Author: HeX
Version: 2.0.2b
Date: 08/09/2011
- Oblivion Patch
- OBSE 20
- NifSE 1.0
Do not attempt to play without these three or your computer will explode.
IMPORTANT: Ouijau spotted a very serious (gamebreaking) bug this afternoon. If you downloaded V.2.0 of this earlier today I implore you to go and get the V2.02 hotfix from the nexus download page.
Welcome to a world of unnecessary violence. Version one introduced a new level of combat variety to the world of oblivion including true dual wielding, loads of extra combat moves, throwing weapons and much more. The completely rewritten (twice) Unnecessary Violence II: Taking Action picks up where its predecessor left off, and takes things significantly further. Now every character class will have some benefits, new combat moves for the tanks, throwing weapons, bow melee and improved sniping for the marksmen, climbing and climbing through windows for the burglars, explosives and traps for the alchemists, chargeable spells, staff melee and releasable soul gem spirits for the wizards, juggling dancing, acrobatics and a lute for the bards, and that's only the beginning. There are brutal critical hits including decapitations and amputations, fully location aware damage multipliers with unique location special effects like knocking opponent's helmets off, specific injuries, a willpower based concentration system, the chance to bury the dead, or even exhume them, and a comprehensive new training system. There's also a whole new fully voice acted warrior's guild in which to practice your violent arts. All this and a comprehensive configuration file that will let you tailor the mod's features to your exact preferences. If any of those things sound like something you'd like your character to be able to do then read on McDuff.
Off Hand Weapons
Switch any weapon (including any added by mods) to you left hand for true dual wielding. Once switched that weapon will do damage independently of the one in your right and damage will depend on your skill with that weapon type. It is possible to use two weapons to do a simultaneous attack which results in a significant damage increase over a single weapon attack, but these are generally slower and make you more vulnerable.
Damage calculations use the same formulas (to the best of my knowledge) as vanilla attacks, though the process is handled somewhat differently internally. If you feel that UV attacks are too weak or too powerful their difficulty can be independently modified in the INI, though of course they respond to the normal difficulty slider along with everything else.
Any enchantments or poisons will be carried over to the left handed weapon and work exactly as expected. Poisoning of left hand weapons is also a simple process. You cannot however currently enchant or recharge the weapon without first returning it to your right hand.
There will of course always come a time when you have a mod that adds that one brilliant and unique weapon and you want two of them - UVII:TA allows you to very simply duplicate the weapon at the just cost of a repair hammer. It won't of course carry any charges across for enchanted weapons. This feature is desirable even when the mod provides an off hand version of a weapon, because UVII's off hand versions can have the same enchantment as the main ones.
It's probably worth noting that torches, treated as blunts, can now be used as an OH weapon (doing limited damage, but occasionally some extra fire damage).
Grip Switching
Swap any weapon between a one and two handed grip. If you're strong enough you can wield two handed weapons with just one hand, and even dual wield them.
Weapon Rotation
Rotate any weapon through 180 degrees (either fore or off hand). This allows for stabby daggers amongst other things.
Melee Combat
At any given time you'll have access to 18 (or 12 for bows and staffs) melee combat moves with your weapon(s) and an additional 12 kick type moves. Giving a total of 30 (or 24) possible melee attacks. Each weapon combination has a unique set of animations.
- 1 handed weapon (or sword and shield): 18 weapon attacks, 12 Kicks
- 2 Handed Weapon: 18 weapon attacks, 12 Kicks
- Dual Wielding: 6 Right handed attacks, 6 Left handed attacks, 6 simultaneous attacks and 12 kicks
- Bow: normal shooting, 12 blunt attacks, 12 kicks
- Staff: normal casting, 12 blunt attacks, 12 kicks)- note that bows and staffs use different animations
- Hand to Hand: 18 hand attacks, 12 Kicks, 3 Close up moves (tomoe nage, uke goshi and the astonishingly lethal neck snap)
You'll also have access to 5 of 9 possible dodges (on which more later).
The move sets are determined based on the combination of weapons you are holding. Spears use different animations to other two handed weapons. Similarly the skills required and trained are based on which weapons you are holding.
