to increase with their tiredness.
Next up will be finishing the kill/bounty tracking :brokencomputer: though and going through the tedious task of marrying up a load of first person animations from seph's mods with their UV counterparts.
I've still got some things to do with NiSE, but I need to wait for a next release of that before I can really get on with that, so I'm mostly just mopping up the various things that remain to do. I've been using talkietoaster's skeleton to let me amputate bits of NPCs, but I still need a way to swap in the skeleton at the last minute - which scruggs tells me he'll be adding to the next OBSE, so that we don't have to suffer excessive head movement all the time.
The last big thing will be applying UV effects to normal attacks. I'm not looking forward to that, but it does need to be done for completeness...