Uh...this is an issue I have totally forgotten.
I have actually used and EDITED those animations in DR6. I have as well tried to contact the author, but subsequently failed to take care of my Tesnexus PM box and even if the author tried to answer, my box would have been full.

I haven?t tried again, since I have decided not to use my Tesnexus box no matter what. It?s a silent fact that DR6 may never be released, if I cannot get some kind of indication those anims could be used AND especially, edited.
The reason for editing is that I?m using them in 1st person, nothing else. They will clip horribly in 1st no matter what, unless manually edited, and I?m not talking about a simple rotation. I took the risk and assumed it would be ok to do this, cause without editing they can?t be used in 1st person by ANYONE, and since I?m editing them I HAVE TO include them.
I would like to note that the problem with those anims is that they don?t obey the timing conventions used by Vanilla anims, so anyone using them in 3rd person will get their 1st person hit-timings screwed, cause Ob uses only 3rd person timings. So without 1st person versions, anyone using those anims as a replacer has to stop using 1st person mode altogether, practically speaking.
This seemed like a huge waste of great art, so I took a few those anims, and gave them a home in DR, where they work in both modes, part of the powerattack system that?s somewhat revised.
This is 1st time I reveal this "little" detail, actually. For me it?s always about modding my thing and using common sense first, details and complaints later. Though I did inform the athor and asked for permission, first, just failed to get a response, like I explained, and to this date I don?t know if he replied or not.

When I started DR6, I was especially fed up certain stuff that comes with modding, without actually being about modding, if you know what I mean. So I decided I just make what I make, and see about the release when it?s time. But now that I WOULD be releasing, this is a real problem...so eh...anyone has any connections to the modder? I have understood he doesn?t speak english well, so I fear trying to explain WHY I needed to touch something he made, let alone include it, will be difficult. I really don?t what I should do here...sigh I had temporarily forgotten that the issue was still open...