Location Specific Damage and Critical Hits
Your hits (including vanilla melee and ranged attacks) will have specific effects depending where you hit your opponent. At the simplest level this is just a multiplier making you do additional or reduced damage depending on hit location (multipliers are configurable in the INI), but there are a number of unique critical hits and effects, some of which are lethal including:
- Decapitation
- Amputation of hands, forearms, whole arms, feet, lower legs and whole legs
- Head injuries
- Torso Injuries
- Tripping
- Knocking helmets off
- Knocking weapons out of hands
- Knocking shields out of hands
It is possible to chain these effects, for example kicking somebody in the knees which knocks then to their knees, then stylishly beheading them immediately afterwards.
These critical hits should happen fairly randomly (based on some weighted factors) but not so often they unbalance the game. Of course their scarcity if ully configurable in the INI. If however you wish to perform them on demand you have a couple of options. There is an ability (god amongst men) which is NOT given by default, use the INI to enable it, which you may cast to make yourself able to perform critical 100% of the time. In fact this is not exactly the case, opponents may still block, counter and dodge your hits, but if they do connect they're likely to have an effect. Similarly you can make use of concentration mode to get a very temporary guaranteed critical hit though it is again subject to dodges, blocks and counters. See below for more information about this. A more permanent solution is to change the criticalhitchance setting in the INI up or down. To completely remove the chance of critical hits there is a setting to turn them off.
The amputations in particular depend on a special skeleton. Because this method results in a somewhat wobbly head, the skeleton has to be swapped in to opponents on the fly during combat. This is done by swapping the skeleton while a combat opponent is off camera and back again similarly. Hopefully the effect should be fairly inconspicuous.
Marksman Skills
Throw any weapon or object (as a rule of thumb, if you can pick it up you can throw it). If you have trained in the skill then throwing weapons becomes a much more deadly pursuit. Throw objects with variable power for different spin and distances. Certain types of weapons may stick in scenery if they connect at the correct angle. You can instantly prepare an object to throw as you pick it up, meaning you can run away flinging things at your pursuers. Different types of objects fly differently, shields spin horizontally, weapons spin vertically, spears, arrows and darts fly straight etc.
When throwing enchanted or poisoned weapons the enchantment or poison is applied to the target as expected. Throwing a poison or potion will apply the effects of that potion to the target with some splatter to nearby actors. It is also possible to use alchemy to create throwable explosives (see below). Throwing a soul gem will release whatever soul is trapped in there (including a random one if the soul is not named)
When NPCs hear the sound of something being thrown, they may go and investigate it meaning throwing can be a very useful method of distraction for sneakier types.
The marksman skill 50 perk has been improved and linked to your skill level. You can now zoom when drawing a bow or aiming a throw to a much further level depending on your skill, and the free zoom allows you to control how much you want to zoom in or out. This can also be considered an observational skill.
If you're in third person mode, the camera will automatically switch to first when you draw your bow or aim a throw the snap back to third person once the projectile has connected.
Magic Skills
Chargeable spells: Charge any spell you have to a more powerful version simply by holding down the cast key. It will increase the power of the spell up to the level of your magicka.
Soul trap and release: If you capture a soul using soul trap, the soul gem will be named for that creature and a spirit version of that will be released to wreak havok. This will work for any creatures or NPCs including those added by mods.
Pre-filled soul gems will release a random spirit (appropriate to the level of the gem). The spirit may be of anything from the basic game, or anything you have encountered on your travels, including creatures added by mods.
Athletic and Acrobatic Skills
You can now climb up any static object which has full collision, including walls, buildings columns, trees, in fact almost anything. To get the very best out of this skill I highly recommend the use of one of arthmoor's open cities mods. To climb effectively you must be looking at the object you wish to climb and you must first jump to get started.
The other acrobatic skills available are a series of 9 different dodges. At the most basic level we have ducking, which everyone can do. After acrobatics skill 50 we get the normal dodges available to a player as the skill 50 acrobatics perk, however they are accessed with a simple double tap of a direction key instead of the slightly convoluted vanilla system.
Once we get to skill 75, a second set of much more acrobatic dodges become available. These cannot be performed in heavy armour unless you change the INI setting that prevents this, and the same setting can also make them impossible in any armour at all. The acrobatics simply take over from the lower skill level ones when appropriate (assuming you've learned the skills)
You will of course see NPCs making extensive use of the dodges, leaping out the way of attacks, arrows, thrown weapons etc.
