Time for an update re what you can expect in UVII
All the original features, but without the bugs - minus the FFP and for now the shield on back

Dual wield/Gripshifting stuff
Now done in the inventory menu (though gripshifting can be done on the fly at game time)
NPCs will randomly dual wield or gripshift to provide more variety
Combat stuff:
Much better collision detection on the UV attacks, and generally a more cohesive feel to them
Actually hit scenery when you miss opponents
Hit multiple opponents with a single attack
NPCs will now use UV moves in combat with you and each other (not just as counters the way they were before)
You can now use a torch as a weapon in combat
Your relative positions are very important and affect the amount of damage you can do
NPCs will block, dodge and counter your attacks
Full location aware damage multipliers for both you and your opponents
Normal attacks will also apply UV
More close up attacks (judo throws, necksnap and possibly more)
Automatically configured spear thrust attack
Stuff for thieves:
Knockout blow - you can now intentionally knock someone out to rob them
Climbing (hopefully NPCs will climb up to get you if you're above them, but I haven't started this yet) - note that this is dependant on me getting the climbing animations from odysseus
Neck snapping - sneak up on an opponent and snap his neck killing him instantly
Douse and relight light sources
Alchemy Stuff:
Timed and Trapped potions (set fuses, or set proximity based traps) using potions and black powder - the more charges you add, the bigger the bang

Your level of alchemy skill is important (rubbish alchemists are likely to blow themselves up)
Open locked doors and containers by blowing up the lock (this may end up with you blowing up the container and smashing the stuff in it if you over egg the pudding), using fuses or proximity traps (means you can set effective traps as an assassin)
(note that in testing I set a prox trap on a container, kicked an opponent into it and watched the blown to bits by the trap. It brought a tear to my eye

Magic Stuff:
Charge up your spells before casting them - any spell can be charged to the maximum possible level based on your available magika
NPCs will try to dodge any hostile target spells you cast at them
Trapping and releasing souls as enraged spirits of the original creature now works beautifully
Stuff for acrobats:
A whole bunch of new acrobatic moves to get you away from opponents/taunt them
Stuff for marksmen:
Throwing works about a million times better than before - better audio, no instances of weapons randomly not throwing properly etc.
Weapons rotate at different speeds depending on their weight
Only throws of weapons where the object spins correctly will see the weapon stick in scenery
NPCs will dodge and block your throws and arrows with types of dodges determined by their acrobatics skill and armour type
Injury stuff:
Various injuries can be applied to you and your opponents
Fumbling stuff:
You can **** up your attacks in a variety of ways
Training stuff:
Casting targeted spells at training targets will train the appropriate school of magic
Loosing arrows or throwing weapons at training targets will train your marksman skill
Climbing will train your athletics skill
Mixing explosive potions will train your alchemy skill
Getting the skills:
To learn a UV skill you'll have to go see an appropriate trainer. Normal training menus are used, so no additional NPCs are added.
Basically you'll get little or nothing for free with this version
There is not a single hard coded number in the code: everything is configurable in the INI either as switches or multipliers, meaning the entire mod can be tailored to your exact specifications (for example if you want to bypass the need for training to get the skills, there's a setting for that...).
Other things I plan to do, but all require certain prerequisites:
If nifscript 1.0 comes along, i'll be adding weapon rotation and weapon/shield on back.
Dualist style block/counter for single weapon users (only if I can get or make a unique animation for it)
Full integration with DR6 - this will depend on me getting a copy of DR6 of course...
Hope that's whetted your appetites a bit. I'm fairly certain i'll have forgotten some key features in this list, but there you go...