I hope we will be able to use left hand attacks repeatedly like a right hand yes?
No. You can't pplay two idles simultaneously on the character - it causes a CTD. I have to wait for one to finish or stop it before playing another. The engine handles this okay for normal attacks, but I don't have that option. Sorry. You'll just have to switch between LH and RH attacks. LH ones will never be as hammerable as RH ones.
Hex an interesting idea could you possibly make it so we can extinguish lights with a frost spell and relight them with a fire spell for those of us who want to be sneaky .
Excellent idea. I'll look into it. Light extinguishing is a real pain to do though. I'm not et 100% that i'll include it in the release version. Depends on a few tests working. I thought I had it going, but unfortunately what I was doing doesn't work properly in the general case. I'm hoping I can use NiSE to do it more efficiently though. We'll just have to see, but if not I may end up excluding the feature. I'm not going to get into trying to do it the way TA did, because its massively tedious and not scalable.
I released a patch for PiiiP 0.4 and UV RC1 that allowed the latter's throw item feature trigger Noise Maker (PiiiP's NPC investigation component). If UV2 was to include its own handler for that event, you can always turn of PiiiP's through its INI.
Handy thing's INIs

the old patch won't work for UVII, but since i'm doing it myself for thrown objects, you'll probably not need to make a new one, unless we reach the conclusion that PiiiP does it significantly better than UV, in which case, we might need a new patch.