One additional benefit of the new dodges is that they impress bystanders. They can be used as street performance (see later) in order to affect people's disposition and even earn money.
Stealth Skills
You can now knock people out and rob them if you manage to sneak up undetected behind them and bonk them on the head. No special weapons are needed for this effect and it will work on any NPC. They will appear dead, and thus lootable, but wake up after a short period of time.
All attacks on sleeping victims are considered a coup de grace and will always be lethal (except for the specific case of knock out blows).
It's also possible to catch a wall in mid air and begin climbing immediately, this means you can jump from wall to wall, or lower yourself down from high buildings.
Climbing through windows (BETA) yes you read that right. You'll be able to enter or exit any building through the windows. If a building is locked then you will have to be able to open the lock (i.e. have lockpicks or a skeleton key). The lockpick game is not however played, rather, a test is used based on your lockpick skill.
There are a couple of reasons this feature is considered beta, one is that it's not actually possible to detect a window as part of a larger static, so it's up to the player to use his own judgement to say he's over a window, second it only works if the building you're entering is a single load cell (this is sometimes not the case for multi storey buildings) third if the level designer is lazy and the inside model doesn't match the outside model's dimensions then there will be a mismatch about where you arrive. Finally if there is a load door to another building nearer you than the load door of the building you're trying to enter, then you'll end up in the wrong building, and probably falling through space. If the system does fail, it will catch you and place you in front of the door, as if you had entered that way.
Alchemy Skills
Three new special components/ingredients are available to you:
- Black powder
- Fuses
- Tap components (proximity detectors basically)
In combination with potions, these three objects allow you the flexibility to create various useful explosives:
- Create explosives to blow the locks on doors or containers
- You must use exactly the correct amount of black power or you may fail to open the lock, or completely destroy the container (and break all the contents) that you are trying to open.
- Create bombs to throw at people
- Create fused bombs to throw
- Create bombs which will explode when someone is near
- You don't have to just throw the potions though, you can use the lock blowing system to affix exploding potions to any door or container, with a proximity trap or fuse to create real and effective traps. The life of a cyrodiil assassin has never been so sophisticated.
- You can also reverse pickpocket explosive potions onto npcs and watch the hilarity ensue (note that a fuse is a good idea here).
You'll find these objects and ingredients and a selection of premade explosives and traps for sale around cyrodiil and its mods in the hands of various merchants.
Performance Skills
Each performance skill affects how much the people around you like you, not unlike persuasion. There is an amount they like each skill type and performing that skill will drag their feelings towards you in that direction. Some may like a skill, others may hate it. Some may even attack you (or stop attacking you) when you perform for them. The rate at which their dispositions are dragged is dependant on your speechcraft (or in one case acrobatics) skill and how much they like that discipline.
The skills are as follows:
- Juggling
- Dancing (can be done with or without weapons in hand)
- Acrobatics (actually the dodges from the melee system, but they have the same effects on non-combatant bystanders as long as you have your weapon sheathed)
- Playing the lute. This can be done either with one of seven default (and user changeable) tunes, or you can turn your keyboard into an instrument and actually 'play' the lute. You too can violate the airwaves of cyrodiil with your ten thumbed, tone deaf, talentless noise pollution.
Performing should always be done without weapons (or at least with weapons sheathed). If people see you performing they may start to gather around you. They may even through you some coins. If you get really good you can make significant money performing as a bard for the cultural elite.
Other Speechcraft Skills
You may taunt people until they start fights with you, which means defending yourself isn't a criminal offence,
You may also plead with people attacking you and ask them to spare your life, which they just might.
Finally, as a master speechcraft perk, you may learn to sweet talk honest merchants into buying goods of dubious origin (stuff you stole). It won't affect their long term responsibility of course, they're not about to become a thieves guild fence, but it can be very useful, especially if you need to provide a receipt for some unique object.
Enter a version of 'bullet time' whenever you want, with the amount of time you get determined by your willpower (but quite short). In this mode a successful hit always triggers a critical (note that that doesn't mean every hit is a kill, or indeed every hit is successful) but you can only make one attack (successful or otherwise) while in bullet time.
Dealing with the Dead
If you have a shovel in your inventory you can bury the corpses of those who have fallen. You can also mark those graves with a wooden headstone complete with customisable epitaph.
