Hey folks,
Had a few days off over the weekend to spend some time with the family, which I really needed but I'm back on it full tilt now. so to answer some questions/comments:
@khugan - great to hear from you mate. Glad to know you're still lurking around

@zable - it should be soon. Various delays are occurring, so I may have been a little ambitious with my release schedule, but I'm getting there. I'm working on it 6-8 hours a day at the moment, so I'm not being lazy, just a lot to do

@balor - it's too far along now to do that. I'll be releasing it all in one big go (with a couple of possible exceptions)
@traven - just a little break, don't worry. I haven't had much to write recently, but I've been working hard
@pacific morrowind. Limbs would be nice certainly, but I'll admit to being infinitely more excited by that PyFFI spell. If I had that I would be probably the happiest bunny in all of the land

So where am I up to at the moment? Amputations are now finished and working like a charm, including heads. Light dousing is still giving me some headaches. I suspect i'll get that going properly tonight though. I have a slightly odd approach to making new features: I make a branch of the source, I make a prototype method using less clever scripts and often a lot of object creation etc, sometimes it may only work on a single object, or only once, and play with it to see how it feels as a feature. Once I decide it's worth the work I go back to the drawing board and rebuild it properly and in such a way that I never edit any vanilla objects directly in the CS.
I had an idea last night that I could modify the mesh of the soul gem to be an image of the creature captured in it (maybe just its head). I'll have to have a play with certain OBSE functions to see if that's even possible.
This is another reason for delays - I get ideas a lot

It looks like release may be delayed till various people's exams are finished (odysseusB and pacific morrowind) but we'll see where I get to before that.
On a side note, I don't suppose anybone had any ideas about swapping out skeletons in realtime?
It's time consuming work though...