You can then dig up the grave and either plunder the stuff, or safely store your own things there (be warned though grave digging is considered an offence in cyrodiil)
You can also actually dig up any grave (from any architecture set in the game and most mods) you come across in the same way and access the loot of the fallen, though graves you did not make yourself should not be considered safe storage.
It's not just the guards you have to look out for, digging may well disturb the spirit of the dead, who will become enraged and attack you! If it's a normal grave it will just be a random spirit, but if you dug it yourself then it will be the specific spirit of whoever is buried there.
All the new skills and moves are delivered via the vanilla training system. To learn a new skill go to the appropriate trainer, enter the training menu tap the UV Attack Button and they'll present a list of available skills. If they have the skill to teach you and you have the skill to learn you can spend some cash and learn a new skill. Accumulation of every skill in the game is a decidedly costly experience (not for those who don't like this idea it can be entirely bypassed in the INI to give you all the skills up front when you reach the required skill level)
All the training dummies, training bales etc. actually work now so you can train your skills by attacking them. Target spells aimed at the dummies also train the relevant school of magic.
Carrying your gear
You can now stow your shield or off hand weapon on your back when you're not using it. When you sheath or draw your weapon you can choose whether to ready/stow your shield or OH weapon. This allows for greater flexibility of weapon choice (for example fighting with a torch in one hand is feasible without actively unequipping your shield).
If you don't want to stow weapons/shields on your back then there's an option in the INI to simply hide them when you sheath your weapon.
UVII includes a fumbling system. It is possible when making an attack to fluff it, depending on a combination of the difficulty of the attack and your weapon skill. If you do fluff the attack one of various things will happen.
- Drop your primary weapon
- Drop your shield/oh weapon
- Drop both
- Hit yourself
- Trip Over
It's not just you who can fumble, your NPC opponents can as well.
The Warrior's Guild
If you like a bit of fighting, the warrior's guild is one of THE places to hang out in Cyrodiil. Essentially and underground (technically underwater but lets not split hairs) fight club, it provides the toughest challenge for serious fans of combat. Magic is banned in the fights, including all magic items, potions, spells (and for some reason booze). This means once you enter a fight you'll have no means to heal yourself and will have to rely on your skills to survive.
The guild is made up of systematically generated characters, of staggeringly different skills, equipment and levels so there's always somebody new about with the exception of 'the organiser' who is a constant. He it is who organises and runs the book on fights. You may however challenge anybody in the guild to a normal or bare handed fight, though they may not necessarily wish to fight with you for one reason or another. If you choose to fight bare handed you will be disqualified for equipping any weapon or piece or armour.
Fights are not always to the death. They are bouts of two minutes each and you are awarded points both for damage to your opponent and for how entertaining you were to watch. Get enough points and you progress through the ranks of the guild. Lose a few fights and you'll find yourself demoted again.
To find the guild, head for the imperial prison isle, take a left and look for a bar called Wrye's dive teetering on the edge of a cliff and approached by a rickety old bridge. From there, it's up to you.
Bounty Hunters
If you spend a lot of time with a large bounty on your head, there's a fairly good chance you'll eventually be tracked down by some bounty hunters. They'll come looking to bring you in dead or alive - preferably dead. The frequency of these randomly generated encounters can be controlled in the INI file.
Opponent AI
Look around you. You may see NPCs holding their weapons differently. Some may be dual wielding, some may be carrying one handed weapons on their backs, or two handed weapons on their belts. Some may even be dual wielding two handed weapons. If any of them are in combat they may well be making use of some of the new UV moves.
Anybody you fight when using UVII:TA has access to almost the same set of skills as you. They will use many of these moves against you and against each other. Moves are given to AI based on their skill set so as you meet higher level opponents you'll be facing more sophisticated fighters. They will duck, dodge, block, kick and set about you with a dazzling array of violent behaviour. They will attempt to avoid your ranged attacks, often diving out the way before you even release an arrow, after all who likes having a bent bow pointed at them?
The NPCs have likes and dislikes, if they approve of what you're doing you will see their disposition toward you creeping up.
Camera Tricks
First person mode should look a bit different. This is because UVII:TA depends on the first person skeleton from Loup Sombre's excellent 'Third person animations in first person' which allows me the luxury of applying all my animations correctly in first person mode (something that was not possible with the previous version of UV). Of course if you have Deadly Reflex 6, then you're already using that skeleton so it should look the same. For those who don't be prepared for a more engaging experience. Your head bobs as you walk, your weapons swing with your arms, everything feels a lot more connected than it did before.
UVII:TA was really designed to be played primarily in third person, though thanks to the improved first person mode this is no longer as necessary. However to get the best out of all the wonderful animations you should at least try it. To make third person mode more acceptable the camera has been tweaked to become much less elastic making it easier to play in this mode without becoming seasick.
One useful camera feature is the bow and throw 'autoswitch' This instantly transfers you into first person mode when you draw a bow and back to third person a short time after you release. It does the same for throwing. This makes archery a lot more feasible for regular third person players.
UVII:TA is incredibly configurable via an INI file. If you don't like a feature it can be disabled (mostly). There are virtually no numbers hard coded into the game, instead with all being made available in the INI, meaning you can configure the game to play exactly the way you want to. There are currently 103 user configurable options so I shan't list them here, however there is a comprehensive description of each in the INI file.
It's also possible to override the setup menus and define keys in the INI so those who wish to use it but often start new games needn't go through the set up process every time.
If you wish to change any of the animations, for whatever reason, then it is a little more complicated than simply swapping the files out. For each animation you change you will need to modify the values in three separate scripts:
- uvLookUpHit - You'll need to fill in the time in the attack where it should connect (you can usually get this out of nifskope)
- uvLookUpStop - Fill in the total length of the animation
- uvLookUpHeight - Make a judgement about the approximate height of the attack. A good rule of thumb is that most attacks are around 70, but especially high or low ones will need values between 1 and 100.
If you want to change the dodges, then you'll need to edit the following scripts to include the lengths of the dodge animations:
- uvApplyPlayerdodge
- uvDetaermineDodge
Other animations require similar modifications. On the whole its probably easier just to accept these ones, unless you're comfortable rooting around in scripts.
UVII:TA has been designed to be as compatible as possible with as many mods as possible. Because virtually everything is done with scripting, including the dissemination of objects and characters, there is no use of levelled lists. There may of course be some crossover of functionality between this and other mods. If that happens there may be minor conflicts. The known compatibility problems are as follows:
- Not compatible with UVI or Throw and Weapon
- Not compatible with any mod that allows for infinite rings
- The area around the imperial prison is used by the warrior's guild. It is thus possible that there may be some compatibility issues around here.
- If you want to use it with Deadly Reflex you will have to install the resources of deadly reflex AFTER those of UVII or some DR animations may end up returning to their vanilla versions.
For the most part any issues (except that of the warrior's guild) can be solved by simply switching off the relevant feature in the INI.
Known Bugs
I expect to see this section expanding after release, but for now:
- The close up throw animations sometimes glitch, but they recover fine.
- The window entry system is distinctly flaky, and has no way to forcibly stop you just pretending a wall is a window...
- Sometimes if you are performing an action such as dance, or climbing in first person then switch to third and stop the action, the next time you switch into first person you may seem to be performing the same action. Just tapping the UV attack key usually fixes this.
- Every so often (and I haven't yet figured out what's causing this but I suspect it's something regular) the vanilla attack key gets locked out. If this happens simply tap the UV attack key and the problem instantly resolves itself.
Getting Started - Installation
Installation with Oblivion Mod Manager:
Installation couldn't be easier. The mod is packaged in OMOD ready format, just open oblivion mod manager, select 'create' select 'add archive' locate the file you downloaded and click 'create omod' The new omod should appear on the right hand panel of the screen. Double click that and Robert will be your mother's brother.
Manual Installation:
Unzip the archive you downloaded and move all the files into your Oblivion/Data folder. Make sure you agree to merge folders.
Getting Stopped - Uninstallation
Note: ensure you first disable the mod and check your game is running smoothly before removing the mod completely.
Uninstallation with Oblivion Mod Manager:
Open oblivion mod manager, locate the mod on the right hand panel, double click it. You're done.
Manual Uninstallation:
Delete all the files from the data folder that you added (look in the archive to find what they're all called)
Playing The Mod For The First Time
Assuming you've skipped the previous step and not immediately uninstalled the mod after installing it you'll be ready to play it for the first time now.
Have you patched your game to
Are you using OBSE20?
Have you installed NifSE1.0 properly (to data/obse/plugins)
Are you starting the game from the OBSE_Loader.exe?
Sure? Right let's continue.
You can start UVII:TA on a new or existing game. The result will be the same a menu will pop up asking you to choose the keys you want to use for the game (assuming you haven't disabled this and defined them in the INI instead). There are three keys you'll need to choose:
- UV Attack Key
- UV Throw Key
- UV Action Key
Between these three keys and rest of the oblivion controls, you'll be astonished at the variety of things you can do. It's worth pointing out how however that some UV moves require a certain level of manual dexterity so if you are a ham fisted oaf such as myself it will take a little practice to learn to pull them off.
Al lot of the time the same key combinations do different things depending on the context. The principal exponent of this is the UV Action key which when held will make many different actions occur depending what you activate or look at.
So now you've selected your keys. If all has gone according to plan UV will pop up a message telling you that setup is complete.
So it's time to take action. What can you do now? You have access to a very limited set of the UVII:TA functionality. Most of the moves and skills will require you to pay trainers. For now check the UVII crib sheet supplied in the readme folder for a complete list of moves, controls, contextual requirements and training info.
Many of these controls are context sensitive. A separate crib sheet in pdf format is provided with the download containing a full listing of the controls, and their requirements, as well as the relevant skill and training requirements. The following listing is more for reference of the possibilities than as a helpful guide since it does not include the context.
Switch weapon to left hand - tap action - use popup menu
Switch weapon back to right hand - tap action - use popup menu
Switch to two handed grip - tap action - use popup menu
Switch to one handed grip - tap action - use popup menu
Rotate Weapon (Right or Left Handed),tap action - use popup menu
Duplicate a Weapon - tap action - use popup menu
Left Handed Light Attack / Alt Light Attack - tap uvattack
Left Handed Power Attack / Alt Power Attack -hold uvattack
Left Handed Power Attack Left / Alt Power attack Left - right, hold uvattack
Left Handed Power Attack Right / Alt Power attack Right - left, hold uvattack
Left Handed Power Attack Back / Alt Power attack Back - back, hold uvattack
Left Handed Power Attack Forward / Alt Power attack Forward - forward, hold uvattack
Dual Wield Light Attack / Alt Light Attack 2 - tap uvattack, tap attack
Dual Wield Power Attack / Alt Power Attack 2 - hold uvattack, tap attack
Dual Wield Power Attack Left / Alt Power attack Left 2 - left, hold uvattack, hold attack
Dual Wield Power Attack Right / Alt Power attack Right 2 - right, hold uvattack, hold attack
Dual Wield Power Attack Back / Alt Power attack Back 2 - back, hold uvattack, hold attack
Dual Wield Power Attack Forward / Alt Power attack Forward 2 - forward, hold uvattack, hold attack
Light Kick - hold block, tap uvattack
Power Kick - hold block, hold uvattack
Power Kick Left - left, hold block, hold uvattack
Power Kick Right - right, hold block, hold uvattack
Power Kick Back - back, hold block, hold uvattack
Power Kick Forward - forward, hold block, hold uvattack
Alternate Light Kick (sweep) - hold block, tap attack, tap uvattack
Power Kick - hold block, hold uvattack, hold attack
Power Kick Left - left, hold block, hold uvattack, hold attack
Power Kick Right - right, hold block, hold uvattack, hold attack
Power Kick Back - back, hold block, hold uvattack, hold attack
Power Kick Forward - forward, hold block, hold uvattack, hold attack
Uke Goshi - hold uvattack
Tomoe Nage - left or right, hold uvattack
Neck Snap - forward, hold uvattack
Knock out - tap uvattack
Throw Selected Object - hold and release throw
Throw Current Weapon - hold throw, tap attack
Throw current shield / OH weapon - hold throw, tap block
Throw as a spear (usually automatic) - hold throw, tap action, release
Prepare an object to throw (game mode) - hold action, pick up object
Prepare object to throw (inventory mode),tap throw
Zoom in (Eagle Eye) Throw Mode - hold throw, rotate mouse wheel
Zoom in (Eagle Eye) Bow Mode - hold attack, rotate mouse wheel
Create Explosive Potion - tap action, use popup menu
Create Fused Potion - tap action, use popup menu
Create Proximity Trap - tap action, use popup menu
Attach Explosive to Container/Door - hold action, activate, use pop-up menu
Prepare Potion For Use in Lock - tap action, use popup menu
Poison off hand weapon, tap action ,use popup menu
Duck - Hold block, tap action
Dodge Left - doubletap left
Dodge Right - doubletap right
Dodge Back - doubletap back
Dodge Forward - doubletap forward
Acrobatic Dodge Left - doubletap left
Acrobatic Dodge Right - doubletap right
Acrobatic Dodge Back - doubletap back
Acrobatic Dodge Forward - doubletap forward
Climb - hold action
Enter Window - tap activate
Stow or ready shield or OH weapon on back - hold action, tap ready weapon
Concentration Mode - hold action - tap uvattack
Charge Spell - hold cast
Taunt - forward, tap action
Slap - forward, tap action
Reason - tap action
Persuade merchant to buy stolen goods - hold action, activate merchant
Start/Stop Dance - left, tap action
Start/Stop Juggling - right, tap action
Start/Stop playing lute - back, tap action
Enable controls while playing lute - hold uvattack
Play Lute Note - tap alphanumeric keys
Play Lute Songs - hold sneak, tap 1-7
Bury Corpse - tap action to start and again to stop
Bury Corpse with Tombstone - hold sneak, tap action to start and again to stop
Change Tombstone epitaph, activate, use popup menu
Read Tombstone Epitaph, activate, use popup menu
Remove Tombstone, activate, use popup menu
Dig up grave, tap action to start and again to stop
You can contact me by PM on the Official Bethesda forums or the TES Nexus forums as HeX_0ff. Direct support will ONLY be provided on the official forums.
Or for bug reports NOT covered here or in the FAQ below:
A lot of people have put in a lot of work over a lot of time to help me with this mod, some knowing, and some who's animations I've essentially pilfered. I'm doing my best here to remember to credit everybody but it may well be the case that I miss somebody. If you feel you should have a credit in this mod then please just let me know.
- Huge thanks to Whoguru for all the help she gave me - she entirely build and decorated the warrior's guild and wrye's dive, as well as some early alpha testing and general support.
- Thanks to OWASephirot, Amsterdam2019, monpoko, OdysseusB, sinkpoint and Frantic for the animations. This mod could not have appeared without you.
- Thanks to DragoonWraith for not just making NifSE, but for a whole host of other things ranging from simple advice to actually writing scripts. You my friend are a legend.
- Thanks to Scruggs, ianpatt and the whole OBSE team for OBSE. You have made the impossible possible, and brightened Cyrodiil for everyone.
- Thanks to shademe for the construction set extender, and a lot of other advice.
- Thanks to Wintermuteai, Andysaurus, DaMage and Phitt for various meshes and textures.
- Thanks to The talkie toaster and loup sombre for skeleton meshes and animations.
- Thanks to LSurvivor ( for providing the lute notes.
- Thanks to Ronyn, Shadow_Dragyn and Defender1 for the blood textures
- Thanks to Guidobot for his original throwing stars mod. Without poring over his scripts, I'd have really struggled to make the throwing feature.
- Thanks to Skycaptain for his advice, both direct and indirect, on many diverse things, as well as some resources.
- Thanks to everyone at the TES CS Wiki, in particular DragoonWraith again.
- Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
- Thanks to for the one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
- Thanks to everyone at the Beth forums, who has made comments and suggestions while this mod has been in WIP form.
- Thanks to everyone who's downloaded, played rated or voted for this mod.
- Thanks to Jennifer for being a most extraordinarily understanding girlfriend and putting up with my strange obsession with building this monster and for some excellent voice acting.
Tools Used
- Blender
- NIFSkope
- NifSE
- Construction Set Extender
- Oblivion Mod Manager
- Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE)
- TES Construction Set
- Texture Replacer
- Readme Generator
- Wrye Bash
- Tes4Files
- Notepad++
You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod. The animations, meshes and textures used in UVII are the product of other authors and their permission must be obtained separately if you wish to use them. The scripts are my own work. Please do not use them without my permission.
-v2.0.2 - Fixes A very serious bug where creatures were having their skeletons swapped in for the human amputation skeleton and subsequently dissappearing. (Thanks to Ouijau for identifying and reporting it quickly).
-V2.0.1 - Fixes a minor bug where marksman was being spuriously trained when using vanilla melee attacks on training dummies
Stop talking, I've now read more than 6000 words and I wanna hit something.